Source code for

import pickle
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from uuid import uuid4

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from tqdm import tqdm

from torch_geometric import EdgeIndex
from torch_geometric.edge_index import SortOrder
from torch_geometric.utils.mixin import CastMixin

class TensorInfo(CastMixin):
    dtype: torch.dtype
    size: Tuple[int, ...] = (-1, )
    is_edge_index: bool = False

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.is_edge_index:
            self.size = (2, -1)

def maybe_cast_to_tensor_info(value: Any) -> Union[Any, TensorInfo]:
    if not isinstance(value, dict):
        return value
    if len(value) < 1 or len(value) > 3:
        return value
    if 'dtype' not in value:
        return value
    if len(set(value.keys()) | {'dtype', 'size', 'is_edge_index'}) != 3:
        return value
    return TensorInfo.cast(value)

Schema = Union[Any, Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any]]

SORT_ORDER_TO_INDEX: Dict[Optional[SortOrder], int] = {
    None: -1,
    SortOrder.ROW: 0,
    SortOrder.COL: 1,
INDEX_TO_SORT_ORDER = {v: k for k, v in SORT_ORDER_TO_INDEX.items()}

[docs]class Database(ABC): r"""Base class for inserting and retrieving data from a database. A database acts as a persisted, out-of-memory and index-based key/value store for tensor and custom data: .. code-block:: python db = Database() db[0] = Data(x=torch.randn(5, 16), y=0, z='id_0') print(db[0]) >>> Data(x=[5, 16], y=0, z='id_0') To improve efficiency, it is recommended to specify the underlying :obj:`schema` of the data: .. code-block:: python db = Database(schema={ # Custom schema: # Tensor information can be specified through a dictionary: 'x': dict(dtype=torch.float, size=(-1, 16)), 'y': int, 'z': str, }) db[0] = dict(x=torch.randn(5, 16), y=0, z='id_0') print(db[0]) >>> {'x': torch.tensor(...), 'y': 0, 'z': 'id_0'} In addition, databases support batch-wise insert and get, and support syntactic sugar known from indexing :python:`Python` lists, *e.g.*: .. code-block:: python db = Database() db[2:5] = torch.randn(3, 16) print(db[torch.tensor([2, 3])]) >>> [torch.tensor(...), torch.tensor(...)] Args: schema (Any or Tuple[Any] or Dict[str, Any], optional): The schema of the input data. Can take :obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`object`, or a dictionary with :obj:`dtype` and :obj:`size` keys (for specifying tensor data) as input, and can be nested as a tuple or dictionary. Specifying the schema will improve efficiency, since by default the database will use python pickling for serializing and deserializing. (default: :obj:`object`) """ def __init__(self, schema: Schema = object) -> None: schema_dict = self._to_dict(maybe_cast_to_tensor_info(schema)) self.schema: Dict[Union[str, int], Any] = { key: maybe_cast_to_tensor_info(value) for key, value in schema_dict.items() }
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: r"""Connects to the database. Databases will automatically connect on instantiation. """ pass
[docs] def close(self) -> None: r"""Closes the connection to the database.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def insert(self, index: int, data: Any) -> None: r"""Inserts data at the specified index. Args: index (int): The index at which to insert. data (Any): The object to insert. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def multi_insert( self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], data_list: Sequence[Any], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, log: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Inserts a chunk of data at the specified indices. Args: indices (List[int] or torch.Tensor or range): The indices at which to insert. data_list (List[Any]): The objects to insert. batch_size (int, optional): If specified, will insert the data to the database in batches of size :obj:`batch_size`. (default: :obj:`None`) log (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will log progress to the console. (default: :obj:`False`) """ if isinstance(indices, slice): indices = self.slice_to_range(indices) length = min(len(indices), len(data_list)) batch_size = length if batch_size is None else batch_size if log and length > batch_size: desc = f'Insert {length} entries' offsets = tqdm(range(0, length, batch_size), desc=desc) else: offsets = range(0, length, batch_size) for start in offsets: self._multi_insert( indices[start:start + batch_size], data_list[start:start + batch_size], )
def _multi_insert( self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, range], data_list: Sequence[Any], ) -> None: if isinstance(indices, Tensor): indices = indices.tolist() for index, data in zip(indices, data_list): self.insert(index, data)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, index: int) -> Any: r"""Gets data from the specified index. Args: index (int): The index to query. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def multi_get( self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Any]: r"""Gets a chunk of data from the specified indices. Args: indices (List[int] or torch.Tensor or range): The indices to query. batch_size (int, optional): If specified, will request the data from the database in batches of size :obj:`batch_size`. (default: :obj:`None`) """ if isinstance(indices, slice): indices = self.slice_to_range(indices) length = len(indices) batch_size = length if batch_size is None else batch_size data_list: List[Any] = [] for start in range(0, length, batch_size): chunk_indices = indices[start:start + batch_size] data_list.extend(self._multi_get(chunk_indices)) return data_list
def _multi_get(self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(indices, Tensor): indices = indices.tolist() return [self.get(index) for index in indices] # Helper functions ######################################################## @staticmethod def _to_dict( value: Union[Dict[Union[int, str], Any], Sequence[Any], Any], ) -> Dict[Union[str, int], Any]: if isinstance(value, dict): return value if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return {i: v for i, v in enumerate(value)} else: return {0: value} def slice_to_range(self, indices: slice) -> range: start = 0 if indices.start is None else indices.start stop = len(self) if indices.stop is None else indices.stop step = 1 if indices.step is None else indices.step return range(start, stop, step) # Python built-ins ######################################################## def __len__(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__( self, key: Union[int, Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], ) -> Union[Any, List[Any]]: if isinstance(key, int): return self.get(key) else: return self.multi_get(key) def __setitem__( self, key: Union[int, Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], value: Union[Any, Sequence[Any]], ) -> None: if isinstance(key, int): self.insert(key, value) else: self.multi_insert(key, value) def __repr__(self) -> str: try: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({len(self)})' except NotImplementedError: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()'
[docs]class SQLiteDatabase(Database): r"""An index-based key/value database based on :obj:`sqlite3`. .. note:: This database implementation requires the :obj:`sqlite3` package. Args: path (str): The path to where the database should be saved. name (str): The name of the table to save the data to. schema (Any or Tuple[Any] or Dict[str, Any], optional): The schema of the input data. Can take :obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`object`, or a dictionary with :obj:`dtype` and :obj:`size` keys (for specifying tensor data) as input, and can be nested as a tuple or dictionary. Specifying the schema will improve efficiency, since by default the database will use python pickling for serializing and deserializing. (default: :obj:`object`) """ def __init__(self, path: str, name: str, schema: Schema = object) -> None: super().__init__(schema) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*given buffer is not writable.*') import sqlite3 self.path = path = name self._connection: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None self._cursor: Optional[sqlite3.Cursor] = None self.connect() # Create the table (if it does not exist) by mapping the Python schema # to the corresponding SQL schema: sql_schema = ',\n'.join([ f' {col_name} {self._to_sql_type(type_info)}' for col_name, type_info in zip(self._col_names, self.schema.values()) ]) query = (f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} (\n' f' id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n' f'{sql_schema}\n' f')') self.cursor.execute(query)
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: import sqlite3 self._connection = sqlite3.connect(self.path) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: if self._connection is not None: self._connection.commit() self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cursor = None
@property def connection(self) -> Any: if self._connection is None: raise RuntimeError("No open database connection") return self._connection @property def cursor(self) -> Any: if self._cursor is None: raise RuntimeError("No open database connection") return self._cursor
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, data: Any) -> None: query = (f'INSERT INTO {} ' f'(id, {self._joined_col_names}) ' f'VALUES (?, {self._dummies})') self.cursor.execute(query, (index, *self._serialize(data))) self.connection.commit()
def _multi_insert( self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, range], data_list: Sequence[Any], ) -> None: if isinstance(indices, Tensor): indices = indices.tolist() data_list = [(index, *self._serialize(data)) for index, data in zip(indices, data_list)] query = (f'INSERT INTO {} ' f'(id, {self._joined_col_names}) ' f'VALUES (?, {self._dummies})') self.cursor.executemany(query, data_list) self.connection.commit()
[docs] def get(self, index: int) -> Any: query = (f'SELECT {self._joined_col_names} FROM {} ' f'WHERE id = ?') self.cursor.execute(query, (index, )) return self._deserialize(self.cursor.fetchone())
[docs] def multi_get( self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(indices, slice): indices = self.slice_to_range(indices) elif isinstance(indices, Tensor): indices = indices.tolist() # We create a temporary ID table to then perform an INNER JOIN. # This avoids having a long IN clause and guarantees sorted outputs: join_table_name = f'{}__join__{uuid4().hex}' query = (f'CREATE TABLE {join_table_name} (\n' f' id INTEGER,\n' f' row_id INTEGER\n' f')') self.cursor.execute(query) query = f'INSERT INTO {join_table_name} (id, row_id) VALUES (?, ?)' self.cursor.executemany(query, zip(indices, range(len(indices)))) self.connection.commit() query = f'SELECT * FROM {join_table_name}' self.cursor.execute(query) query = (f'SELECT {self._joined_col_names} ' f'FROM {} INNER JOIN {join_table_name} ' f'ON {}.id = {join_table_name}.id ' f'ORDER BY {join_table_name}.row_id') self.cursor.execute(query) if batch_size is None: data_list = self.cursor.fetchall() else: data_list = [] while True: chunk_list = self.cursor.fetchmany(size=batch_size) if len(chunk_list) == 0: break data_list.extend(chunk_list) query = f'DROP TABLE {join_table_name}' self.cursor.execute(query) return [self._deserialize(data) for data in data_list]
def __len__(self) -> int: query = f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}' self.cursor.execute(query) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] # Helper functions ######################################################## @cached_property def _col_names(self) -> List[str]: return [f'COL_{key}' for key in self.schema.keys()] @cached_property def _joined_col_names(self) -> str: return ', '.join(self._col_names) @cached_property def _dummies(self) -> str: return ', '.join(['?'] * len(self.schema.keys())) def _to_sql_type(self, type_info: Any) -> str: if type_info == int: return 'INTEGER NOT NULL' if type_info == float: return 'FLOAT' if type_info == str: return 'TEXT NOT NULL' else: return 'BLOB NOT NULL' def _serialize(self, row: Any) -> List[Any]: # Serializes the given input data according to `schema`: # * {int, float, str}: Use as they are. # * torch.Tensor: Convert into the raw byte string # * object: Dump via pickle # If we find a `torch.Tensor` that is not registered as such in # `schema`, we modify the schema in-place for improved efficiency. out: List[Any] = [] row_dict = self._to_dict(row) for key, schema in self.schema.items(): col = row_dict[key] if isinstance(col, Tensor) and not isinstance(schema, TensorInfo): self.schema[key] = schema = TensorInfo( col.dtype, is_edge_index=isinstance(col, EdgeIndex), ) if isinstance(schema, TensorInfo) and schema.is_edge_index: assert isinstance(col, EdgeIndex) num_rows, num_cols = col.sparse_size() meta = torch.tensor([ num_rows if num_rows is not None else -1, num_cols if num_cols is not None else -1, SORT_ORDER_TO_INDEX[col._sort_order], col.is_undirected, ], dtype=torch.long) out.append(meta.numpy().tobytes() + col.numpy().tobytes()) elif isinstance(schema, TensorInfo): assert isinstance(col, Tensor) out.append(col.numpy().tobytes()) elif schema in {int, float, str}: out.append(col) else: out.append(pickle.dumps(col)) return out def _deserialize(self, row: Tuple[Any]) -> Any: # Deserializes the DB data according to `schema`: # * {int, float, str}: Use as they are. # * torch.Tensor: Load raw byte string with `dtype` and `size` # information from `schema` # * object: Load via pickle out_dict = {} for i, (key, schema) in enumerate(self.schema.items()): value = row[i] if isinstance(schema, TensorInfo) and schema.is_edge_index: meta = torch.frombuffer(value[:32], dtype=torch.long).tolist() num_rows = meta[0] if meta[0] >= 0 else None num_cols = meta[1] if meta[1] >= 0 else None sort_order = INDEX_TO_SORT_ORDER[meta[2]] is_undirected = meta[3] > 0 if len(value) > 32: tensor = torch.frombuffer(value[32:], dtype=schema.dtype) else: tensor = torch.empty(0, dtype=schema.dtype) out_dict[key] = EdgeIndex( tensor.view(*schema.size), sparse_size=(num_rows, num_cols), sort_order=sort_order, is_undirected=is_undirected, ) elif isinstance(schema, TensorInfo): if len(value) > 0: tensor = torch.frombuffer(value, dtype=schema.dtype) else: tensor = torch.empty(0, dtype=schema.dtype) out_dict[key] = tensor.view(*schema.size) elif schema == float: out_dict[key] = value if value is not None else float('NaN') elif schema in {int, str}: out_dict[key] = value else: out_dict[key] = pickle.loads(value) # In case `0` exists as integer in the schema, this means that the # schema was passed as either a single entry or a tuple: if 0 in self.schema: if len(self.schema) == 1: return out_dict[0] else: return tuple(out_dict.values()) else: # Otherwise, return the dictionary as it is: return out_dict
[docs]class RocksDatabase(Database): r"""An index-based key/value database based on :obj:`RocksDB`. .. note:: This database implementation requires the :obj:`rocksdict` package. .. warning:: :class:`RocksDatabase` is currently less optimized than :class:`SQLiteDatabase`. Args: path (str): The path to where the database should be saved. schema (Any or Tuple[Any] or Dict[str, Any], optional): The schema of the input data. Can take :obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`object`, or a dictionary with :obj:`dtype` and :obj:`size` keys (for specifying tensor data) as input, and can be nested as a tuple or dictionary. Specifying the schema will improve efficiency, since by default the database will use python pickling for serializing and deserializing. (default: :obj:`object`) """ def __init__(self, path: str, schema: Schema = object) -> None: super().__init__(schema) import rocksdict self.path = path self._db: Optional[rocksdict.Rdict] = None self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: import rocksdict self._db = rocksdict.Rdict( self.path, options=rocksdict.Options(raw_mode=True), )
[docs] def close(self) -> None: if self._db is not None: self._db.close() self._db = None
@property def db(self) -> Any: if self._db is None: raise RuntimeError("No open database connection") return self._db @staticmethod def to_key(index: int) -> bytes: return index.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big', signed=True)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, data: Any) -> None: self.db[self.to_key(index)] = self._serialize(data)
[docs] def get(self, index: int) -> Any: return self._deserialize(self.db[self.to_key(index)])
def _multi_get(self, indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(indices, Tensor): indices = indices.tolist() data_list = self.db[[self.to_key(index) for index in indices]] return [self._deserialize(data) for data in data_list] # Helper functions ######################################################## def _serialize(self, row: Any) -> bytes: # Ensure that data is not a view of a larger tensor: if isinstance(row, Tensor): row = row.clone() return pickle.dumps(row) def _deserialize(self, row: bytes) -> Any: return pickle.loads(row)