Source code for torch_geometric.nn.aggr.multi

import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Linear, MultiheadAttention

from torch_geometric.nn.aggr import Aggregation
from torch_geometric.nn.aggr.fused import FusedAggregation
from torch_geometric.nn.resolver import aggregation_resolver

[docs]class MultiAggregation(Aggregation): r"""Performs aggregations with one or more aggregators and combines aggregated results, as described in the `"Principal Neighbourhood Aggregation for Graph Nets" <>`_ and `"Adaptive Filters and Aggregator Fusion for Efficient Graph Convolutions" <>`_ papers. Args: aggrs (list): The list of aggregation schemes to use. aggrs_kwargs (dict, optional): Arguments passed to the respective aggregation function in case it gets automatically resolved. (default: :obj:`None`) mode (str, optional): The combine mode to use for combining aggregated results from multiple aggregations (:obj:`"cat"`, :obj:`"proj"`, :obj:`"sum"`, :obj:`"mean"`, :obj:`"max"`, :obj:`"min"`, :obj:`"logsumexp"`, :obj:`"std"`, :obj:`"var"`, :obj:`"attn"`). (default: :obj:`"cat"`) mode_kwargs (dict, optional): Arguments passed for the combine :obj:`mode`. When :obj:`"proj"` or :obj:`"attn"` is used as the combine :obj:`mode`, :obj:`in_channels` (int or tuple) and :obj:`out_channels` (int) are needed to be specified respectively for the size of each input sample to combine from the respective aggregation outputs and the size of each output sample after combination. When :obj:`"attn"` mode is used, :obj:`num_heads` (int) is needed to be specified for the number of parallel attention heads. (default: :obj:`None`) """ def __init__( self, aggrs: List[Union[Aggregation, str]], aggrs_kwargs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, mode: Optional[str] = 'cat', mode_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__() if not isinstance(aggrs, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError(f"'aggrs' of '{self.__class__.__name__}' should " f"be a list or tuple (got '{type(aggrs)}').") if len(aggrs) == 0: raise ValueError(f"'aggrs' of '{self.__class__.__name__}' should " f"not be empty.") if aggrs_kwargs is None: aggrs_kwargs = [{}] * len(aggrs) elif len(aggrs) != len(aggrs_kwargs): raise ValueError(f"'aggrs_kwargs' with invalid length passed to " f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' " f"(got '{len(aggrs_kwargs)}', " f"expected '{len(aggrs)}'). Ensure that both " f"'aggrs' and 'aggrs_kwargs' are consistent.") self.aggrs = torch.nn.ModuleList([ aggregation_resolver(aggr, **aggr_kwargs) for aggr, aggr_kwargs in zip(aggrs, aggrs_kwargs) ]) # Divide the set into fusable and non-fusable aggregations: fused_aggrs: List[Aggregation] = [] self.fused_out_index: List[int] = [] # self.non_fused_aggrs: List[Aggregation] = [] self.is_fused_aggr: List[bool] = [] for i, aggr in enumerate(self.aggrs): if aggr.__class__ in FusedAggregation.FUSABLE_AGGRS: fused_aggrs.append(aggr) self.fused_out_index.append(i) self.is_fused_aggr.append(True) else: self.is_fused_aggr.append(False) if len(fused_aggrs) > 0: self.fused_aggr = FusedAggregation(fused_aggrs) else: self.fused_aggr = None self.mode = mode mode_kwargs = copy.copy(mode_kwargs) or {} self.in_channels = mode_kwargs.pop('in_channels', None) self.out_channels = mode_kwargs.pop('out_channels', None) if mode == 'proj' or mode == 'attn': if len(aggrs) == 1: raise ValueError("Multiple aggregations are required for " "'proj' or 'attn' combine mode.") if (self.in_channels and self.out_channels) is None: raise ValueError( f"Combine mode '{mode}' must have `in_channels` " f"and `out_channels` specified.") if isinstance(self.in_channels, int): self.in_channels = [self.in_channels] * len(aggrs) if mode == 'proj': self.lin = Linear( sum(self.in_channels), self.out_channels, **mode_kwargs, ) elif mode == 'attn': self.lin_heads = torch.nn.ModuleList([ Linear(channels, self.out_channels) for channels in self.in_channels ]) num_heads = mode_kwargs.pop('num_heads', 1) self.multihead_attn = MultiheadAttention( self.out_channels, num_heads, **mode_kwargs, ) dense_combine_modes = [ 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'logsumexp', 'std', 'var' ] if mode in dense_combine_modes: self.dense_combine = getattr(torch, mode)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): for aggr in self.aggrs: aggr.reset_parameters() if self.mode == 'proj': self.lin.reset_parameters() if self.mode == 'attn': for lin in self.lin_heads: lin.reset_parameters() self.multihead_attn._reset_parameters()
def get_out_channels(self, in_channels: int) -> int: if self.out_channels is not None: return self.out_channels # TODO Support having customized `out_channels` in each aggregation. if self.mode == 'cat': return in_channels * len(self.aggrs) return in_channels
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, index: Optional[Tensor] = None, ptr: Optional[Tensor] = None, dim_size: Optional[int] = None, dim: int = -2) -> Tensor: # `FusedAggregation` is currently limited to two-dimensional inputs: if index is None or x.dim() != 2 or self.fused_aggr is None: outs = [aggr(x, index, ptr, dim_size, dim) for aggr in self.aggrs] return self.combine(outs) outs: List[Tensor] = [x] * len(self.aggrs) # Fill with dummy tensors. fused_outs = self.fused_aggr(x, index, ptr, dim_size, dim) for i, out in zip(self.fused_out_index, fused_outs): outs[i] = out for i, aggr in enumerate(self.aggrs): if not self.is_fused_aggr[i]: outs[i] = aggr(x, index, ptr, dim_size, dim) return self.combine(outs)
def combine(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor: if len(inputs) == 1: return inputs[0] if self.mode == 'cat': return, dim=-1) if hasattr(self, 'lin'): return self.lin(, dim=-1)) if hasattr(self, 'multihead_attn'): x = torch.stack( [head(x) for x, head in zip(inputs, self.lin_heads)], dim=0, ) attn_out, _ = self.multihead_attn(x, x, x) return torch.mean(attn_out, dim=0) if hasattr(self, 'dense_combine'): out = self.dense_combine(torch.stack(inputs, dim=0), dim=0) return out if isinstance(out, Tensor) else out[0] raise ValueError(f"Combine mode '{self.mode}' is not supported.") def __repr__(self) -> str: aggrs = ',\n'.join([f' {aggr}' for aggr in self.aggrs]) + ',\n' return f'{self.__class__.__name__}([\n{aggrs}], mode={self.mode})'