Source code for torch_geometric.contrib.explain.pgm_explainer

import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor

from torch_geometric.explain import ExplainerAlgorithm
from torch_geometric.explain.config import ModelMode, ModelTaskLevel
from torch_geometric.explain.explanation import Explanation
from torch_geometric.utils import k_hop_subgraph
from torch_geometric.utils._subgraph import get_num_hops

[docs]class PGMExplainer(ExplainerAlgorithm): r"""The PGMExplainer model from the `"PGMExplainer: Probabilistic Graphical Model Explanations for Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ paper. The generated :class:`~torch_geometric.explain.Explanation` provides a :obj:`node_mask` and a :obj:`pgm_stats` tensor, which stores the :math:`p`-values of each node as calculated by the Chi-squared test. Args: feature_index (List): The indices of the perturbed features. If set to :obj:`None`, all features are perturbed. (default: :obj:`None`) perturb_mode (str, optional): The method to generate the variations in features. One of :obj:`"randint"`, :obj:`"mean"`, :obj:`"zero"`, :obj:`"max"` or :obj:`"uniform"`. (default: :obj:`"randint"`) perturbations_is_positive_only (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, restrict perturbed values to be positive. (default: :obj:`False`) is_perturbation_scaled (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will normalize the range of the perturbed features. (default: :obj:`False`) num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples of perturbations used to test the significance of nodes to the prediction. (default: :obj:`100`) max_subgraph_size (int, optional): The maximum number of neighbors to consider for the explanation. (default: :obj:`None`) significance_threshold (float, optional): The statistical threshold (:math:`p`-value) for which a node is considered to have an effect on the prediction. (default: :obj:`0.05`) pred_threshold (float, optional): The buffer value (in range :obj:`[0, 1]`) to consider the output from a perturbed data to be different from the original. (default: :obj:`0.1`) """ def __init__( self, feature_index: Optional[List] = None, perturbation_mode: str = "randint", perturbations_is_positive_only: bool = False, is_perturbation_scaled: bool = False, num_samples: int = 100, max_subgraph_size: Optional[int] = None, significance_threshold: float = 0.05, pred_threshold: float = 0.1, ): super().__init__() self.feature_index = feature_index self.perturbation_mode = perturbation_mode self.perturbations_is_positive_only = perturbations_is_positive_only self.is_perturbation_scaled = is_perturbation_scaled self.num_samples = num_samples self.max_subgraph_size = max_subgraph_size self.significance_threshold = significance_threshold self.pred_threshold = pred_threshold def _perturb_features_on_nodes( self, x: Tensor, index: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: r"""Perturbs feature matrix :obj:`x`. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The feature matrix. index (torch.Tensor): The indices of nodes to perturb. """ x_perturb = x.detach().clone() perturb_array = x_perturb[index] epsilon = 0.05 * torch.max(x, dim=0).values if self.perturbation_mode == "randint": perturb_array = torch.randint(high=2, size=perturb_array.size(), device=x.device) elif self.perturbation_mode == "mean": perturb_array[:, self.feature_index] = torch.mean( x[:, self.feature_index]) elif self.perturbation_mode == "zero": perturb_array[:, self.feature_index] = 0 elif self.perturbation_mode == "max": perturb_array[:, self.feature_index] = torch.max( x[:, self.feature_index]) elif self.perturbation_mode == "uniform": random_perturbations = torch.rand( perturb_array.shape) * 2 * epsilon - epsilon perturb_array[:, self.feature_index] = perturb_array[ self.feature_index] + random_perturbations perturb_array.clamp(min=0, max=torch.max(x, dim=0)) if self.is_perturbation_scaled: perturb_array = torch.multiply( perturb_array, torch.rand(size=perturb_array.size())) * 2 x_perturb[index] = perturb_array.type(x_perturb.dtype) return x_perturb def _batch_perturb_features_on_node( self, model: torch.nn.Module, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, indices_to_perturb: np.array, percentage: float = 50., # % time node gets perturbed **kwargs, ) -> Tensor: r"""Perturbs the node features of a batch of graphs for graph classification tasks. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The GNN model. x (torch.Tensor): The node feature matrix edge_index (torch.Tensor): The edge indices. indices_to_perturb (np.array): The indices of nodes to perturb. percentage (float, optional): The percentage of times a node gets perturbed. (default: :obj:`50.`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments passed to :meth:`model.forward`. """ pred_torch = model(x, edge_index, **kwargs) soft_pred = torch.softmax(pred_torch, dim=1) pred_label = torch.argmax(soft_pred, dim=1) num_nodes = x.shape[0] samples = [] for _ in range(self.num_samples): x_perturb = x.detach().clone() seeds = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=len(indices_to_perturb)) perturbed_node_indexes = indices_to_perturb[(seeds < percentage)] x_perturb = self._perturb_features_on_nodes( x=x_perturb, index=perturbed_node_indexes, ) sample = np.zeros(num_nodes + 1) sample[perturbed_node_indexes] = 1 pred_perturb_torch = model(x_perturb, edge_index, **kwargs) soft_pred_perturb = torch.softmax(pred_perturb_torch, dim=1).squeeze() pred_change = torch.max(soft_pred) - soft_pred_perturb[pred_label] sample[num_nodes] = pred_change samples.append(sample) samples = torch.tensor(np.array(samples)) if self.perturbations_is_positive_only: samples = torch.abs(samples) top = int(self.num_samples / 8) top_idx = torch.argsort(samples[:, num_nodes])[-top:] for i in range(self.num_samples): if i in top_idx: samples[i, num_nodes] = 1 else: samples[i, num_nodes] = 0 return samples def _explain_graph( self, model: torch.nn.Module, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, target=None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Generates explanations for graph classification tasks. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The model to explain. x (torch.Tensor): The node features. edge_index (torch.Tensor): The edge indices of the input graph. target (torch.Tensor, optional): The predicted label from the model. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments passed to :meth:`model.forward`. Returns: pgm_nodes (List): The neighbor nodes that are significant in the selected node's prediction. pgm_stats (torch.Tensor): The :math:`p`-values of all the nodes in the graph, ordered by node index. """ import pandas as pd from pgmpy.estimators.CITests import chi_square num_nodes = x.shape[0] if not self.max_subgraph_size: self.max_subgraph_size = int(num_nodes / 20) samples = self._batch_perturb_features_on_node( indices_to_perturb=np.array(range(num_nodes)), x=x, model=model, edge_index=edge_index, ) # note: the PC estimator is in the original code, ie. est= PC(data) # but as it does nothing it is not included here data = pd.DataFrame(np.array(samples.detach().cpu())) p_values = [] for node in range(num_nodes): chi2, p, _ = chi_square( node, int(target.detach().cpu()), [], data, boolean=False, significance_level=self.significance_threshold) p_values.append(p) # the original code uses number_candidates_nodes = int(top_nodes * 4) # if we consider 'top nodes' to equate to max number of nodes # it seems more correct to limit number_candidates_nodes to this candidate_nodes = np.argpartition( p_values, self.max_subgraph_size)[0:self.max_subgraph_size] # Round 2 samples = self._batch_perturb_features_on_node( indices_to_perturb=candidate_nodes, x=x, edge_index=edge_index, model=model, **kwargs) # note: the PC estimator is in the original code, ie. est= PC(data) # but as it does nothing it is not included here data = pd.DataFrame(np.array(samples.detach().cpu())) p_values = [] dependent_nodes = [] target = num_nodes for node in range(num_nodes): _, p, _ = chi_square( node, target, [], data, boolean=False, significance_level=self.significance_threshold) p_values.append(p) if p < self.significance_threshold: dependent_nodes.append(node) top_p = np.min((self.max_subgraph_size, num_nodes - 1)) ind_top_p = np.argpartition(p_values, top_p)[0:top_p] pgm_nodes = list(ind_top_p) node_mask = torch.zeros(x.size(), node_mask[pgm_nodes] = 1 pgm_stats = torch.tensor(p_values) return node_mask, pgm_stats def _explain_node( self, model: torch.nn.Module, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, target: Tensor, index: int, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Generates explanations for node classification tasks. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The model to explain. x (torch.Tensor): The node features. edge_index (torch.Tensor): The edge indices of the input graph. target (torch.Tensor): The predicted label from the model. index (int): The index of the node for which the explanations is generated. **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments passed to :meth:`model.forward`. Returns: node_mask (torch.Tensor): A hard node mask corresponding to whether a node is significant in the selected node's prediction. pgm_stats (torch.Tensor): The :math:`p`-values of all the nodes in the graph, ordered by node index. """ import pandas as pd from pgmpy.estimators.CITests import chi_square neighbors, _, _, _ = k_hop_subgraph( node_idx=index, num_hops=get_num_hops(model), edge_index=edge_index, relabel_nodes=False, num_nodes=x.size(0), ) if index not in neighbors: neighbors =[neighbors, index], dim=1) pred_model = model(x, edge_index, **kwargs) softmax_pred = torch.softmax(pred_model, dim=1) samples = [] pred_samples = [] for _ in range(self.num_samples): # A subset of neighbors are selected randomly for perturbing: seeds = np.random.choice([1, 0], size=(len(neighbors), )) x_perturb = self._perturb_features_on_nodes( x=x, index=neighbors[seeds == 1], ) # prediction after perturbation pred_perturb = model(x_perturb, edge_index, **kwargs) softmax_pred_perturb = torch.softmax(pred_perturb, dim=1) sample_bool = np.ones(shape=(len(neighbors), )) sample_bool[((softmax_pred_perturb[neighbors, target] + self.pred_threshold) >= softmax_pred[neighbors, target]).cpu()] = 0 samples.append(seeds) pred_samples.append(sample_bool) samples = np.asarray(samples) pred_samples = np.asarray(pred_samples) combine_samples = (samples * 10 + pred_samples) + 1 neighbors = np.array(neighbors.detach().cpu()) data_pgm = pd.DataFrame(combine_samples) data_pgm = data_pgm.rename(columns={ 0: "A", 1: "B" }) # Trick to use chi_square test on first two data columns index_original_to_subgraph = dict( zip(neighbors, list(data_pgm.columns))) index_subgraph_to_original = dict( zip(list(data_pgm.columns), neighbors)) p_values = [] dependent_neighbors = [] dependent_neighbors_p_values = [] for node in neighbors: if node == index: # null hypothesis is perturbing a particular # node has no effect on result p = 0 else: _, p, _ = chi_square( index_original_to_subgraph[node], index_original_to_subgraph[index], [], data_pgm, boolean=False, significance_level=self.significance_threshold) p_values.append(p) if p < self.significance_threshold: dependent_neighbors.append(node) dependent_neighbors_p_values.append(p) pgm_stats = torch.ones(x.size(0), dtype=torch.float) node_mask = torch.zeros(x.size(), pgm_stats[neighbors] = torch.tensor(p_values, dtype=torch.float) if self.max_subgraph_size is None: pgm_nodes = dependent_neighbors else: top_p = np.min((self.max_subgraph_size, len(neighbors) - 1)) ind_top_p = np.argpartition(p_values, top_p)[0:top_p] pgm_nodes = [ index_subgraph_to_original[node] for node in ind_top_p ] node_mask[pgm_nodes] = 1 return node_mask, pgm_stats
[docs] def forward( self, model: torch.nn.Module, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, *, target: Tensor, index: Optional[Union[int, Tensor]] = None, # node index **kwargs, ) -> Explanation: if self.feature_index is None: self.feature_index = list(range(x.shape[-1])) if isinstance(index, Tensor): if index.numel() > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"'{self.__class__.__name}' only supports a single " f"`index` for now") index = index.item() if self.model_config.task_level == ModelTaskLevel.node: node_mask, pgm_stats = self._explain_node( model=model, x=x, edge_index=edge_index, target=target[index], index=index, **kwargs, ) return Explanation( x=x, edge_index=edge_index, node_mask=node_mask, pgm_stats=pgm_stats, ) elif self.model_config.task_level == ModelTaskLevel.graph: node_mask, pgm_stats = self._explain_graph( model=model, x=x, target=target, edge_index=edge_index, **kwargs, ) return Explanation( node_mask=node_mask, pgm_stats=pgm_stats, )
[docs] def supports(self) -> bool: task_level = self.model_config.task_level if task_level not in [ModelTaskLevel.node, ModelTaskLevel.graph]: logging.error(f"Task level '{task_level.value}' not supported") return False if self.explainer_config.edge_mask_type is not None: logging.error("Generation of edge masks is not supported") return False if self.model_config.mode == ModelMode.regression: logging.error("'PGMExplainer' only supports classification tasks") return False return True