
seed_everything(seed: int)[source]

Sets the seed for generating random numbers in , numpy and Python.


seed (int) – The desired seed.

get_home_dir() str[source]

Get the cache directory used for storing all -related data.

If set_home_dir() is not called, the path is given by the environment variable $PYG_HOME which defaults to "~/.cache/pyg".

set_home_dir(path: str)[source]

Set the cache directory used for storing all -related data.


path (str) – The path to a local folder.

compile(model: Optional[Callable] = None, *args, **kwargs) Callable[source]

Optimizes the given model/function via torch.compile().

This function has the same signature as torch.compile() (see here), but it applies further optimization to make models/functions more compiler-friendly.

Specifically, it

  1. temporarily disables the usage of the extension packages torch_scatter, torch_sparse and pyg_lib

  2. converts all instances of MessagePassing modules into their jittable instances (see torch_geometric.nn.conv.MessagePassing.jittable())


Without these adjustments, torch.compile() may currently fail to correctly optimize your model. We are working on fully relying on torch.compile() for future releases.


Returns True if the debug mode is enabled.

class debug[source]

Context-manager that enables the debug mode to help track down errors and separate usage errors from real bugs.

with torch_geometric.debug():
    out = model(data.x, data.edge_index)
class set_debug(mode: bool)[source]

Context-manager that sets the debug mode on or off.

set_debug will enable or disable the debug mode based on its argument mode. It can be used as a context-manager or as a function.

See debug above for more details.

is_experimental_mode_enabled(options: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None) bool[source]

Returns True if the experimental mode is enabled. See torch_geometric.experimental_mode for a list of (optional) options.

class experimental_mode(options: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)[source]

Context-manager that enables the experimental mode to test new but potentially unstable features.

with torch_geometric.experimental_mode():
    out = model(data.x, data.edge_index)

options (str or list, optional) – Currently there are no experimental features.

class set_experimental_mode(mode: bool, options: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)[source]

Context-manager that sets the experimental mode on or off.

set_experimental_mode will enable or disable the experimental mode based on its argument mode. It can be used as a context-manager or as a function.

See experimental_mode above for more details.

disable_dynamic_shapes(required_args: List[str]) Callable[source]

A decorator that disables the usage of dynamic shapes for the given arguments, i.e., it will raise an error in case required_args are not passed and needs to be automatically inferred.