Source code for

import re
import copy
import logging
import collections

import torch
import torch_geometric
from torch_sparse import coalesce, SparseTensor
from torch_geometric.utils import (contains_isolated_nodes,
                                   contains_self_loops, is_undirected)

from ..utils.num_nodes import maybe_num_nodes

__num_nodes_warn_msg__ = (
    'The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its {} '
    'indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., '
    'in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting '
    'the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to '

def size_repr(key, item, indent=0):
    indent_str = ' ' * indent
    if torch.is_tensor(item) and item.dim() == 0:
        out = item.item()
    elif torch.is_tensor(item):
        out = str(list(item.size()))
    elif isinstance(item, SparseTensor):
        out = str(item.sizes())[:-1] + f', nnz={item.nnz()}]'
    elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
        out = str([len(item)])
    elif isinstance(item, dict):
        lines = [indent_str + size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in item.items()]
        out = '{\n' + ',\n'.join(lines) + '\n' + indent_str + '}'
    elif isinstance(item, str):
        out = f'"{item}"'
        out = str(item)

    return f'{indent_str}{key}={out}'

[docs]class Data(object): r"""A plain old python object modeling a single graph with various (optional) attributes: Args: x (Tensor, optional): Node feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_node_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_index (LongTensor, optional): Graph connectivity in COO format with shape :obj:`[2, num_edges]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attr (Tensor, optional): Edge feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_edges, num_edge_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) y (Tensor, optional): Graph or node targets with arbitrary shape. (default: :obj:`None`) pos (Tensor, optional): Node position matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_dimensions]`. (default: :obj:`None`) normal (Tensor, optional): Normal vector matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_dimensions]`. (default: :obj:`None`) face (LongTensor, optional): Face adjacency matrix with shape :obj:`[3, num_faces]`. (default: :obj:`None`) The data object is not restricted to these attributes and can be extented by any other additional data. Example:: data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index) data.train_idx = torch.tensor([...], dtype=torch.long) data.test_mask = torch.tensor([...], dtype=torch.bool) """ def __init__(self, x=None, edge_index=None, edge_attr=None, y=None, pos=None, normal=None, face=None, **kwargs): self.x = x self.edge_index = edge_index self.edge_attr = edge_attr self.y = y self.pos = pos self.normal = normal self.face = face for key, item in kwargs.items(): if key == 'num_nodes': self.__num_nodes__ = item else: self[key] = item if edge_index is not None and edge_index.dtype != torch.long: raise ValueError( (f'Argument `edge_index` needs to be of type `torch.long` but ' f'found type `{edge_index.dtype}`.')) if face is not None and face.dtype != torch.long: raise ValueError( (f'Argument `face` needs to be of type `torch.long` but found ' f'type `{face.dtype}`.')) if torch_geometric.is_debug_enabled(): self.debug()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dictionary): r"""Creates a data object from a python dictionary.""" data = cls() for key, item in dictionary.items(): data[key] = item if torch_geometric.is_debug_enabled(): data.debug() return data
def to_dict(self): return {key: item for key, item in self} def to_namedtuple(self): keys = self.keys DataTuple = collections.namedtuple('DataTuple', keys) return DataTuple(*[self[key] for key in keys])
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): r"""Gets the data of the attribute :obj:`key`.""" return getattr(self, key, None)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Sets the attribute :obj:`key` to :obj:`value`.""" setattr(self, key, value)
@property def keys(self): r"""Returns all names of graph attributes.""" keys = [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if self[key] is not None] keys = [key for key in keys if key[:2] != '__' and key[-2:] != '__'] return keys
[docs] def __len__(self): r"""Returns the number of all present attributes.""" return len(self.keys)
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): r"""Returns :obj:`True`, if the attribute :obj:`key` is present in the data.""" return key in self.keys
[docs] def __iter__(self): r"""Iterates over all present attributes in the data, yielding their attribute names and content.""" for key in sorted(self.keys): yield key, self[key]
[docs] def __call__(self, *keys): r"""Iterates over all attributes :obj:`*keys` in the data, yielding their attribute names and content. If :obj:`*keys` is not given this method will iterative over all present attributes.""" for key in sorted(self.keys) if not keys else keys: if key in self: yield key, self[key]
[docs] def __cat_dim__(self, key, value): r"""Returns the dimension for which :obj:`value` of attribute :obj:`key` will get concatenated when creating batches. .. note:: This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden if the batch concatenation process is corrupted for a specific data attribute. """ # Concatenate `*index*` and `*face*` attributes in the last dimension. if bool('(index|face)', key)): return -1 # By default, concatenate sparse matrices diagonally. elif isinstance(value, SparseTensor): return (0, 1) return 0
[docs] def __inc__(self, key, value): r"""Returns the incremental count to cumulatively increase the value of the next attribute of :obj:`key` when creating batches. .. note:: This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden if the batch concatenation process is corrupted for a specific data attribute. """ # Only `*index*` and `*face*` attributes should be cumulatively summed # up when creating batches. return self.num_nodes if bool('(index|face)', key)) else 0
@property def num_nodes(self): r"""Returns or sets the number of nodes in the graph. .. note:: The number of nodes in your data object is typically automatically inferred, *e.g.*, when node features :obj:`x` are present. In some cases however, a graph may only be given by its edge indices :obj:`edge_index`. PyTorch Geometric then *guesses* the number of nodes according to :obj:`edge_index.max().item() + 1`, but in case there exists isolated nodes, this number has not to be correct and can therefore result in unexpected batch-wise behavior. Thus, we recommend to set the number of nodes in your data object explicitly via :obj:`data.num_nodes = ...`. You will be given a warning that requests you to do so. """ if hasattr(self, '__num_nodes__'): return self.__num_nodes__ for key, item in self('x', 'pos', 'normal', 'batch'): if isinstance(item, SparseTensor): return item.size(0) else: return item.size(self.__cat_dim__(key, item)) if hasattr(self, 'adj'): return self.adj.size(0) if hasattr(self, 'adj_t'): return self.adj_t.size(1) if self.face is not None: logging.warning(__num_nodes_warn_msg__.format('face')) return maybe_num_nodes(self.face) if self.edge_index is not None: logging.warning(__num_nodes_warn_msg__.format('edge')) return maybe_num_nodes(self.edge_index) return None @num_nodes.setter def num_nodes(self, num_nodes): self.__num_nodes__ = num_nodes @property def num_edges(self): """ Returns the number of edges in the graph. For undirected graphs, this will return the number of bi-directional edges, which is double the amount of unique edges. """ for key, item in self('edge_index', 'edge_attr'): return item.size(self.__cat_dim__(key, item)) for key, item in self('adj', 'adj_t'): return item.nnz() return None @property def num_faces(self): r"""Returns the number of faces in the mesh.""" if self.face is not None: return self.face.size(self.__cat_dim__('face', self.face)) return None @property def num_node_features(self): r"""Returns the number of features per node in the graph.""" if self.x is None: return 0 return 1 if self.x.dim() == 1 else self.x.size(1) @property def num_features(self): r"""Alias for :py:attr:`~num_node_features`.""" return self.num_node_features @property def num_edge_features(self): r"""Returns the number of features per edge in the graph.""" if self.edge_attr is None: return 0 return 1 if self.edge_attr.dim() == 1 else self.edge_attr.size(1)
[docs] def is_coalesced(self): r"""Returns :obj:`True`, if edge indices are ordered and do not contain duplicate entries.""" edge_index, _ = coalesce(self.edge_index, None, self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes) return self.edge_index.numel() == edge_index.numel() and ( self.edge_index != edge_index).sum().item() == 0
[docs] def coalesce(self): r""""Orders and removes duplicated entries from edge indices.""" self.edge_index, self.edge_attr = coalesce(self.edge_index, self.edge_attr, self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes) return self
[docs] def contains_isolated_nodes(self): r"""Returns :obj:`True`, if the graph contains isolated nodes.""" return contains_isolated_nodes(self.edge_index, self.num_nodes)
[docs] def contains_self_loops(self): """Returns :obj:`True`, if the graph contains self-loops.""" return contains_self_loops(self.edge_index)
[docs] def is_undirected(self): r"""Returns :obj:`True`, if graph edges are undirected.""" return is_undirected(self.edge_index, self.edge_attr, self.num_nodes)
[docs] def is_directed(self): r"""Returns :obj:`True`, if graph edges are directed.""" return not self.is_undirected()
def __apply__(self, item, func): if torch.is_tensor(item): return func(item) elif isinstance(item, SparseTensor): # Not all apply methods are supported for `SparseTensor`, e.g., # `contiguous()`. We can get around it by capturing the exception. try: return func(item) except AttributeError: return item elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): return [self.__apply__(v, func) for v in item] elif isinstance(item, dict): return {k: self.__apply__(v, func) for k, v in item.items()} else: return item
[docs] def apply(self, func, *keys): r"""Applies the function :obj:`func` to all tensor attributes :obj:`*keys`. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, :obj:`func` is applied to all present attributes. """ for key, item in self(*keys): self[key] = self.__apply__(item, func) return self
[docs] def contiguous(self, *keys): r"""Ensures a contiguous memory layout for all attributes :obj:`*keys`. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, all present attributes are ensured to have a contiguous memory layout.""" return self.apply(lambda x: x.contiguous(), *keys)
[docs] def to(self, device, *keys, **kwargs): r"""Performs tensor dtype and/or device conversion to all attributes :obj:`*keys`. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, the conversion is applied to all present attributes.""" return self.apply(lambda x:, **kwargs), *keys)
[docs] def cpu(self, *keys): r"""Copies all attributes :obj:`*keys` to CPU memory. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, the conversion is applied to all present attributes.""" return self.apply(lambda x: x.cpu(), *keys)
[docs] def cuda(self, device=None, non_blocking=False, *keys): r"""Copies all attributes :obj:`*keys` to CUDA memory. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, the conversion is applied to all present attributes.""" return self.apply( lambda x: x.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=non_blocking), *keys)
def clone(self): return self.__class__.from_dict({ k: v.clone() if torch.is_tensor(v) else copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() })
[docs] def pin_memory(self, *keys): r"""Copies all attributes :obj:`*keys` to pinned memory. If :obj:`*keys` is not given, the conversion is applied to all present attributes.""" return self.apply(lambda x: x.pin_memory(), *keys)
def debug(self): if self.edge_index is not None: if self.edge_index.dtype != torch.long: raise RuntimeError( ('Expected edge indices of dtype {}, but found dtype ' ' {}').format(torch.long, self.edge_index.dtype)) if self.face is not None: if self.face.dtype != torch.long: raise RuntimeError( ('Expected face indices of dtype {}, but found dtype ' ' {}').format(torch.long, self.face.dtype)) if self.edge_index is not None: if self.edge_index.dim() != 2 or self.edge_index.size(0) != 2: raise RuntimeError( ('Edge indices should have shape [2, num_edges] but found' ' shape {}').format(self.edge_index.size())) if self.edge_index is not None and self.num_nodes is not None: if self.edge_index.numel() > 0: min_index = self.edge_index.min() max_index = self.edge_index.max() else: min_index = max_index = 0 if min_index < 0 or max_index > self.num_nodes - 1: raise RuntimeError( ('Edge indices must lay in the interval [0, {}]' ' but found them in the interval [{}, {}]').format( self.num_nodes - 1, min_index, max_index)) if self.face is not None: if self.face.dim() != 2 or self.face.size(0) != 3: raise RuntimeError( ('Face indices should have shape [3, num_faces] but found' ' shape {}').format(self.face.size())) if self.face is not None and self.num_nodes is not None: if self.face.numel() > 0: min_index = self.face.min() max_index = self.face.max() else: min_index = max_index = 0 if min_index < 0 or max_index > self.num_nodes - 1: raise RuntimeError( ('Face indices must lay in the interval [0, {}]' ' but found them in the interval [{}, {}]').format( self.num_nodes - 1, min_index, max_index)) if self.edge_index is not None and self.edge_attr is not None: if self.edge_index.size(1) != self.edge_attr.size(0): raise RuntimeError( ('Edge indices and edge attributes hold a differing ' 'number of edges, found {} and {}').format( self.edge_index.size(), self.edge_attr.size())) if self.x is not None and self.num_nodes is not None: if self.x.size(0) != self.num_nodes: raise RuntimeError( ('Node features should hold {} elements in the first ' 'dimension but found {}').format(self.num_nodes, self.x.size(0))) if self.pos is not None and self.num_nodes is not None: if self.pos.size(0) != self.num_nodes: raise RuntimeError( ('Node positions should hold {} elements in the first ' 'dimension but found {}').format(self.num_nodes, self.pos.size(0))) if self.normal is not None and self.num_nodes is not None: if self.normal.size(0) != self.num_nodes: raise RuntimeError( ('Node normals should hold {} elements in the first ' 'dimension but found {}').format(self.num_nodes, self.normal.size(0))) def __repr__(self): cls = str(self.__class__.__name__) has_dict = any([isinstance(item, dict) for _, item in self]) if not has_dict: info = [size_repr(key, item) for key, item in self] return '{}({})'.format(cls, ', '.join(info)) else: info = [size_repr(key, item, indent=2) for key, item in self] return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(cls, ',\n'.join(info))