Source code for

from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Optional, NamedTuple
from torch_geometric.typing import NodeType, EdgeType, QueryType

import copy
import re
from itertools import chain
from import Mapping
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor

from import BaseData, Data, size_repr
from import (BaseStorage, NodeStorage,

NodeOrEdgeType = Union[NodeType, EdgeType]
NodeOrEdgeStorage = Union[NodeStorage, EdgeStorage]

[docs]class HeteroData(BaseData): r"""A data object describing a heterogeneous graph, holding multiple node and/or edge types in disjunct storage objects. Storage objects can hold either node-level, link-level or graph-level attributes. In general, :class:`` tries to mimic the behaviour of a regular **nested** Python dictionary. In addition, it provides useful functionality for analyzing graph structures, and provides basic PyTorch tensor functionalities. .. code-block:: from import HeteroData data = HeteroData() # Create two node types "paper" and "author" holding a feature matrix: data['paper'].x = torch.randn(num_papers, num_paper_features) data['author'].x = torch.randn(num_authors, num_authors_features) # Create an edge type "(author, writes, paper)" and building the # graph connectivity: data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = ... # [2, num_edges] data['paper'].num_nodes >>> 23 data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].num_edges >>> 52 # PyTorch tensor functionality: data = data.pin_memory() data ='cuda:0', non_blocking=True) Note that there exists multiple ways to create a heterogeneous graph data, *e.g.*: * To initialize a node of type :obj:`"paper"` holding a node feature matrix :obj:`x_paper` named :obj:`x`: .. code-block:: python from import HeteroData data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = x_paper data = HeteroData(paper={ 'x': x_paper }) data = HeteroData({'paper': { 'x': x_paper }}) * To initialize an edge from source node type :obj:`"author"` to destination node type :obj:`"paper"` with relation type :obj:`"writes"` holding a graph connectivity matrix :obj:`edge_index_author_paper` named :obj:`edge_index`: .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = edge_index_author_paper data = HeteroData(author__writes__paper={ 'edge_index': edge_index_author_paper }) data = HeteroData({ ('author', 'writes', 'paper'): { 'edge_index': edge_index_author_paper } }) """ DEFAULT_REL = 'to' def __init__(self, _mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs): self.__dict__['_global_store'] = BaseStorage(_parent=self) self.__dict__['_node_store_dict'] = {} self.__dict__['_edge_store_dict'] = {} for key, value in chain((_mapping or {}).items(), kwargs.items()): if '__' in key and isinstance(value, Mapping): key = tuple(key.split('__')) if isinstance(value, Mapping): self[key].update(value) else: setattr(self, key, value) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: # `data.*_dict` => Link to node and edge stores. # `data.*` => Link to the `_global_store`. # Using `data.*_dict` is the same as using `collect()` for collecting # nodes and edges features. if bool('_dict$', key)): out = self.collect(key[:-5]) if len(out) > 0: return out return getattr(self._global_store, key) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): # NOTE: We aim to prevent duplicates in node or edge types. if key in self.node_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as a node type") elif key in self.edge_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as an edge type") setattr(self._global_store, key, value) def __delattr__(self, key: str): delattr(self._global_store, key) def __getitem__(self, *args: Tuple[QueryType]) -> Any: # `data[*]` => Link to either `_global_store`, _node_store_dict` or # `_edge_store_dict`. # If neither is present, we create a new `Storage` object for the given # node/edge-type. key = self._to_canonical(*args) out = self._global_store.get(key, None) if out is not None: return out if isinstance(key, tuple): return self.get_edge_store(*key) else: return self.get_node_store(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): if key in self.node_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as a node type") elif key in self.edge_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as an edge type") self._global_store[key] = value def __delitem__(self, *args: Tuple[QueryType]): # `del data[*]` => Link to `_node_store_dict` or `_edge_store_dict`. key = self._to_canonical(*args) if key in self.edge_types: del self._edge_store_dict[key] elif key in self.node_types: del self._node_store_dict[key] else: del self._global_store[key] def __copy__(self): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = value out.__dict__['_global_store'] = copy.copy(self._global_store) out._global_store._parent = out out.__dict__['_node_store_dict'] = {} for key, store in self._node_store_dict.items(): out._node_store_dict[key] = copy.copy(store) out._node_store_dict[key]._parent = out out.__dict__['_edge_store_dict'] = {} for key, store in self._edge_store_dict.items(): out._edge_store_dict[key] = copy.copy(store) out._edge_store_dict[key]._parent = out return out def __deepcopy__(self, memo): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(value, memo) out._global_store._parent = out for key in self._node_store_dict.keys(): out._node_store_dict[key]._parent = out for key in out._edge_store_dict.keys(): out._edge_store_dict[key]._parent = out return out def __repr__(self) -> str: info1 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._global_store.items()] info2 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._node_store_dict.items()] info3 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._edge_store_dict.items()] info = ',\n'.join(info1 + info2 + info3) info = f'\n{info}\n' if len(info) > 0 else info return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({info})' def stores_as(self, data: 'HeteroData'): for node_type in data.node_types: self.get_node_store(node_type) for edge_type in data.edge_types: self.get_edge_store(*edge_type) return self @property def stores(self) -> List[BaseStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all storages of the graph.""" return ([self._global_store] + list(self.node_stores) + list(self.edge_stores)) @property def node_types(self) -> List[NodeType]: r"""Returns a list of all node types of the graph.""" return list(self._node_store_dict.keys()) @property def node_stores(self) -> List[NodeStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all node storages of the graph.""" return list(self._node_store_dict.values()) @property def edge_types(self) -> List[EdgeType]: r"""Returns a list of all edge types of the graph.""" return list(self._edge_store_dict.keys()) @property def edge_stores(self) -> List[EdgeStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all edge storages of the graph.""" return list(self._edge_store_dict.values())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = self._global_store.to_dict() for key, store in chain(self._node_store_dict.items(), self._edge_store_dict.items()): out[key] = store.to_dict() return out
[docs] def to_namedtuple(self) -> NamedTuple: field_names = list(self._global_store.keys()) field_values = list(self._global_store.values()) field_names += [ '__'.join(key) if isinstance(key, tuple) else key for key in self.node_types + self.edge_types ] field_values += [ store.to_namedtuple() for store in self.node_stores + self.edge_stores ] DataTuple = namedtuple('DataTuple', field_names) return DataTuple(*field_values)
[docs] def __cat_dim__(self, key: str, value: Any, store: Optional[NodeOrEdgeStorage] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if isinstance(value, SparseTensor) and 'adj' in key: return (0, 1) elif 'index' in key or 'face' in key: return -1 return 0
[docs] def __inc__(self, key: str, value: Any, store: Optional[NodeOrEdgeStorage] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if 'batch' in key: return int(value.max()) + 1 elif isinstance(store, EdgeStorage) and 'index' in key: return torch.tensor(store.size()).view(2, 1) else: return 0
@property def num_nodes(self) -> Optional[int]: r"""Returns the number of nodes in the graph.""" return super().num_nodes def debug(self): pass # TODO ########################################################################### def _to_canonical(self, *args: Tuple[QueryType]) -> NodeOrEdgeType: # Converts a given `QueryType` to its "canonical type": # 1. `relation_type` will get mapped to the unique # `(src_node_type, relation_type, dst_node_type)` tuple. # 2. `(src_node_type, dst_node_type)` will get mapped to the unique # `(src_node_type, *, dst_node_type)` tuple, and # `(src_node_type, 'to', dst_node_type)` otherwise. if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] if isinstance(args, str): node_types = [key for key in self.node_types if key == args] if len(node_types) == 1: args = node_types[0] return args # Try to map to edge type based on unique relation type: edge_types = [key for key in self.edge_types if key[1] == args] if len(edge_types) == 1: args = edge_types[0] return args elif len(args) == 2: # Try to find the unique source/destination node tuple: edge_types = [ key for key in self.edge_types if key[0] == args[0] and key[-1] == args[-1] ] if len(edge_types) == 1: args = edge_types[0] return args else: args = (args[0], self.DEFAULT_REL, args[1]) return args return args
[docs] def metadata(self) -> Tuple[List[NodeType], List[EdgeType]]: r"""Returns the heterogeneous meta-data, *i.e.* its node and edge types. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = ... data['author'].x = ... data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = ... print(data.metadata()) >>> (['paper', 'author'], [('author', 'writes', 'paper')]) """ return self.node_types, self.edge_types
[docs] def collect(self, key: str) -> Dict[NodeOrEdgeType, Any]: r"""Collects the attribute :attr:`key` from all node and edge types. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = ... data['author'].x = ... print(data.collect('x')) >>> { 'paper': ..., 'author': ...} .. note:: This is equivalent to writing :obj:`data.x_dict`. """ mapping = {} for subtype, store in chain(self._node_store_dict.items(), self._edge_store_dict.items()): if hasattr(store, key): mapping[subtype] = getattr(store, key) return mapping
[docs] def get_node_store(self, key: NodeType) -> NodeStorage: r"""Gets the :class:`` object of a particular node type :attr:`key`. If the storage is not present yet, will create a new :class:`` object for the given node type. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() node_storage = data.get_node_store('paper') """ out = self._node_store_dict.get(key, None) if out is None: out = NodeStorage(_parent=self, _key=key) self._node_store_dict[key] = out return out
[docs] def get_edge_store(self, src: str, rel: str, dst: str) -> EdgeStorage: r"""Gets the :class:`` object of a particular edge type given by the tuple :obj:`(src, rel, dst)`. If the storage is not present yet, will create a new :class:`` object for the given edge type. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() edge_storage = data.get_edge_store('author', 'writes', 'paper') """ key = (src, rel, dst) out = self._edge_store_dict.get(key, None) if out is None: out = EdgeStorage(_parent=self, _key=key) self._edge_store_dict[key] = out return out
[docs] def to_homogeneous(self, node_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, edge_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_node_type: bool = True, add_edge_type: bool = True) -> Data: """Converts a :class:`` object to a homogeneous :class:`` object. By default, all features with same feature dimensionality across different types will be merged into a single representation, unless otherwise specified via the :obj:`node_attrs` and :obj:`edge_attrs` arguments. Furthermore, attributes named :obj:`node_type` and :obj:`edge_type` will be added to the returned :class:`` object, denoting node-level and edge-level vectors holding the node and edge type as integers, respectively. Args: node_attrs (List[str], optional): The node features to combine across all node types. These node features need to be of the same feature dimensionality. If set to :obj:`None`, will automatically determine which node features to combine. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attrs (List[str], optional): The edge features to combine across all edge types. These edge features need to be of the same feature dimensionality. If set to :obj:`None`, will automatically determine which edge features to combine. (default: :obj:`None`) add_node_type (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not add the node-level vector :obj:`node_type` to the returned :class:`` object. (default: :obj:`True`) add_edge_type (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not add the edge-level vector :obj:`edge_type` to the returned :class:`` object. (default: :obj:`True`) """ def _consistent_size(stores: List[BaseStorage]) -> List[str]: sizes_dict = defaultdict(list) for store in stores: for key, value in store.items(): if key in ['edge_index', 'adj_t']: continue if isinstance(value, Tensor): dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, value, store) size = value.size()[:dim] + value.size()[dim + 1:] sizes_dict[key].append(tuple(size)) return [ k for k, sizes in sizes_dict.items() if len(sizes) == len(stores) and len(set(sizes)) == 1 ] data = Data(**self._global_store.to_dict()) # Iterate over all node stores and record the slice information: node_slices, cumsum = {}, 0 node_type_names, node_types = [], [] for i, (node_type, store) in enumerate(self._node_store_dict.items()): num_nodes = store.num_nodes node_slices[node_type] = (cumsum, cumsum + num_nodes) node_type_names.append(node_type) cumsum += num_nodes if add_node_type: kwargs = {'dtype': torch.long} node_types.append(torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, **kwargs)) data._node_type_names = node_type_names if len(node_types) > 1: data.node_type =, dim=0) elif len(node_types) == 1: data.node_type = node_types[0] # Combine node attributes into a single tensor: if node_attrs is None: node_attrs = _consistent_size(self.node_stores) for key in node_attrs: values = [store[key] for store in self.node_stores] dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, values[0], self.node_stores[0]) value =, dim) if len(values) > 1 else values[0] data[key] = value if len([ key for key in node_attrs if (key in {'x', 'pos', 'batch'} or 'node' in key) ]) == 0 and not add_node_type: data.num_nodes = cumsum # Iterate over all edge stores and record the slice information: edge_slices, cumsum = {}, 0 edge_indices, edge_type_names, edge_types = [], [], [] for i, (edge_type, store) in enumerate(self._edge_store_dict.items()): src, _, dst = edge_type num_edges = store.num_edges edge_slices[edge_type] = (cumsum, cumsum + num_edges) edge_type_names.append(edge_type) cumsum += num_edges kwargs = {'dtype': torch.long, 'device': store.edge_index.device} offset = [[node_slices[src][0]], [node_slices[dst][0]]] offset = torch.tensor(offset, **kwargs) edge_indices.append(store.edge_index + offset) if add_edge_type: edge_types.append(torch.full((num_edges, ), i, **kwargs)) data._edge_type_names = edge_type_names if len(edge_indices) > 1: data.edge_index =, dim=-1) elif len(edge_indices) == 1: data.edge_index = edge_indices[0] if len(edge_types) > 1: data.edge_type =, dim=0) elif len(edge_types) == 1: data.edge_type = edge_types[0] # Combine edge attributes into a single tensor: if edge_attrs is None: edge_attrs = _consistent_size(self.edge_stores) for key in edge_attrs: values = [store[key] for store in self.edge_stores] dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, values[0], self.edge_stores[0]) value =, dim) if len(values) > 1 else values[0] data[key] = value return data