Source code for torch_geometric.nn.summary

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch.jit import ScriptModule
from torch.nn import Module

from torch_geometric.nn.conv import MessagePassing
from torch_geometric.typing import SparseTensor

[docs]def summary( model: torch.nn.Module, *args, max_depth: int = 3, leaf_module: Optional[Union[Module, List[Module]]] = 'MessagePassing', **kwargs, ) -> str: r"""Summarizes a given :class:`torch.nn.Module`. The summarized information includes (1) layer names, (2) input and output shapes, and (3) the number of parameters. .. code-block:: python import torch from torch_geometric.nn import GCN, summary model = GCN(128, 64, num_layers=2, out_channels=32) x = torch.randn(100, 128) edge_index = torch.randint(100, size=(2, 20)) print(summary(model, x, edge_index)) .. code-block:: +---------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------+ | Layer | Input Shape | Output Shape | #Param | |---------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------| | GCN | [100, 128], [2, 20] | [100, 32] | 10,336 | | ├─(act)ReLU | [100, 64] | [100, 64] | -- | | ├─(convs)ModuleList | -- | -- | 10,336 | | │ └─(0)GCNConv | [100, 128], [2, 20] | [100, 64] | 8,256 | | │ └─(1)GCNConv | [100, 64], [2, 20] | [100, 32] | 2,080 | +---------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------+ Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The model to summarize. *args: The arguments of the :obj:`model`. max_depth (int, optional): The depth of nested layers to display. Any layers deeper than this depth will not be displayed in the summary. (default: :obj:`3`) leaf_module (torch.nn.Module or [torch.nn.Module], optional): The modules to be treated as leaf modules, whose submodules are excluded from the summary. (default: :class:`~torch_geometric.nn.conv.MessagePassing`) **kwargs: Additional arguments of the :obj:`model`. """ # NOTE This is just for the doc-string to render nicely: if leaf_module == 'MessagePassing': leaf_module = MessagePassing def register_hook(info): def hook(module, inputs, output): info['input_shape'].append(get_shape(inputs)) info['output_shape'].append(get_shape(output)) return hook hooks = {} depth = 0 stack = [(model.__class__.__name__, model, depth)] info_list = [] input_shape = defaultdict(list) output_shape = defaultdict(list) while stack: name, module, depth = stack.pop() module_id = id(module) if name.startswith('(_'): # Do not summarize private modules. continue if module_id in hooks: # Avoid duplicated hooks. hooks[module_id].remove() info = {} info['name'] = name info['input_shape'] = input_shape[module_id] info['output_shape'] = output_shape[module_id] info['depth'] = depth num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in module.parameters()) info['#param'] = f'{num_params:,}' if num_params > 0 else '--' info_list.append(info) if not isinstance(module, ScriptModule): hooks[module_id] = module.register_forward_hook( register_hook(info)) if depth >= max_depth: continue if (leaf_module is not None and isinstance(module, leaf_module)): continue module_items = reversed(module._modules.items()) stack += [(f"({name}){mod.__class__.__name__}", mod, depth + 1) for name, mod in module_items if mod is not None] training = model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): model(*args, **kwargs) model.train(training) for h in hooks.values(): # Remove hooks. h.remove() info_list = postprocess(info_list) return make_table(info_list, max_depth=max_depth)
def get_shape(inputs: Any) -> str: if not isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): inputs = (inputs, ) out = [] for x in inputs: if isinstance(x, SparseTensor): out.append(str(list(x.sizes()))) elif hasattr(x, 'size'): out.append(str(list(x.size()))) return ', '.join(out) def postprocess(info_list: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: for idx, info in enumerate(info_list): depth = info['depth'] if idx > 0: # root module (0) is exclued if depth == 1: prefix = '├─' else: prefix = f"{'│ '*(depth-1)}└─" info['name'] = prefix + info['name'] if info['input_shape']: info['input_shape'] = info['input_shape'].pop(0) info['output_shape'] = info['output_shape'].pop(0) else: info['input_shape'] = '--' info['output_shape'] = '--' return info_list def make_table(info_list: List[dict], max_depth: int) -> str: from tabulate import tabulate content = [['Layer', 'Input Shape', 'Output Shape', '#Param']] for info in info_list: content.append([ info['name'], info['input_shape'], info['output_shape'], info['#param'], ]) return tabulate(content, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='psql')