Source code for torch_geometric.loader.neighbor_loader

from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import Data, HeteroData
from torch_geometric.loader.base import BaseDataLoader
from torch_geometric.loader.utils import (edge_type_to_str, filter_data,
                                          filter_hetero_data, to_csc,
from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, InputNodes

NumNeighbors = Union[List[int], Dict[EdgeType, List[int]]]

class NeighborSampler:
    def __init__(
        data: Union[Data, HeteroData],
        num_neighbors: NumNeighbors,
        replace: bool = False,
        directed: bool = True,
        input_node_type: Optional[str] = None,
        self.data_cls = data.__class__
        self.num_neighbors = num_neighbors
        self.replace = replace
        self.directed = directed

        if isinstance(data, Data):
            # Convert the graph data into a suitable format for sampling.
            self.colptr, self.row, self.perm = to_csc(data, device='cpu')
            assert isinstance(num_neighbors, (list, tuple))

        elif isinstance(data, HeteroData):
            # Convert the graph data into a suitable format for sampling.
            # NOTE: Since C++ cannot take dictionaries with tuples as key as
            # input, edge type triplets are converted into single strings.
            out = to_hetero_csc(data, device='cpu')
            self.colptr_dict, self.row_dict, self.perm_dict = out

            self.node_types, self.edge_types = data.metadata()
            if isinstance(num_neighbors, (list, tuple)):
                num_neighbors = {key: num_neighbors for key in self.edge_types}
            assert isinstance(num_neighbors, dict)
            self.num_neighbors = {
                edge_type_to_str(key): value
                for key, value in num_neighbors.items()

            self.num_hops = max([len(v) for v in self.num_neighbors.values()])

            assert isinstance(input_node_type, str)
            self.input_node_type = input_node_type

            raise TypeError(f'NeighborLoader found invalid type: {type(data)}')

    def __call__(self, index: Union[List[int], Tensor]):
        if not isinstance(index, torch.LongTensor):
            index = torch.LongTensor(index)

        if issubclass(self.data_cls, Data):
            sample_fn = torch.ops.torch_sparse.neighbor_sample
            node, row, col, edge = sample_fn(
            return node, row, col, edge, index.numel()

        elif issubclass(self.data_cls, HeteroData):
            sample_fn = torch.ops.torch_sparse.hetero_neighbor_sample
            node_dict, row_dict, col_dict, edge_dict = sample_fn(
                {self.input_node_type: index},
            return node_dict, row_dict, col_dict, edge_dict, index.numel()

[docs]class NeighborLoader(BaseDataLoader): r"""A data loader that performs neighbor sampling as introduced in the `"Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs" <>`_ paper. This loader allows for mini-batch training of GNNs on large-scale graphs where full-batch training is not feasible. More specifically, :obj:`num_neighbors` denotes how much neighbors are sampled for each node in each iteration. :class:`~torch_geometric.loader.NeighborLoader` takes in this list of :obj:`num_neighbors` and iteratively samples :obj:`num_neighbors[i]` for each node involved in iteration :obj:`i - 1`. Sampled nodes are sorted based on the order in which they were sampled. In particular, the first :obj:`batch_size` nodes represent the set of original mini-batch nodes. .. code-block:: python from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid from torch_geometric.loader import NeighborLoader data = Planetoid(path, name='Cora')[0] loader = NeighborLoader( data, # Sample 30 neighbors for each node for 2 iterations num_neighbors=[30] * 2, # Use a batch size of 128 for sampling training nodes batch_size=128, input_nodes=data.train_mask, ) sampled_data = next(iter(loader)) print(sampled_data.batch_size) >>> 128 By default, the data loader will only include the edges that were originally sampled (:obj:`directed = True`). This option should only be used in case the number of hops is equivalent to the number of GNN layers. In case the number of GNN layers is greater than the number of hops, consider setting :obj:`directed = False`, which will include all edges between all sampled nodes (but is slightly slower as a result). Furthermore, :class:`~torch_geometric.loader.NeighborLoader` works for both **homogeneous** graphs stored via :class:`` as well as **heterogeneous** graphs stored via :class:``. When operating in heterogeneous graphs, more fine-grained control over the amount of sampled neighbors of individual edge types is possible, but not necessary: .. code-block:: python from torch_geometric.datasets import OGB_MAG from torch_geometric.loader import NeighborLoader hetero_data = OGB_MAG(path)[0] loader = NeighborLoader( hetero_data, # Sample 30 neighbors for each node and edge type for 2 iterations num_neighbors={key: [30] * 2 for key in hetero_data.edge_types}, # Use a batch size of 128 for sampling training nodes of type paper batch_size=128, input_nodes=('paper', hetero_data['paper'].train_mask), ) sampled_hetero_data = next(iter(loader)) print(sampled_hetero_data['paper'].batch_size) >>> 128 .. note:: For an example of using :class:`~torch_geometric.loader.NeighborLoader`, see `examples/hetero/ < pytorch_geometric/blob/master/examples/hetero/>`_. Args: data ( or The :class:`` or :class:`` graph object. num_neighbors (List[int] or Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], List[int]]): The number of neighbors to sample for each node in each iteration. In heterogeneous graphs, may also take in a dictionary denoting the amount of neighbors to sample for each individual edge type. If an entry is set to :obj:`-1`, all neighbors will be included. input_nodes (torch.Tensor or str or Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]): The indices of nodes for which neighbors are sampled to create mini-batches. Needs to be either given as a :obj:`torch.LongTensor` or :obj:`torch.BoolTensor`. If set to :obj:`None`, all nodes will be considered. In heterogeneous graphs, needs to be passed as a tuple that holds the node type and node indices. (default: :obj:`None`) replace (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will sample with replacement. (default: :obj:`False`) directed (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will include all edges between all sampled nodes. (default: :obj:`True`) transform (Callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a sampled mini-batch and returns a transformed version. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments of :class:``, such as :obj:`batch_size`, :obj:`shuffle`, :obj:`drop_last` or :obj:`num_workers`. """ def __init__( self, data: Union[Data, HeteroData], num_neighbors: NumNeighbors, input_nodes: InputNodes = None, replace: bool = False, directed: bool = True, transform: Callable = None, neighbor_sampler: Optional[NeighborSampler] = None, **kwargs, ): if 'dataset' in kwargs: del kwargs['dataset'] if 'collate_fn' in kwargs: del kwargs['collate_fn'] # Save for PyTorch Lightning: = data self.num_neighbors = num_neighbors self.input_nodes = input_nodes self.replace = replace self.directed = directed self.transform = transform self.neighbor_sampler = neighbor_sampler if neighbor_sampler is None: input_node_type = get_input_node_type(input_nodes) self.neighbor_sampler = NeighborSampler(data, num_neighbors, replace, directed, input_node_type) return super().__init__(get_input_node_indices(, input_nodes), collate_fn=self.neighbor_sampler, **kwargs) def transform_fn(self, out: Any) -> Union[Data, HeteroData]: if isinstance(, Data): node, row, col, edge, batch_size = out data = filter_data(, node, row, col, edge, self.neighbor_sampler.perm) data.batch_size = batch_size elif isinstance(, HeteroData): node_dict, row_dict, col_dict, edge_dict, batch_size = out data = filter_hetero_data(, node_dict, row_dict, col_dict, edge_dict, self.neighbor_sampler.perm_dict) data[self.neighbor_sampler.input_node_type].batch_size = batch_size return data if self.transform is None else self.transform(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()'
############################################################################### def get_input_node_type(input_nodes: InputNodes) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(input_nodes, str): return input_nodes if isinstance(input_nodes, (list, tuple)): assert isinstance(input_nodes[0], str) return input_nodes[0] return None def get_input_node_indices(data: Union[Data, HeteroData], input_nodes: InputNodes) -> Sequence: if isinstance(data, Data) and input_nodes is None: return range(data.num_nodes) if isinstance(data, HeteroData): if isinstance(input_nodes, str): input_nodes = (input_nodes, None) assert isinstance(input_nodes, (list, tuple)) assert len(input_nodes) == 2 assert isinstance(input_nodes[0], str) if input_nodes[1] is None: return range(data[input_nodes[0]].num_nodes) input_nodes = input_nodes[1] if isinstance(input_nodes, Tensor): if input_nodes.dtype == torch.bool: input_nodes = input_nodes.nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) input_nodes = input_nodes.tolist() assert isinstance(input_nodes, Sequence) return input_nodes