Source code for

import copy
import re
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from import Mapping
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import EdgeAttr, FeatureStore, GraphStore, TensorAttr
from import BaseData, Data, size_repr, warn_or_raise
from import EdgeLayout
from import BaseStorage, EdgeStorage, NodeStorage
from torch_geometric.typing import (
from torch_geometric.utils import (

NodeOrEdgeType = Union[NodeType, EdgeType]
NodeOrEdgeStorage = Union[NodeStorage, EdgeStorage]

[docs]class HeteroData(BaseData, FeatureStore, GraphStore): r"""A data object describing a heterogeneous graph, holding multiple node and/or edge types in disjunct storage objects. Storage objects can hold either node-level, link-level or graph-level attributes. In general, :class:`` tries to mimic the behavior of a regular **nested** Python dictionary. In addition, it provides useful functionality for analyzing graph structures, and provides basic PyTorch tensor functionalities. .. code-block:: from import HeteroData data = HeteroData() # Create two node types "paper" and "author" holding a feature matrix: data['paper'].x = torch.randn(num_papers, num_paper_features) data['author'].x = torch.randn(num_authors, num_authors_features) # Create an edge type "(author, writes, paper)" and building the # graph connectivity: data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = ... # [2, num_edges] data['paper'].num_nodes >>> 23 data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].num_edges >>> 52 # PyTorch tensor functionality: data = data.pin_memory() data ='cuda:0', non_blocking=True) Note that there exists multiple ways to create a heterogeneous graph data, *e.g.*: * To initialize a node of type :obj:`"paper"` holding a node feature matrix :obj:`x_paper` named :obj:`x`: .. code-block:: python from import HeteroData # (1) Assign attributes after initialization, data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = x_paper # or (2) pass them as keyword arguments during initialization, data = HeteroData(paper={ 'x': x_paper }) # or (3) pass them as dictionaries during initialization, data = HeteroData({'paper': { 'x': x_paper }}) * To initialize an edge from source node type :obj:`"author"` to destination node type :obj:`"paper"` with relation type :obj:`"writes"` holding a graph connectivity matrix :obj:`edge_index_author_paper` named :obj:`edge_index`: .. code-block:: python # (1) Assign attributes after initialization, data = HeteroData() data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = edge_index_author_paper # or (2) pass them as keyword arguments during initialization, data = HeteroData(author__writes__paper={ 'edge_index': edge_index_author_paper }) # or (3) pass them as dictionaries during initialization, data = HeteroData({ ('author', 'writes', 'paper'): { 'edge_index': edge_index_author_paper } }) """ def __init__(self, _mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.__dict__['_global_store'] = BaseStorage(_parent=self) self.__dict__['_node_store_dict'] = {} self.__dict__['_edge_store_dict'] = {} for key, value in chain((_mapping or {}).items(), kwargs.items()): if '__' in key and isinstance(value, Mapping): key = tuple(key.split('__')) if isinstance(value, Mapping): self[key].update(value) else: setattr(self, key, value) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: # `data.*_dict` => Link to node and edge stores. # `data.*` => Link to the `_global_store`. # Using `data.*_dict` is the same as using `collect()` for collecting # nodes and edges features. if hasattr(self._global_store, key): return getattr(self._global_store, key) elif bool('_dict$', key)): return self.collect(key[:-5]) raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' has no " f"attribute '{key}'") def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): # NOTE: We aim to prevent duplicates in node or edge types. if key in self.node_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as a node type") elif key in self.edge_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as an edge type") setattr(self._global_store, key, value) def __delattr__(self, key: str): delattr(self._global_store, key) def __getitem__(self, *args: QueryType) -> Any: # `data[*]` => Link to either `_global_store`, _node_store_dict` or # `_edge_store_dict`. # If neither is present, we create a new `Storage` object for the given # node/edge-type. key = self._to_canonical(*args) out = self._global_store.get(key, None) if out is not None: return out if isinstance(key, tuple): return self.get_edge_store(*key) else: return self.get_node_store(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): if key in self.node_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as a node type") elif key in self.edge_types: raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is already present as an edge type") self._global_store[key] = value def __delitem__(self, *args: QueryType): # `del data[*]` => Link to `_node_store_dict` or `_edge_store_dict`. key = self._to_canonical(*args) if key in self.edge_types: del self._edge_store_dict[key] elif key in self.node_types: del self._node_store_dict[key] else: del self._global_store[key] def __copy__(self): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = value out.__dict__['_global_store'] = copy.copy(self._global_store) out._global_store._parent = out out.__dict__['_node_store_dict'] = {} for key, store in self._node_store_dict.items(): out._node_store_dict[key] = copy.copy(store) out._node_store_dict[key]._parent = out out.__dict__['_edge_store_dict'] = {} for key, store in self._edge_store_dict.items(): out._edge_store_dict[key] = copy.copy(store) out._edge_store_dict[key]._parent = out return out def __deepcopy__(self, memo): out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(value, memo) out._global_store._parent = out for key in self._node_store_dict.keys(): out._node_store_dict[key]._parent = out for key in out._edge_store_dict.keys(): out._edge_store_dict[key]._parent = out return out def __repr__(self) -> str: info1 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._global_store.items()] info2 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._node_store_dict.items()] info3 = [size_repr(k, v, 2) for k, v in self._edge_store_dict.items()] info = ',\n'.join(info1 + info2 + info3) info = f'\n{info}\n' if len(info) > 0 else info return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({info})' def stores_as(self, data: 'HeteroData'): for node_type in data.node_types: self.get_node_store(node_type) for edge_type in data.edge_types: self.get_edge_store(*edge_type) return self @property def stores(self) -> List[BaseStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all storages of the graph.""" return ([self._global_store] + list(self.node_stores) + list(self.edge_stores)) @property def node_types(self) -> List[NodeType]: r"""Returns a list of all node types of the graph.""" return list(self._node_store_dict.keys()) @property def node_stores(self) -> List[NodeStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all node storages of the graph.""" return list(self._node_store_dict.values()) @property def edge_types(self) -> List[EdgeType]: r"""Returns a list of all edge types of the graph.""" return list(self._edge_store_dict.keys()) @property def edge_stores(self) -> List[EdgeStorage]: r"""Returns a list of all edge storages of the graph.""" return list(self._edge_store_dict.values())
[docs] def node_items(self) -> List[Tuple[NodeType, NodeStorage]]: r"""Returns a list of node type and node storage pairs.""" return list(self._node_store_dict.items())
[docs] def edge_items(self) -> List[Tuple[EdgeType, EdgeStorage]]: r"""Returns a list of edge type and edge storage pairs.""" return list(self._edge_store_dict.items())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = self._global_store.to_dict() for key, store in chain(self._node_store_dict.items(), self._edge_store_dict.items()): out[key] = store.to_dict() return out
[docs] def to_namedtuple(self) -> NamedTuple: field_names = list(self._global_store.keys()) field_values = list(self._global_store.values()) field_names += [ '__'.join(key) if isinstance(key, tuple) else key for key in self.node_types + self.edge_types ] field_values += [ store.to_namedtuple() for store in self.node_stores + self.edge_stores ] DataTuple = namedtuple('DataTuple', field_names) return DataTuple(*field_values)
[docs] def set_value_dict( self, key: str, value_dict: Dict[str, Any], ) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Sets the values in the dictionary :obj:`value_dict` to the attribute with name :obj:`key` to all node/edge types present in the dictionary. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data.set_value_dict('x', { 'paper': torch.randn(4, 16), 'author': torch.randn(8, 32), }) print(data['paper'].x) """ for k, v in (value_dict or {}).items(): self[k][key] = v return self
[docs] def update(self, data: 'HeteroData') -> 'HeteroData': for store in data.stores: for key, value in store.items(): self[store._key][key] = value return self
[docs] def __cat_dim__(self, key: str, value: Any, store: Optional[NodeOrEdgeStorage] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if isinstance(value, SparseTensor) and 'adj' in key: return (0, 1) elif 'index' in key or 'face' in key: return -1 return 0
[docs] def __inc__(self, key: str, value: Any, store: Optional[NodeOrEdgeStorage] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: if 'batch' in key: return int(value.max()) + 1 elif isinstance(store, EdgeStorage) and 'index' in key: return torch.tensor(store.size()).view(2, 1) else: return 0
@property def num_nodes(self) -> Optional[int]: r"""Returns the number of nodes in the graph.""" return super().num_nodes @property def num_node_features(self) -> Dict[NodeType, int]: r"""Returns the number of features per node type in the graph.""" return { key: store.num_node_features for key, store in self._node_store_dict.items() } @property def num_features(self) -> Dict[NodeType, int]: r"""Returns the number of features per node type in the graph. Alias for :py:attr:`~num_node_features`.""" return self.num_node_features @property def num_edge_features(self) -> Dict[EdgeType, int]: r"""Returns the number of features per edge type in the graph.""" return { key: store.num_edge_features for key, store in self._edge_store_dict.items() }
[docs] def has_isolated_nodes(self) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the graph contains isolated nodes.""" edge_index, _, _ = to_homogeneous_edge_index(self) return contains_isolated_nodes(edge_index, num_nodes=self.num_nodes)
[docs] def is_undirected(self) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if graph edges are undirected.""" edge_index, _, _ = to_homogeneous_edge_index(self) return is_undirected(edge_index, num_nodes=self.num_nodes)
[docs] def validate(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool: r"""Validates the correctness of the data.""" cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ status = True for edge_type, store in self._edge_store_dict.items(): src, _, dst = edge_type num_src_nodes = self[src].num_nodes num_dst_nodes = self[dst].num_nodes if num_src_nodes is None: status = False warn_or_raise( f"'num_nodes' is undefined in node type '{src}' of " f"'{cls_name}'", raise_on_error) if num_dst_nodes is None: status = False warn_or_raise( f"'num_nodes' is undefined in node type '{dst}' of " f"'{cls_name}'", raise_on_error) if 'edge_index' in store: if (store.edge_index.dim() != 2 or store.edge_index.size(0) != 2): status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' of edge type {edge_type} needs to be " f"of shape [2, num_edges] in '{cls_name}' (found " f"{store.edge_index.size()})", raise_on_error) if 'edge_index' in store and store.edge_index.numel() > 0: if store.edge_index.min() < 0: status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' of edge type {edge_type} contains " f"negative indices in '{cls_name}' " f"(found {int(store.edge_index.min())})", raise_on_error) if (num_src_nodes is not None and store.edge_index[0].max() >= num_src_nodes): status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' of edge type {edge_type} contains " f"larger source indices than the number of nodes " f"({num_src_nodes}) of this node type in '{cls_name}' " f"(found {int(store.edge_index[0].max())})", raise_on_error) if (num_dst_nodes is not None and store.edge_index[1].max() >= num_dst_nodes): status = False warn_or_raise( f"'edge_index' of edge type {edge_type} contains " f"larger destination indices than the number of nodes " f"({num_dst_nodes}) of this node type in '{cls_name}' " f"(found {int(store.edge_index[1].max())})", raise_on_error) return status
def debug(self): pass # TODO ########################################################################### def _to_canonical(self, *args: QueryType) -> NodeOrEdgeType: # Converts a given `QueryType` to its "canonical type": # 1. `relation_type` will get mapped to the unique # `(src_node_type, relation_type, dst_node_type)` tuple. # 2. `(src_node_type, dst_node_type)` will get mapped to the unique # `(src_node_type, *, dst_node_type)` tuple, and # `(src_node_type, 'to', dst_node_type)` otherwise. if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] if isinstance(args, str): node_types = [key for key in self.node_types if key == args] if len(node_types) == 1: args = node_types[0] return args # Try to map to edge type based on unique relation type: edge_types = [key for key in self.edge_types if key[1] == args] if len(edge_types) == 1: args = edge_types[0] return args elif len(args) == 2: # Try to find the unique source/destination node tuple: edge_types = [ key for key in self.edge_types if key[0] == args[0] and key[-1] == args[-1] ] if len(edge_types) == 1: args = edge_types[0] return args elif len(edge_types) == 0: args = (args[0], DEFAULT_REL, args[1]) return args return args
[docs] def metadata(self) -> Tuple[List[NodeType], List[EdgeType]]: r"""Returns the heterogeneous meta-data, *i.e.* its node and edge types. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = ... data['author'].x = ... data['author', 'writes', 'paper'].edge_index = ... print(data.metadata()) >>> (['paper', 'author'], [('author', 'writes', 'paper')]) """ return self.node_types, self.edge_types
[docs] def collect(self, key: str) -> Dict[NodeOrEdgeType, Any]: r"""Collects the attribute :attr:`key` from all node and edge types. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = ... data['author'].x = ... print(data.collect('x')) >>> { 'paper': ..., 'author': ...} .. note:: This is equivalent to writing :obj:`data.x_dict`. """ mapping = {} for subtype, store in chain(self._node_store_dict.items(), self._edge_store_dict.items()): if hasattr(store, key): mapping[subtype] = getattr(store, key) return mapping
def _check_type_name(self, name: str): if '__' in name: warnings.warn(f"The type '{name}' contains double underscores " f"('__') which may lead to unexpected behavior. " f"To avoid any issues, ensure that your type names " f"only contain single underscores.")
[docs] def get_node_store(self, key: NodeType) -> NodeStorage: r"""Gets the :class:`` object of a particular node type :attr:`key`. If the storage is not present yet, will create a new :class:`` object for the given node type. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() node_storage = data.get_node_store('paper') """ out = self._node_store_dict.get(key, None) if out is None: self._check_type_name(key) out = NodeStorage(_parent=self, _key=key) self._node_store_dict[key] = out return out
[docs] def get_edge_store(self, src: str, rel: str, dst: str) -> EdgeStorage: r"""Gets the :class:`` object of a particular edge type given by the tuple :obj:`(src, rel, dst)`. If the storage is not present yet, will create a new :class:`` object for the given edge type. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() edge_storage = data.get_edge_store('author', 'writes', 'paper') """ key = (src, rel, dst) out = self._edge_store_dict.get(key, None) if out is None: self._check_type_name(rel) out = EdgeStorage(_parent=self, _key=key) self._edge_store_dict[key] = out return out
[docs] def rename(self, name: NodeType, new_name: NodeType) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Renames the node type :obj:`name` to :obj:`new_name` in-place.""" node_store = self._node_store_dict.pop(name) node_store._key = new_name self._node_store_dict[new_name] = node_store for edge_type in self.edge_types: src, rel, dst = edge_type if src == name or dst == name: edge_store = self._edge_store_dict.pop(edge_type) src = new_name if src == name else src dst = new_name if dst == name else dst edge_type = (src, rel, dst) edge_store._key = edge_type self._edge_store_dict[edge_type] = edge_store return self
[docs] def subgraph(self, subset_dict: Dict[NodeType, Tensor]) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Returns the induced subgraph containing the node types and corresponding nodes in :obj:`subset_dict`. If a node type is not a key in :obj:`subset_dict` then all nodes of that type remain in the graph. .. code-block:: python data = HeteroData() data['paper'].x = ... data['author'].x = ... data['conference'].x = ... data['paper', 'cites', 'paper'].edge_index = ... data['author', 'paper'].edge_index = ... data['paper', 'conference'].edge_index = ... print(data) >>> HeteroData( paper={ x=[10, 16] }, author={ x=[5, 32] }, conference={ x=[5, 8] }, (paper, cites, paper)={ edge_index=[2, 50] }, (author, to, paper)={ edge_index=[2, 30] }, (paper, to, conference)={ edge_index=[2, 25] } ) subset_dict = { 'paper': torch.tensor([3, 4, 5, 6]), 'author': torch.tensor([0, 2]), } print(data.subgraph(subset_dict)) >>> HeteroData( paper={ x=[4, 16] }, author={ x=[2, 32] }, conference={ x=[5, 8] }, (paper, cites, paper)={ edge_index=[2, 24] }, (author, to, paper)={ edge_index=[2, 5] }, (paper, to, conference)={ edge_index=[2, 10] } ) Args: subset_dict (Dict[str, LongTensor or BoolTensor]): A dictionary holding the nodes to keep for each node type. """ data = copy.copy(self) subset_dict = copy.copy(subset_dict) for node_type, subset in subset_dict.items(): if subset.dtype == torch.bool: num_nodes = int(subset.sum()) else: num_nodes = subset.size(0) subset = torch.unique(subset, sorted=True) subset_dict[node_type] = subset for key, value in self[node_type].items(): if key == 'num_nodes': data[node_type].num_nodes = num_nodes elif self[node_type].is_node_attr(key): data[node_type][key] = value[subset] else: data[node_type][key] = value for edge_type in self.edge_types: src, _, dst = edge_type src_subset = subset_dict.get(src) if src_subset is None: src_subset = torch.arange(data[src].num_nodes) dst_subset = subset_dict.get(dst) if dst_subset is None: dst_subset = torch.arange(data[dst].num_nodes) edge_index, _, edge_mask = bipartite_subgraph( (src_subset, dst_subset), self[edge_type].edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, size=(self[src].num_nodes, self[dst].num_nodes), return_edge_mask=True, ) for key, value in self[edge_type].items(): if key == 'edge_index': data[edge_type].edge_index = edge_index elif self[edge_type].is_edge_attr(key): data[edge_type][key] = value[edge_mask] else: data[edge_type][key] = value return data
[docs] def edge_subgraph( self, subset_dict: Dict[EdgeType, Tensor], ) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Returns the induced subgraph given by the edge indices in :obj:`subset_dict` for certain edge types. Will currently preserve all the nodes in the graph, even if they are isolated after subgraph computation. Args: subset_dict (Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], LongTensor or BoolTensor]): A dictionary holding the edges to keep for each edge type. """ data = copy.copy(self) for edge_type, subset in subset_dict.items(): edge_store, new_edge_store = self[edge_type], data[edge_type] for key, value in edge_store.items(): if edge_store.is_edge_attr(key): dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, value, edge_store) if subset.dtype == torch.bool: new_edge_store[key] = mask_select(value, dim, subset) else: new_edge_store[key] = value.index_select(dim, subset) return data
[docs] def node_type_subgraph(self, node_types: List[NodeType]) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Returns the subgraph induced by the given :obj:`node_types`, *i.e.* the returned :class:`HeteroData` object only contains the node types which are included in :obj:`node_types`, and only contains the edge types where both end points are included in :obj:`node_types`.""" data = copy.copy(self) for edge_type in self.edge_types: src, _, dst = edge_type if src not in node_types or dst not in node_types: del data[edge_type] for node_type in self.node_types: if node_type not in node_types: del data[node_type] return data
[docs] def edge_type_subgraph(self, edge_types: List[EdgeType]) -> 'HeteroData': r"""Returns the subgraph induced by the given :obj:`edge_types`, *i.e.* the returned :class:`HeteroData` object only contains the edge types which are included in :obj:`edge_types`, and only contains the node types of the end points which are included in :obj:`node_types`.""" edge_types = [self._to_canonical(e) for e in edge_types] data = copy.copy(self) for edge_type in self.edge_types: if edge_type not in edge_types: del data[edge_type] node_types = set(e[0] for e in edge_types) node_types |= set(e[-1] for e in edge_types) for node_type in self.node_types: if node_type not in node_types: del data[node_type] return data
[docs] def to_homogeneous( self, node_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, edge_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_node_type: bool = True, add_edge_type: bool = True, dummy_values: bool = True, ) -> Data: """Converts a :class:`` object to a homogeneous :class:`` object. By default, all features with same feature dimensionality across different types will be merged into a single representation, unless otherwise specified via the :obj:`node_attrs` and :obj:`edge_attrs` arguments. Furthermore, attributes named :obj:`node_type` and :obj:`edge_type` will be added to the returned :class:`` object, denoting node-level and edge-level vectors holding the node and edge type as integers, respectively. Args: node_attrs (List[str], optional): The node features to combine across all node types. These node features need to be of the same feature dimensionality. If set to :obj:`None`, will automatically determine which node features to combine. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attrs (List[str], optional): The edge features to combine across all edge types. These edge features need to be of the same feature dimensionality. If set to :obj:`None`, will automatically determine which edge features to combine. (default: :obj:`None`) add_node_type (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not add the node-level vector :obj:`node_type` to the returned :class:`` object. (default: :obj:`True`) add_edge_type (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not add the edge-level vector :obj:`edge_type` to the returned :class:`` object. (default: :obj:`True`) dummy_values (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will fill attributes of remaining types with dummy values. Dummy values are :obj:`NaN` for floating point attributes, and :obj:`-1` for integers. (default: :obj:`True`) """ def get_sizes(stores: List[BaseStorage]) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple]]: sizes_dict = defaultdict(list) for store in stores: for key, value in store.items(): if key in ['edge_index', 'adj', 'adj_t']: continue if isinstance(value, Tensor): dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, value, store) size = value.size()[:dim] + value.size()[dim + 1:] sizes_dict[key].append(tuple(size)) return sizes_dict def fill_dummy_(stores: List[BaseStorage], keys: Optional[List[str]] = None): sizes_dict = get_sizes(stores) if keys is not None: sizes_dict = { key: sizes for key, sizes in sizes_dict.items() if key in keys } sizes_dict = { key: sizes for key, sizes in sizes_dict.items() if len(set(sizes)) == 1 } for store in stores: # Fill stores with dummy features: for key, sizes in sizes_dict.items(): if key not in store: ref = list(self.collect(key).values())[0] dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, ref, store) dummy = float('NaN') if ref.is_floating_point() else -1 if isinstance(store, NodeStorage): dim_size = store.num_nodes else: dim_size = store.num_edges shape = sizes[0][:dim] + (dim_size, ) + sizes[0][dim:] store[key] = torch.full(shape, dummy, dtype=ref.dtype, device=ref.device) def _consistent_size(stores: List[BaseStorage]) -> List[str]: sizes_dict = get_sizes(stores) return [ key for key, sizes in sizes_dict.items() if len(sizes) == len(stores) and len(set(sizes)) == 1 ] if dummy_values: self = copy.copy(self) fill_dummy_(self.node_stores, node_attrs) fill_dummy_(self.edge_stores, edge_attrs) edge_index, node_slices, edge_slices = to_homogeneous_edge_index(self) device = edge_index.device if edge_index is not None else None data = Data(**self._global_store.to_dict()) if edge_index is not None: data.edge_index = edge_index data._node_type_names = list(node_slices.keys()) data._edge_type_names = list(edge_slices.keys()) # Combine node attributes into a single tensor: if node_attrs is None: node_attrs = _consistent_size(self.node_stores) for key in node_attrs: if key in {'ptr'}: continue values = [store[key] for store in self.node_stores] dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, values[0], self.node_stores[0]) value =, dim) if len(values) > 1 else values[0] data[key] = value if not data.can_infer_num_nodes: data.num_nodes = list(node_slices.values())[-1][1] # Combine edge attributes into a single tensor: if edge_attrs is None: edge_attrs = _consistent_size(self.edge_stores) for key in edge_attrs: values = [store[key] for store in self.edge_stores] dim = self.__cat_dim__(key, values[0], self.edge_stores[0]) value =, dim) if len(values) > 1 else values[0] data[key] = value if add_node_type: sizes = [offset[1] - offset[0] for offset in node_slices.values()] sizes = torch.tensor(sizes, dtype=torch.long, device=device) node_type = torch.arange(len(sizes), device=device) data.node_type = node_type.repeat_interleave(sizes) if add_edge_type and edge_index is not None: sizes = [offset[1] - offset[0] for offset in edge_slices.values()] sizes = torch.tensor(sizes, dtype=torch.long, device=device) edge_type = torch.arange(len(sizes), device=device) data.edge_type = edge_type.repeat_interleave(sizes) return data
# FeatureStore interface ################################################## def _put_tensor(self, tensor: FeatureTensorType, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: if not attr.is_set('index'): attr.index = None out = self._node_store_dict.get(attr.group_name, None) if out: # Group name exists, handle index or create new attribute name: val = getattr(out, attr.attr_name, None) if val is not None: val[attr.index] = tensor else: assert attr.index is None setattr(self[attr.group_name], attr.attr_name, tensor) else: # No node storage found, just store tensor in new one: setattr(self[attr.group_name], attr.attr_name, tensor) return True def _get_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Optional[FeatureTensorType]: # Retrieve tensor and index accordingly: tensor = getattr(self[attr.group_name], attr.attr_name, None) if tensor is not None: # TODO this behavior is a bit odd, since TensorAttr requires that # we set `index`. So, we assume here that indexing by `None` is # equivalent to not indexing at all, which is not in line with # Python semantics. return tensor[attr.index] if attr.index is not None else tensor return None def _remove_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: # Remove tensor entirely: if hasattr(self[attr.group_name], attr.attr_name): delattr(self[attr.group_name], attr.attr_name) return True return False def _get_tensor_size(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Tuple: return self._get_tensor(attr).size()
[docs] def get_all_tensor_attrs(self) -> List[TensorAttr]: out = [] for group_name, group in self.node_items(): for attr_name in group: if group.is_node_attr(attr_name): out.append(TensorAttr(group_name, attr_name)) return out
# GraphStore interface #################################################### def _put_edge_index(self, edge_index: EdgeTensorType, edge_attr: EdgeAttr) -> bool: if not hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): self._edge_attrs = {} self._edge_attrs[(edge_attr.edge_type, edge_attr.layout)] = edge_attr row, col = edge_index store = self[edge_attr.edge_type] if edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.COO: store.edge_index = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0) elif edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSR: store.adj = SparseTensor( rowptr=row, col=col, sparse_sizes=edge_attr.size, is_sorted=True, trust_data=True, ) else: # edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSC: size = edge_attr.size[::-1] if edge_attr.size is not None else None store.adj_t = SparseTensor( rowptr=col, col=row, sparse_sizes=size, is_sorted=True, trust_data=True, ) return True def _get_edge_index(self, edge_attr: EdgeAttr) -> Optional[EdgeTensorType]: r"""Gets an edge index from edge storage, in the specified layout.""" store = self[edge_attr.edge_type] if edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.COO and 'edge_index' in store: row, col = store.edge_index return row, col elif edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSR and 'adj' in store: rowptr, col, _ = store.adj.csr() return rowptr, col elif edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSC and 'adj_t' in store: colptr, row, _ = store.adj_t.csr() return row, colptr return None def _remove_edge_index(self, edge_attr: EdgeAttr) -> bool: edge_type = edge_attr.edge_type store = self[edge_type] if edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.COO and 'edge_index' in store: del store.edge_index if hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): self._edges_to_layout.pop((edge_type, EdgeLayout.COO), None) return True elif edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSR and 'adj' in store: del store.adj if hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): self._edges_to_layout.pop((edge_type, EdgeLayout.CSR), None) return True elif edge_attr.layout == EdgeLayout.CSC and 'adj_t' in store: del store.adj_t if hasattr(self, '_edge_attrs'): self._edges_to_layout.pop((edge_type, EdgeLayout.CSC), None) return True return False
[docs] def get_all_edge_attrs(self) -> List[EdgeAttr]: edge_attrs = getattr(self, '_edge_attrs', {}) for store in self.edge_stores: if ('edge_index' in store and (store._key, EdgeLayout.COO) not in edge_attrs): edge_attrs[(store._key, EdgeLayout.COO)] = EdgeAttr( store._key, 'coo', is_sorted=False) if ('adj' in store and (store._key, EdgeLayout.CSR) not in edge_attrs): size = store.adj.sparse_sizes() edge_attrs[(store._key, EdgeLayout.CSR)] = EdgeAttr( store._key, 'csr', size=size) if ('adj_t' in store and (store._key, EdgeLayout.CSC) not in edge_attrs): size = store.adj_t.sparse_sizes()[::-1] edge_attrs[(store._key, EdgeLayout.CSC)] = EdgeAttr( store._key, 'csc', size=size) return list(edge_attrs.values())
# Helper functions ############################################################ def get_node_slices(num_nodes: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]: r"""Returns the boundaries of each node type in a graph.""" node_slices: Dict[NodeType, Tuple[int, int]] = {} cumsum = 0 for node_type, N in num_nodes.items(): node_slices[node_type] = (cumsum, cumsum + N) cumsum += N return node_slices def offset_edge_index( node_slices: Dict[NodeType, Tuple[int, int]], edge_type: EdgeType, edge_index: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: r"""Increases the edge indices by the offsets of source and destination node types.""" src, _, dst = edge_type offset = [[node_slices[src][0]], [node_slices[dst][0]]] offset = torch.tensor(offset, device=edge_index.device) return edge_index + offset def to_homogeneous_edge_index( data: HeteroData, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Tensor], Dict[NodeType, Any], Dict[EdgeType, Any]]: r"""Converts a heterogeneous graph into a homogeneous typed graph.""" # Record slice information per node type: node_slices = get_node_slices(data.num_nodes_dict) # Record edge indices and slice information per edge type: cumsum = 0 edge_indices: List[Tensor] = [] edge_slices: Dict[EdgeType, Tuple[int, int]] = {} for edge_type, edge_index in data.edge_index_dict.items(): edge_index = offset_edge_index(node_slices, edge_type, edge_index) edge_indices.append(edge_index) edge_slices[edge_type] = (cumsum, cumsum + edge_index.size(1)) cumsum += edge_index.size(1) edge_index: Optional[Tensor] = None if len(edge_indices) == 1: # Memory-efficient ``: edge_index = edge_indices[0] elif len(edge_indices) > 1: edge_index =, dim=-1) return edge_index, node_slices, edge_slices