Source code for torch_geometric.graphgym.models.head

""" GNN heads are the last layer of a GNN right before loss computation.
They are constructed in the init function of the gnn.GNN.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from torch_geometric.graphgym.config import cfg
from torch_geometric.graphgym.models.layer import new_layer_config, MLP
import torch_geometric.graphgym.models.pooling  # noqa, register module

import torch_geometric.graphgym.register as register

[docs]class GNNNodeHead(nn.Module): """ GNN prediction head for node prediction tasks. Args: dim_in (int): Input dimension dim_out (int): Output dimension. For binary prediction, dim_out=1. """ def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out): super(GNNNodeHead, self).__init__() self.layer_post_mp = MLP( new_layer_config(dim_in, dim_out, cfg.gnn.layers_post_mp, has_act=False, has_bias=True, cfg=cfg)) def _apply_index(self, batch): mask = '{}_mask'.format(batch.split) return batch.x[batch[mask]], \ batch.y[batch[mask]] def forward(self, batch): batch = self.layer_post_mp(batch) pred, label = self._apply_index(batch) return pred, label
[docs]class GNNEdgeHead(nn.Module): """ GNN prediction head for edge/link prediction tasks. Args: dim_in (int): Input dimension dim_out (int): Output dimension. For binary prediction, dim_out=1. """ def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out): super(GNNEdgeHead, self).__init__() # module to decode edges from node embeddings if cfg.model.edge_decoding == 'concat': self.layer_post_mp = MLP( new_layer_config(dim_in * 2, dim_out, cfg.gnn.layers_post_mp, has_act=False, has_bias=True, cfg=cfg)) # requires parameter self.decode_module = lambda v1, v2: \ self.layer_post_mp(, v2), dim=-1)) else: if dim_out > 1: raise ValueError( 'Binary edge decoding ({})is used for multi-class ' 'edge/link prediction.'.format(cfg.model.edge_decoding)) self.layer_post_mp = MLP( new_layer_config(dim_in, dim_in, cfg.gnn.layers_post_mp, has_act=False, has_bias=True, cfg=cfg)) if cfg.model.edge_decoding == 'dot': self.decode_module = lambda v1, v2: torch.sum(v1 * v2, dim=-1) elif cfg.model.edge_decoding == 'cosine_similarity': self.decode_module = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1) else: raise ValueError('Unknown edge decoding {}.'.format( cfg.model.edge_decoding)) def _apply_index(self, batch): index = '{}_edge_index'.format(batch.split) label = '{}_edge_label'.format(batch.split) return batch.x[batch[index]], \ batch[label] def forward(self, batch): if cfg.model.edge_decoding != 'concat': batch = self.layer_post_mp(batch) pred, label = self._apply_index(batch) nodes_first = pred[0] nodes_second = pred[1] pred = self.decode_module(nodes_first, nodes_second) return pred, label
[docs]class GNNGraphHead(nn.Module): """ GNN prediction head for graph prediction tasks. The optional post_mp layer (specified by cfg.gnn.post_mp) is used to transform the pooled embedding using an MLP. Args: dim_in (int): Input dimension dim_out (int): Output dimension. For binary prediction, dim_out=1. """ def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out): super(GNNGraphHead, self).__init__() self.layer_post_mp = MLP( new_layer_config(dim_in, dim_out, cfg.gnn.layers_post_mp, has_act=False, has_bias=True, cfg=cfg)) self.pooling_fun = register.pooling_dict[cfg.model.graph_pooling] def _apply_index(self, batch): return batch.graph_feature, batch.y def forward(self, batch): graph_emb = self.pooling_fun(batch.x, batch.batch) graph_emb = self.layer_post_mp(graph_emb) batch.graph_feature = graph_emb pred, label = self._apply_index(batch) return pred, label
# Head models for external interface head_dict = { 'node': GNNNodeHead, 'edge': GNNEdgeHead, 'link_pred': GNNEdgeHead, 'graph': GNNGraphHead } register.head_dict = {**register.head_dict, **head_dict}