Source code for torch_geometric.nn.pool.edge_pool

from collections import namedtuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_sparse import coalesce
from torch_geometric.utils import softmax, scatter_

[docs]class EdgePooling(torch.nn.Module): r"""The edge pooling operator from the `"Towards Graph Pooling by Edge Contraction" <>`_ and `"Edge Contraction Pooling for Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ papers. In short, a score is computed for each edge. Edges are contracted iteratively according to that score unless one of their nodes has already been part of a contracted edge. To duplicate the configuration from the "Towards Graph Pooling by Edge Contraction" paper, use either :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_softmax` or :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_tanh`, and set :obj:`add_to_edge_score` to :obj:`0`. To duplicate the configuration from the "Edge Contraction Pooling for Graph Neural Networks" paper, set :obj:`dropout` to :obj:`0.2`. Args: in_channels (int): Size of each input sample. edge_score_method (function, optional): The function to apply to compute the edge score from raw edge scores. By default, this is the softmax over all incoming edges for each node. Functions that can be used take in a :obj:`raw_edge_score` tensor of shape :obj:`[num_nodes]` and :obj:`edge_index`, and produces a new tensor of the same size as :obj:`raw_edge_score` describing the normalized edge scores. Included functions are :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_softmax`, :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_tanh`, and :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_sigmoid`. (default: :func:`EdgePooling.compute_edge_score_softmax`) dropout (float, optional): The probability with which to drop edge scores during training. (default: :obj:`0`) add_to_edge_score (float, optional): This is added to each computed edge score. Adding this greatly helps with unpool stability. (default: :obj:`0.5`) """ unpool_description = namedtuple( "UnpoolDescription", ["edge_index", "cluster", "batch", "new_edge_score"]) def __init__(self, in_channels, edge_score_method=None, dropout=0, add_to_edge_score=0.5): super(EdgePooling, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels if edge_score_method is None: edge_score_method = self.compute_edge_score_softmax self.compute_edge_score = edge_score_method self.add_to_edge_score = add_to_edge_score self.dropout = dropout self.lin = torch.nn.Linear(2 * in_channels, 1) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): self.lin.reset_parameters()
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_edge_score_softmax(raw_edge_score, edge_index): return softmax(raw_edge_score, edge_index[1], raw_edge_score.size(0))
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_edge_score_tanh(raw_edge_score, edge_index): return torch.tanh(raw_edge_score)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_edge_score_sigmoid(raw_edge_score, edge_index): return torch.sigmoid(raw_edge_score)
[docs] def forward(self, x, edge_index, batch): r"""Forward computation which computes the raw edge score, normalizes it, and merges the edges. Args: x (Tensor): The node features. edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. batch (LongTensor): Batch vector :math:`\mathbf{b} \in {\{ 0, \ldots, B-1\}}^N`, which assigns each node to a specific example. Return types: * **x** *(Tensor)* - The pooled node features. * **edge_index** *(LongTensor)* - The coarsened edge indices. * **batch** *(LongTensor)* - The coarsened batch vector. * **unpool_info** *(unpool_description)* - Information that is consumed by :func:`EdgePooling.unpool` for unpooling. """ e =[x[edge_index[0]], x[edge_index[1]]], dim=-1) e = self.lin(e).view(-1) e = F.dropout(e, p=self.dropout, e = self.compute_edge_score(e, edge_index) + self.add_to_edge_score x, edge_index, batch, unpool_info = self.__merge_edges__( x, edge_index, batch, e) return x, edge_index, batch, unpool_info
def __merge_edges__(self, x, edge_index, batch, edge_score): nodes_remaining = set(range(x.size(0))) cluster = torch.empty_like(batch, device=torch.device('cpu')) edge_argsort = torch.argsort(edge_score, descending=True) # Iterate through all edges, selecting it if it is not incident to # another already chosen edge. i = 0 new_edge_indices = [] edge_index_cpu = edge_index.cpu() for edge_idx in edge_argsort.tolist(): source = edge_index_cpu[0, edge_idx].item() if source not in nodes_remaining: continue target = edge_index_cpu[1, edge_idx].item() if target not in nodes_remaining: continue new_edge_indices.append(edge_idx) cluster[source] = i nodes_remaining.remove(source) if source != target: cluster[target] = i nodes_remaining.remove(target) i += 1 # The remaining nodes are simply kept. for node_idx in nodes_remaining: cluster[node_idx] = i i += 1 cluster = # We compute the new features as an addition of the old ones. new_x = scatter_('add', x, cluster, dim_size=i) new_edge_score = edge_score[new_edge_indices] if len(nodes_remaining) > 0: remaining_score = x.new_ones( (new_x.size(0) - len(new_edge_indices), )) new_edge_score =[new_edge_score, remaining_score]) new_x = new_x * new_edge_score.view(-1, 1) N = new_x.size(0) new_edge_index, _ = coalesce(cluster[edge_index], None, N, N) new_batch = x.new_empty(new_x.size(0), dtype=torch.long) new_batch = new_batch.scatter_(0, cluster, batch) unpool_info = self.unpool_description(edge_index=edge_index, cluster=cluster, batch=batch, new_edge_score=new_edge_score) return new_x, new_edge_index, new_batch, unpool_info
[docs] def unpool(self, x, unpool_info): r"""Unpools a previous edge pooling step. For unpooling, :obj:`x` should be of same shape as those produced by this layer's :func:`forward` function. Then, it will produce an unpooled :obj:`x` in addition to :obj:`edge_index` and :obj:`batch`. Args: x (Tensor): The node features. unpool_info (unpool_description): Information that has been produced by :func:`EdgePooling.forward`. Return types: * **x** *(Tensor)* - The unpooled node features. * **edge_index** *(LongTensor)* - The new edge indices. * **batch** *(LongTensor)* - The new batch vector. """ new_x = x / unpool_info.new_edge_score.view(-1, 1) new_x = new_x[unpool_info.cluster] return new_x, unpool_info.edge_index, unpool_info.batch
def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.in_channels)