Source code for

import copy
import warnings
from import Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor

from import (
from import (
from import (
from torch_geometric.deprecation import deprecated
from torch_geometric.typing import (
from torch_geometric.utils import subgraph

class BaseData(object):
    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __delattr__(self, key: str):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __delitem__(self, key: str):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __copy__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def stores_as(self, data: 'BaseData'):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def stores(self) -> List[BaseStorage]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def node_stores(self) -> List[NodeStorage]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def edge_stores(self) -> List[EdgeStorage]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        r"""Returns a dictionary of stored key/value pairs."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_namedtuple(self) -> NamedTuple:
        r"""Returns a :obj:`NamedTuple` of stored key/value pairs."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __cat_dim__(self, key: str, value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
        r"""Returns the dimension for which the value :obj:`value` of the
        attribute :obj:`key` will get concatenated when creating mini-batches
        using :class:`torch_geometric.loader.DataLoader`.

        .. note::

            This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden
            in case the mini-batch creation process is corrupted for a specific
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __inc__(self, key: str, value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
        r"""Returns the incremental count to cumulatively increase the value
        :obj:`value` of the attribute :obj:`key` when creating mini-batches
        using :class:`torch_geometric.loader.DataLoader`.

        .. note::

            This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden
            in case the mini-batch creation process is corrupted for a specific
        raise NotImplementedError

    def debug(self):
        raise NotImplementedError


    def keys(self) -> List[str]:
        r"""Returns a list of all graph attribute names."""
        out = []
        for store in self.stores:
            out += list(store.keys())
        return list(set(out))

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        r"""Returns the number of graph attributes."""
        return len(self.keys)

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the attribute :obj:`key` is present in the
        return key in self.keys

    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return self.__dict__

    def __setstate__(self, mapping: Dict[str, Any]):
        for key, value in mapping.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = value

    def num_nodes(self) -> Optional[int]:
        r"""Returns the number of nodes in the graph.

        .. note::
            The number of nodes in the data object is automatically inferred
            in case node-level attributes are present, *e.g.*, :obj:`data.x`.
            In some cases, however, a graph may only be given without any
            node-level attributes.
            PyG then *guesses* the number of nodes according to
            :obj:`edge_index.max().item() + 1`.
            However, in case there exists isolated nodes, this number does not
            have to be correct which can result in unexpected behaviour.
            Thus, we recommend to set the number of nodes in your data object
            explicitly via :obj:`data.num_nodes = ...`.
            You will be given a warning that requests you to do so.
            return sum([v.num_nodes for v in self.node_stores])
        except TypeError:
            return None

    def size(
        self, dim: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]], Optional[int]]:
        r"""Returns the size of the adjacency matrix induced by the graph."""
        size = (self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes)
        return size if dim is None else size[dim]

    def num_edges(self) -> int:
        r"""Returns the number of edges in the graph.
        For undirected graphs, this will return the number of bi-directional
        edges, which is double the amount of unique edges."""
        return sum([v.num_edges for v in self.edge_stores])

    def is_coalesced(self) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if edge indices :obj:`edge_index` are sorted
        and do not contain duplicate entries."""
        return all([store.is_coalesced() for store in self.edge_stores])

    def coalesce(self):
        r"""Sorts and removes duplicated entries from edge indices
        for store in self.edge_stores:
        return self

    def has_isolated_nodes(self) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the graph contains isolated nodes."""
        return any([store.has_isolated_nodes() for store in self.edge_stores])

    def has_self_loops(self) -> bool:
        """Returns :obj:`True` if the graph contains self-loops."""
        return any([store.has_self_loops() for store in self.edge_stores])

    def is_undirected(self) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if graph edges are undirected."""
        return all([store.is_undirected() for store in self.edge_stores])

    def is_directed(self) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if graph edges are directed."""
        return not self.is_undirected()

    def apply_(self, func: Callable, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Applies the in-place function :obj:`func`, either to all attributes
        or only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        for store in self.stores:
            store.apply_(func, *args)
        return self

    def apply(self, func: Callable, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Applies the function :obj:`func`, either to all attributes or only
        the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        for store in self.stores:
            store.apply(func, *args)
        return self

    def clone(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Performs cloning of tensors, either for all attributes or only the
        ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return copy.copy(self).apply(lambda x: x.clone(), *args)

    def contiguous(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Ensures a contiguous memory layout, either for all attributes or
        only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply(lambda x: x.contiguous(), *args)

    def to(self, device: Union[int, str], *args: List[str],
           non_blocking: bool = False):
        r"""Performs tensor device conversion, either for all attributes or
        only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply(
            lambda x:, non_blocking=non_blocking), *args)

    def cpu(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Copies attributes to CPU memory, either for all attributes or only
        the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply(lambda x: x.cpu(), *args)

    def cuda(self, device: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, *args: List[str],
             non_blocking: bool = False):
        r"""Copies attributes to CUDA memory, either for all attributes or only
        the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        # Some PyTorch tensor like objects require a default value for `cuda`:
        device = 'cuda' if device is None else device
        return self.apply(lambda x: x.cuda(device, non_blocking=non_blocking),

    def pin_memory(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Copies attributes to pinned memory, either for all attributes or
        only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply(lambda x: x.pin_memory(), *args)

    def share_memory_(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Moves attributes to shared memory, either for all attributes or
        only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply_(lambda x: x.share_memory_(), *args)

    def detach_(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Detaches attributes from the computation graph, either for all
        attributes or only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply_(lambda x: x.detach_(), *args)

    def detach(self, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Detaches attributes from the computation graph by creating a new
        tensor, either for all attributes or only the ones given in
        return self.apply(lambda x: x.detach(), *args)

    def requires_grad_(self, *args: List[str], requires_grad: bool = True):
        r"""Tracks gradient computation, either for all attributes or only the
        ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply_(
            lambda x: x.requires_grad_(requires_grad=requires_grad), *args)

    def record_stream(self, stream: torch.cuda.Stream, *args: List[str]):
        r"""Ensures that the tensor memory is not reused for another tensor
        until all current work queued on :obj:`stream` has been completed,
        either for all attributes or only the ones given in :obj:`*args`."""
        return self.apply_(lambda x: x.record_stream(stream), *args)

    def is_cuda(self) -> bool:
        r"""Returns :obj:`True` if any :class:`torch.Tensor` attribute is
        stored on the GPU, :obj:`False` otherwise."""
        for store in self.stores:
            for value in store.values():
                if isinstance(value, Tensor) and value.is_cuda:
                    return True
        return False

    # Deprecated functions ####################################################

    @deprecated(details="use 'has_isolated_nodes' instead")
    def contains_isolated_nodes(self) -> bool:
        return self.has_isolated_nodes()

    @deprecated(details="use 'has_self_loops' instead")
    def contains_self_loops(self) -> bool:
        return self.has_self_loops()


class DataTensorAttr(TensorAttr):
    r"""Attribute class for `Data`, which does not require a `group_name`."""
    def __init__(self, attr_name=_field_status.UNSET,
        # Treat group_name as optional, and move it to the end
        super().__init__(None, attr_name, index)

class DataEdgeAttr(EdgeAttr):
    r"""Edge attribute class for `Data`, which does not require a
    def __init__(
        layout: EdgeLayout,
        is_sorted: bool = False,
        size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
        edge_type: EdgeType = None,
        # Treat edge_type as optional, and move it to the end
        super().__init__(edge_type, layout, is_sorted, size)

[docs]class Data(BaseData, FeatureStore, GraphStore): r"""A data object describing a homogeneous graph. The data object can hold node-level, link-level and graph-level attributes. In general, :class:`` tries to mimic the behaviour of a regular Python dictionary. In addition, it provides useful functionality for analyzing graph structures, and provides basic PyTorch tensor functionalities. See `here < introduction.html#data-handling-of-graphs>`__ for the accompanying tutorial. .. code-block:: python from import Data data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, ...) # Add additional arguments to `data`: data.train_idx = torch.tensor([...], dtype=torch.long) data.test_mask = torch.tensor([...], dtype=torch.bool) # Analyzing the graph structure: data.num_nodes >>> 23 data.is_directed() >>> False # PyTorch tensor functionality: data = data.pin_memory() data ='cuda:0', non_blocking=True) Args: x (Tensor, optional): Node feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_node_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_index (LongTensor, optional): Graph connectivity in COO format with shape :obj:`[2, num_edges]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attr (Tensor, optional): Edge feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_edges, num_edge_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) y (Tensor, optional): Graph-level or node-level ground-truth labels with arbitrary shape. (default: :obj:`None`) pos (Tensor, optional): Node position matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_dimensions]`. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): Additional attributes. """ def __init__(self, x: OptTensor = None, edge_index: OptTensor = None, edge_attr: OptTensor = None, y: OptTensor = None, pos: OptTensor = None, **kwargs): # `Data` doesn't support group_name, so we need to adjust `TensorAttr` # accordingly here to avoid requiring `group_name` to be set: super().__init__(tensor_attr_cls=DataTensorAttr) # `Data` doesn't support edge_type, so we need to adjust `EdgeAttr` # accordingly here to avoid requiring `edge_type` to be set: GraphStore.__init__(self, edge_attr_cls=DataEdgeAttr) self.__dict__['_store'] = GlobalStorage(_parent=self) if x is not None: self.x = x if edge_index is not None: self.edge_index = edge_index if edge_attr is not None: self.edge_attr = edge_attr if y is not None: self.y = y if pos is not None: self.pos = pos for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: if '_store' not in self.__dict__: raise RuntimeError( "The 'data' object was created by an older version of PyG. " "If this error occurred while loading an already existing " "dataset, remove the 'processed/' directory in the dataset's " "root folder and try again.") return getattr(self._store, key) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): propobj = getattr(self.__class__, key, None) if propobj is not None and getattr(propobj, 'fset', None) is not None: propobj.fset(self, value) else: setattr(self._store, key, value) def __delattr__(self, key: str): delattr(self._store, key) # TODO consider supporting the feature store interface for # __getitem__, __setitem__, and __delitem__ so, for example, we # can accept key: Union[str, TensorAttr] in __getitem__. def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self._store[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): self._store[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key: str): if key in self._store: del self._store[key] def __copy__(self): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = value out.__dict__['_store'] = copy.copy(self._store) out._store._parent = out return out def __deepcopy__(self, memo): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(value, memo) out._store._parent = out return out def __repr__(self) -> str: cls = self.__class__.__name__ has_dict = any([isinstance(v, Mapping) for v in self._store.values()]) if not has_dict: info = [size_repr(k, v) for k, v in self._store.items()] info = ', '.join(info) return f'{cls}({info})' else: info = [size_repr(k, v, indent=2) for k, v in self._store.items()] info = ',\n'.join(info) return f'{cls}(\n{info}\n)' def stores_as(self, data: 'Data'): return self @property def stores(self) -> List[BaseStorage]: return [self._store] @property def node_stores(self) -> List[NodeStorage]: return [self._store] @property def edge_stores(self) -> List[EdgeStorage]: return [self._store]
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._store.to_dict()
[docs] def to_namedtuple(self) -> NamedTuple: return self._store.to_namedtuple()
[docs] def __cat_dim__(self, key: str, value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if isinstance(value, SparseTensor) and 'adj' in key: return (0, 1) elif 'index' in key or key == 'face': return -1 else: return 0
[docs] def __inc__(self, key: str, value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if 'batch' in key: return int(value.max()) + 1 elif 'index' in key or key == 'face': return self.num_nodes else: return 0
[docs] def validate(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool: r"""Validates the correctness of the data.""" cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ status = True num_nodes = self.num_nodes if num_nodes is None: status = False warn_or_raise(f"'num_nodes' is undefined in '{cls_name}'", raise_on_error) if 'edge_index' in self and self.edge_index.numel() > 0: if self.edge_index.min() < 0: status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' contains negative indices in " f"'{cls_name}' (found {int(self.edge_index.min())})", raise_on_error) if num_nodes is not None and self.edge_index.max() >= num_nodes: status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' contains larger indices than the number " f"of nodes ({num_nodes}) in '{cls_name}' " f"(found {int(self.edge_index.max())})", raise_on_error) return status
def debug(self): pass # TODO
[docs] def is_node_attr(self, key: str) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the object at key :obj:`key` denotes a node-level attribute.""" return self._store.is_node_attr(key)
[docs] def is_edge_attr(self, key: str) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the object at key :obj:`key` denotes an edge-level attribute.""" return self._store.is_edge_attr(key)
[docs] def subgraph(self, subset: Tensor): r"""Returns the induced subgraph given by the node indices :obj:`subset`. Args: subset (LongTensor or BoolTensor): The nodes to keep. """ out = subgraph(subset, self.edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=self.num_nodes, return_edge_mask=True) edge_index, _, edge_mask = out if subset.dtype == torch.bool: num_nodes = int(subset.sum()) else: num_nodes = subset.size(0) data = copy.copy(self) for key, value in data: if key == 'edge_index': data.edge_index = edge_index elif key == 'num_nodes': data.num_nodes = num_nodes elif isinstance(value, Tensor): if self.is_node_attr(key): data[key] = value[subset] elif self.is_edge_attr(key): data[key] = value[edge_mask] return data
[docs] def to_heterogeneous(self, node_type: Optional[Tensor] = None, edge_type: Optional[Tensor] = None, node_type_names: Optional[List[NodeType]] = None, edge_type_names: Optional[List[EdgeType]] = None): r"""Converts a :class:`` object to a heterogeneous :class:`` object. For this, node and edge attributes are splitted according to the node-level and edge-level vectors :obj:`node_type` and :obj:`edge_type`, respectively. :obj:`node_type_names` and :obj:`edge_type_names` can be used to give meaningful node and edge type names, respectively. That is, the node_type :obj:`0` is given by :obj:`node_type_names[0]`. If the :class:`` object was constructed via :meth:``, the object can be reconstructed without any need to pass in additional arguments. Args: node_type (Tensor, optional): A node-level vector denoting the type of each node. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_type (Tensor, optional): An edge-level vector denoting the type of each edge. (default: :obj:`None`) node_type_names (List[str], optional): The names of node types. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_type_names (List[Tuple[str, str, str]], optional): The names of edge types. (default: :obj:`None`) """ from import HeteroData if node_type is None: node_type = self._store.get('node_type', None) if node_type is None: node_type = torch.zeros(self.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) if node_type_names is None: store = self._store node_type_names = store.__dict__.get('_node_type_names', None) if node_type_names is None: node_type_names = [str(i) for i in node_type.unique().tolist()] if edge_type is None: edge_type = self._store.get('edge_type', None) if edge_type is None: edge_type = torch.zeros(self.num_edges, dtype=torch.long) if edge_type_names is None: store = self._store edge_type_names = store.__dict__.get('_edge_type_names', None) if edge_type_names is None: edge_type_names = [] edge_index = self.edge_index for i in edge_type.unique().tolist(): src, dst = edge_index[:, edge_type == i] src_types = node_type[src].unique().tolist() dst_types = node_type[dst].unique().tolist() if len(src_types) != 1 and len(dst_types) != 1: raise ValueError( "Could not construct a 'HeteroData' object from the " "'Data' object because single edge types span over " "multiple node types") edge_type_names.append((node_type_names[src_types[0]], str(i), node_type_names[dst_types[0]])) # We iterate over node types to find the local node indices belonging # to each node type. Furthermore, we create a global `index_map` vector # that maps global node indices to local ones in the final # heterogeneous graph: node_ids, index_map = {}, torch.empty_like(node_type) for i, key in enumerate(node_type_names): node_ids[i] = (node_type == i).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) index_map[node_ids[i]] = torch.arange(len(node_ids[i]), device=index_map.device) # We iterate over edge types to find the local edge indices: edge_ids = {} for i, key in enumerate(edge_type_names): edge_ids[i] = (edge_type == i).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) data = HeteroData() for i, key in enumerate(node_type_names): for attr, value in self.items(): if attr == 'node_type' or attr == 'edge_type': continue elif isinstance(value, Tensor) and self.is_node_attr(attr): data[key][attr] = value[node_ids[i]] if len(data[key]) == 0: data[key].num_nodes = node_ids[i].size(0) for i, key in enumerate(edge_type_names): src, _, dst = key for attr, value in self.items(): if attr == 'node_type' or attr == 'edge_type': continue elif attr == 'edge_index': edge_index = value[:, edge_ids[i]] edge_index[0] = index_map[edge_index[0]] edge_index[1] = index_map[edge_index[1]] data[key].edge_index = edge_index elif isinstance(value, Tensor) and self.is_edge_attr(attr): data[key][attr] = value[edge_ids[i]] # Add global attributes. keys = set(data.keys) | {'node_type', 'edge_type', 'num_nodes'} for attr, value in self.items(): if attr in keys: continue if len(data.node_stores) == 1: data.node_stores[0][attr] = value else: data[attr] = value return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, mapping: Dict[str, Any]): r"""Creates a :class:`` object from a Python dictionary.""" return cls(**mapping)
@property def num_node_features(self) -> int: r"""Returns the number of features per node in the graph.""" return self._store.num_node_features @property def num_features(self) -> int: r"""Returns the number of features per node in the graph. Alias for :py:attr:`~num_node_features`.""" return self.num_node_features @property def num_edge_features(self) -> int: r"""Returns the number of features per edge in the graph.""" return self._store.num_edge_features def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: r"""Iterates over all attributes in the data, yielding their attribute names and values.""" for key, value in self._store.items(): yield key, value def __call__(self, *args: List[str]) -> Iterable: r"""Iterates over all attributes :obj:`*args` in the data, yielding their attribute names and values. If :obj:`*args` is not given, will iterate over all attributes.""" for key, value in self._store.items(*args): yield key, value @property def x(self) -> Any: return self['x'] if 'x' in self._store else None @property def edge_index(self) -> Any: return self['edge_index'] if 'edge_index' in self._store else None @property def edge_weight(self) -> Any: return self['edge_weight'] if 'edge_weight' in self._store else None @property def edge_attr(self) -> Any: return self['edge_attr'] if 'edge_attr' in self._store else None @property def y(self) -> Any: return self['y'] if 'y' in self._store else None @property def pos(self) -> Any: return self['pos'] if 'pos' in self._store else None @property def batch(self) -> Any: return self['batch'] if 'batch' in self._store else None # Deprecated functions #################################################### @property @deprecated(details="use 'data.face.size(-1)' instead") def num_faces(self) -> Optional[int]: r"""Returns the number of faces in the mesh.""" if 'face' in self._store and isinstance(self.face, Tensor): return self.face.size(self.__cat_dim__('face', self.face)) return None # FeatureStore interface ##################################################
[docs] def items(self): r"""Returns an `ItemsView` over the stored attributes in the `Data` object.""" # NOTE this is necessary to override the default `MutableMapping` # items() method. return self._store.items()
def _put_tensor(self, tensor: FeatureTensorType, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: r"""Stores a feature tensor in node storage.""" out = getattr(self, attr.attr_name, None) if out is not None and attr.index is not None: # Attr name exists, handle index: out[attr.index] = tensor else: # No attr name (or None index), just store tensor: setattr(self, attr.attr_name, tensor) return True def _get_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Optional[FeatureTensorType]: r"""Obtains a feature tensor from node storage.""" # Retrieve tensor and index accordingly: tensor = getattr(self, attr.attr_name, None) if tensor is not None: # TODO this behavior is a bit odd, since TensorAttr requires that # we set `index`. So, we assume here that indexing by `None` is # equivalent to not indexing at all, which is not in line with # Python semantics. return tensor[attr.index] if attr.index is not None else tensor return None def _remove_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: r"""Deletes a feature tensor from node storage.""" # Remove tensor entirely: if hasattr(self, attr.attr_name): delattr(self, attr.attr_name) return True return False def _get_tensor_size(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Tuple: r"""Returns the size of the tensor corresponding to `attr`.""" return self._get_tensor(attr).size()
[docs] def get_all_tensor_attrs(self) -> List[TensorAttr]: r"""Obtains all feature attributes stored in `Data`.""" return [ TensorAttr(attr_name=name) for name in self._store.keys() if self._store.is_node_attr(name) ]
def __len__(self) -> int: return BaseData.__len__(self) # GraphStore interface #################################################### def _put_edge_index(self, edge_index: EdgeTensorType, edge_attr: EdgeAttr) -> bool: r"""Stores `edge_index` in `Data`, in the specified layout.""" # Convert the edge index to a recognizable layout: attr_name = EDGE_LAYOUT_TO_ATTR_NAME[edge_attr.layout] attr_val = edge_tensor_type_to_adj_type(edge_attr, edge_index) setattr(self, attr_name, attr_val) # Set edge attributes: if not hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): self._edge_attrs = {} self._edge_attrs[edge_attr.layout.value] = edge_attr # Set size, if possible: size = edge_attr.size if size is not None: if size[0] != size[1]: raise ValueError( f"'Data' requires size[0] == size[1], but received " f"the tuple {size}.") self.num_nodes = size[0] return True def _get_edge_index(self, edge_attr: EdgeAttr) -> Optional[EdgeTensorType]: r"""Obtains the edge index corresponding to `edge_attr` in `Data`, in the specified layout.""" # Get the requested layout and the edge tensor type associated with it: attr_name = EDGE_LAYOUT_TO_ATTR_NAME[edge_attr.layout] attr_val = getattr(self._store, attr_name, None) if attr_val is not None: # Convert from Adj type to Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] attr_val = adj_type_to_edge_tensor_type(edge_attr.layout, attr_val) return attr_val
[docs] def get_all_edge_attrs(self) -> List[EdgeAttr]: r"""Returns `EdgeAttr` objects corresponding to the edge indices stored in `Data` and their layouts""" if not hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): return [] added_attrs = set() # Check edges added via _put_edge_index: edge_attrs = self._edge_attrs.values() for attr in edge_attrs: attr.size = (self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes) added_attrs.add(attr.layout) # Check edges added through regular interface: # TODO deprecate this and store edge attributes for all edges in # EdgeStorage for layout, attr_name in EDGE_LAYOUT_TO_ATTR_NAME.items(): if attr_name in self and layout not in added_attrs: edge_attrs.append( EdgeAttr(edge_type=None, layout=layout, size=(self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes))) return edge_attrs
############################################################################### def size_repr(key: Any, value: Any, indent: int = 0) -> str: pad = ' ' * indent if isinstance(value, Tensor) and value.dim() == 0: out = value.item() elif isinstance(value, Tensor): out = str(list(value.size())) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): out = str(list(value.shape)) elif isinstance(value, SparseTensor): out = str(value.sizes())[:-1] + f', nnz={value.nnz()}]' elif isinstance(value, str): out = f"'{value}'" elif isinstance(value, Sequence): out = str([len(value)]) elif isinstance(value, Mapping) and len(value) == 0: out = '{}' elif (isinstance(value, Mapping) and len(value) == 1 and not isinstance(list(value.values())[0], Mapping)): lines = [size_repr(k, v, 0) for k, v in value.items()] out = '{ ' + ', '.join(lines) + ' }' elif isinstance(value, Mapping): lines = [size_repr(k, v, indent + 2) for k, v in value.items()] out = '{\n' + ',\n'.join(lines) + '\n' + pad + '}' else: out = str(value) key = str(key).replace("'", '') if isinstance(value, BaseStorage): return f'{pad}\033[1m{key}\033[0m={out}' else: return f'{pad}{key}={out}' def warn_or_raise(msg: str, raise_on_error: bool = True): if raise_on_error: raise ValueError(msg) else: warnings.warn(msg)