Source code for torch_geometric.datasets.sbm_dataset

import os
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import Data, InMemoryDataset
from torch_geometric.utils import stochastic_blockmodel_graph

[docs]class StochasticBlockModelDataset(InMemoryDataset): r"""A synthetic graph dataset generated by the stochastic block model. The node features of each block are sampled from normal distributions where the centers of clusters are vertices of a hypercube, as computed by the :meth:`sklearn.datasets.make_classification` method. Args: root (string): Root directory where the dataset should be saved. block_sizes ([int] or LongTensor): The sizes of blocks. edge_probs ([[float]] or FloatTensor): The density of edges going from each block to each other block. Must be symmetric if the graph is undirected. num_channels (int, optional): The number of node features. If given as :obj:`None`, node features are not generated. (default: :obj:`None`) is_undirected (bool, optional): Whether the graph to generate is undirected. (default: :obj:`True`) transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before every access. (default: :obj:`None`) pre_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before being saved to disk. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): The keyword arguments that are passed down to the :meth:`sklearn.datasets.make_classification` method for drawing node features. """ def __init__( self, root: str, block_sizes: Union[List[int], Tensor], edge_probs: Union[List[List[float]], Tensor], num_channels: Optional[int] = None, is_undirected: bool = True, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, pre_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs, ): if not isinstance(block_sizes, torch.Tensor): block_sizes = torch.tensor(block_sizes, dtype=torch.long) if not isinstance(edge_probs, torch.Tensor): edge_probs = torch.tensor(edge_probs, dtype=torch.float) self.block_sizes = block_sizes self.edge_probs = edge_probs self.num_channels = num_channels self.is_undirected = is_undirected self.kwargs = { 'n_informative': num_channels, 'n_redundant': 0, 'flip_y': 0.0, 'shuffle': False, } self.kwargs.update(kwargs) super().__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def processed_dir(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.root, self.__class__.__name__, 'processed') @property def processed_file_names(self) -> str: block_sizes = self.block_sizes.view(-1).tolist() hash1 = '-'.join([f'{x:.1f}' for x in block_sizes]) edge_probs = self.edge_probs.view(-1).tolist() hash2 = '-'.join([f'{x:.1f}' for x in edge_probs]) return f'data_{self.num_channels}_{hash1}_{hash2}.pt' def process(self): from sklearn.datasets import make_classification edge_index = stochastic_blockmodel_graph( self.block_sizes, self.edge_probs, directed=not self.is_undirected) num_samples = int(self.block_sizes.sum()) num_classes = self.block_sizes.size(0) x = None if self.num_channels is not None: x, _ = make_classification( n_samples=num_samples, n_features=self.num_channels, n_classes=num_classes, weights=self.block_sizes / num_samples, **self.kwargs, ) x = torch.from_numpy(x).to(torch.float) y = torch.arange(num_classes).repeat_interleave(self.block_sizes) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, y=y) if self.pre_transform is not None: data = self.pre_transform(data)[data]), self.processed_paths[0])
[docs]class RandomPartitionGraphDataset(StochasticBlockModelDataset): r"""The random partition graph dataset from the `"How to Find Your Friendly Neighborhood: Graph Attention Design with Self-Supervision" <>`_ paper. This is a synthetic graph of communities controlled by the node homophily and the average degree, and each community is considered as a class. The node features are sampled from normal distributions where the centers of clusters are vertices of a hypercube, as computed by the :meth:`sklearn.datasets.make_classification` method. Args: root (string): Root directory where the dataset should be saved. num_classes (int): The number of classes. num_nodes_per_class (int): The number of nodes per class. node_homophily_ratio (float): The degree of node homophily. average_degree (float): The average degree of the graph. num_channels (int, optional): The number of node features. If given as :obj:`None`, node features are not generated. (default: :obj:`None`) is_undirected (bool, optional): Whether the graph to generate is undirected. (default: :obj:`True`) transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before every access. (default: :obj:`None`) pre_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before being saved to disk. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): The keyword arguments that are passed down to :meth:`sklearn.datasets.make_classification` method in drawing node features. """ def __init__(self, root, num_classes: int, num_nodes_per_class: int, node_homophily_ratio: float, average_degree: float, num_channels: Optional[int] = None, is_undirected: bool = True, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, pre_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs): self._num_classes = num_classes self.num_nodes_per_class = num_nodes_per_class self.node_homophily_ratio = node_homophily_ratio self.average_degree = average_degree # (p_in + (C - 1) * p_out) / C = |E|/|V|^2 # i.e., p_in + (C - 1) * p_out = average_degree / num_nodes_per_class ec_over_v2 = average_degree / num_nodes_per_class p_in = node_homophily_ratio * ec_over_v2 p_out = (ec_over_v2 - p_in) / (num_classes - 1) block_sizes = [num_nodes_per_class for _ in range(num_classes)] edge_probs = [[p_out for _ in range(num_classes)] for _ in range(num_classes)] for r in range(num_classes): edge_probs[r][r] = p_in super().__init__(root, block_sizes, edge_probs, num_channels, is_undirected, transform, pre_transform, **kwargs), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def processed_file_names(self) -> str: return (f'data_{self.num_channels}_{self._num_classes}_' f'{self.num_nodes_per_class}_{self.node_homophily_ratio:.1f}_' f'{self.average_degree:.1f}.pt') def process(self): return super().process()