Source code for torch_geometric.home

import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import Optional

DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = osp.join('~', '.cache', 'pyg')

_home_dir: Optional[str] = None

[docs]def get_home_dir() -> str: r"""Get the cache directory used for storing all :pyg:`PyG`-related data. If :meth:`set_home_dir` is not called, the path is given by the environment variable :obj:`$PYG_HOME` which defaults to :obj:`"~/.cache/pyg"`. """ if _home_dir is not None: return _home_dir home_dir = os.getenv(ENV_PYG_HOME, DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) home_dir = osp.expanduser(home_dir) return home_dir
[docs]def set_home_dir(path: str): r"""Set the cache directory used for storing all :pyg:`PyG`-related data. Args: path (str): The path to a local folder. """ global _home_dir _home_dir = path