Source code for

import torch
import torch_geometric
from import Data

[docs]class Batch(Data): r"""A plain old python object modeling a batch of graphs as one big (dicconnected) graph. With :class:`` being the base class, all its methods can also be used here. In addition, single graphs can be reconstructed via the assignment vector :obj:`batch`, which maps each node to its respective graph identifier. """ def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(Batch, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data_list(data_list, follow_batch=[]): r"""Constructs a batch object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly. Additionally, creates assignment batch vectors for each key in :obj:`follow_batch`.""" keys = [set(data.keys) for data in data_list] keys = list(set.union(*keys)) assert 'batch' not in keys batch = Batch() for key in keys: batch[key] = [] for key in follow_batch: batch['{}_batch'.format(key)] = [] cumsum = {} batch.batch = [] for i, data in enumerate(data_list): for key in data.keys: item = data[key] + cumsum.get(key, 0) if key in cumsum: cumsum[key] += data.__inc__(key, item) else: cumsum[key] = data.__inc__(key, item) batch[key].append(item) for key in follow_batch: size = data[key].size(data.__cat_dim__(key, data[key])) item = torch.full((size, ), i, dtype=torch.long) batch['{}_batch'.format(key)].append(item) num_nodes = data.num_nodes if num_nodes is not None: item = torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long) batch.batch.append(item) if num_nodes is None: batch.batch = None for key in batch.keys: item = batch[key][0] if torch.is_tensor(item): batch[key] = batch[key], dim=data_list[0].__cat_dim__(key, item)) elif isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, float): batch[key] = torch.tensor(batch[key]) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported attribute type.') # Copy custom data functions to batch (does not work yet): # if data_list.__class__ != Data: # org_funcs = set(Data.__dict__.keys()) # funcs = set(data_list[0].__class__.__dict__.keys()) # batch.__custom_funcs__ = funcs.difference(org_funcs) # for func in funcs.difference(org_funcs): # setattr(batch, func, getattr(data_list[0], func)) if torch_geometric.is_debug_enabled(): batch.debug() return batch.contiguous()
@property def num_graphs(self): """Returns the number of graphs in the batch.""" return self.batch[-1].item() + 1