import copy
import os.path as osp
import re
import sys
import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import (
import numpy as np
from torch import Tensor
from import BaseData
from import fs
IndexType = Union[slice, Tensor, np.ndarray, Sequence]
MISSING = '???'
[docs]class Dataset(
r"""Dataset base class for creating graph datasets.
See `here <
create_dataset.html>`__ for the accompanying tutorial.
root (str, optional): Root directory where the dataset should be saved.
(optional: :obj:`None`)
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a
:class:`` or
:class:`` object and returns a
transformed version.
The data object will be transformed before every access.
(default: :obj:`None`)
pre_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in
a :class:`` or
:class:`` object and returns a
transformed version.
The data object will be transformed before being saved to disk.
(default: :obj:`None`)
pre_filter (callable, optional): A function that takes in a
:class:`` or
:class:`` object and returns a
boolean value, indicating whether the data object should be
included in the final dataset. (default: :obj:`None`)
log (bool, optional): Whether to print any console output while
downloading and processing the dataset. (default: :obj:`True`)
force_reload (bool, optional): Whether to re-process the dataset.
(default: :obj:`False`)
def raw_file_names(self) -> Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]:
r"""The name of the files in the :obj:`self.raw_dir` folder that must
be present in order to skip downloading.
raise NotImplementedError
def processed_file_names(self) -> Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]:
r"""The name of the files in the :obj:`self.processed_dir` folder that
must be present in order to skip processing.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def download(self) -> None:
r"""Downloads the dataset to the :obj:`self.raw_dir` folder."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def process(self) -> None:
r"""Processes the dataset to the :obj:`self.processed_dir` folder."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def len(self) -> int:
r"""Returns the number of data objects stored in the dataset."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get(self, idx: int) -> BaseData:
r"""Gets the data object at index :obj:`idx`."""
raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(
root: Optional[str] = None,
transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
pre_transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
pre_filter: Optional[Callable] = None,
log: bool = True,
force_reload: bool = False,
) -> None:
if isinstance(root, str):
root = osp.expanduser(fs.normpath(root))
self.root = root or MISSING
self.transform = transform
self.pre_transform = pre_transform
self.pre_filter = pre_filter
self.log = log
self._indices: Optional[Sequence] = None
self.force_reload = force_reload
if self.has_download:
if self.has_process:
def indices(self) -> Sequence:
return range(self.len()) if self._indices is None else self._indices
def raw_dir(self) -> str:
return osp.join(self.root, 'raw')
def processed_dir(self) -> str:
return osp.join(self.root, 'processed')
def num_node_features(self) -> int:
r"""Returns the number of features per node in the dataset."""
data = self[0]
# Do not fill cache for `InMemoryDataset`:
if hasattr(self, '_data_list') and self._data_list is not None:
self._data_list[0] = None
data = data[0] if isinstance(data, tuple) else data
if hasattr(data, 'num_node_features'):
return data.num_node_features
raise AttributeError(f"'{data.__class__.__name__}' object has no "
f"attribute 'num_node_features'")
def num_features(self) -> int:
r"""Returns the number of features per node in the dataset.
Alias for :py:attr:`~num_node_features`.
return self.num_node_features
def num_edge_features(self) -> int:
r"""Returns the number of features per edge in the dataset."""
data = self[0]
# Do not fill cache for `InMemoryDataset`:
if hasattr(self, '_data_list') and self._data_list is not None:
self._data_list[0] = None
data = data[0] if isinstance(data, tuple) else data
if hasattr(data, 'num_edge_features'):
return data.num_edge_features
raise AttributeError(f"'{data.__class__.__name__}' object has no "
f"attribute 'num_edge_features'")
def _infer_num_classes(self, y: Optional[Tensor]) -> int:
if y is None:
return 0
elif y.numel() == y.size(0) and not torch.is_floating_point(y):
return int(y.max()) + 1
elif y.numel() == y.size(0) and torch.is_floating_point(y):
num_classes = torch.unique(y).numel()
if num_classes > 2:
warnings.warn("Found floating-point labels while calling "
"`dataset.num_classes`. Returning the number of "
"unique elements. Please make sure that this "
"is expected before proceeding.")
return num_classes
return y.size(-1)
def num_classes(self) -> int:
r"""Returns the number of classes in the dataset."""
# We iterate over the dataset and collect all labels to determine the
# maximum number of classes. Importantly, in rare cases, `__getitem__`
# may produce a tuple of data objects (e.g., when used in combination
# with `RandomLinkSplit`, so we take care of this case here as well:
data_list = _get_flattened_data_list([data for data in self])
if 'y' in data_list[0] and isinstance(data_list[0].y, Tensor):
y =[data.y for data in data_list if 'y' in data], dim=0)
y = torch.as_tensor([data.y for data in data_list if 'y' in data])
# Do not fill cache for `InMemoryDataset`:
if hasattr(self, '_data_list') and self._data_list is not None:
self._data_list = self.len() * [None]
return self._infer_num_classes(y)
def raw_paths(self) -> List[str]:
r"""The absolute filepaths that must be present in order to skip
files = self.raw_file_names
# Prevent a common source of error in which `file_names` are not
# defined as a property.
if isinstance(files, Callable):
files = files()
return [osp.join(self.raw_dir, f) for f in to_list(files)]
def processed_paths(self) -> List[str]:
r"""The absolute filepaths that must be present in order to skip
files = self.processed_file_names
# Prevent a common source of error in which `file_names` are not
# defined as a property.
if isinstance(files, Callable):
files = files()
return [osp.join(self.processed_dir, f) for f in to_list(files)]
def has_download(self) -> bool:
r"""Checks whether the dataset defines a :meth:`download` method."""
return overrides_method(self.__class__, 'download')
def _download(self):
if files_exist(self.raw_paths): # pragma: no cover
fs.makedirs(self.raw_dir, exist_ok=True)
def has_process(self) -> bool:
r"""Checks whether the dataset defines a :meth:`process` method."""
return overrides_method(self.__class__, 'process')
def _process(self):
f = osp.join(self.processed_dir, '')
if osp.exists(f) and torch.load(f, weights_only=False) != _repr(
"The `pre_transform` argument differs from the one used in "
"the pre-processed version of this dataset. If you want to "
"make use of another pre-processing technique, pass "
"`force_reload=True` explicitly to reload the dataset.")
f = osp.join(self.processed_dir, '')
if osp.exists(f) and torch.load(f, weights_only=False) != _repr(
"The `pre_filter` argument differs from the one used in "
"the pre-processed version of this dataset. If you want to "
"make use of another pre-fitering technique, pass "
"`force_reload=True` explicitly to reload the dataset.")
if not self.force_reload and files_exist(self.processed_paths):
if self.log and 'pytest' not in sys.modules:
print('Processing...', file=sys.stderr)
fs.makedirs(self.processed_dir, exist_ok=True)
path = osp.join(self.processed_dir, '')
fs.torch_save(_repr(self.pre_transform), path)
path = osp.join(self.processed_dir, '')
fs.torch_save(_repr(self.pre_filter), path)
if self.log and 'pytest' not in sys.modules:
print('Done!', file=sys.stderr)
def __len__(self) -> int:
r"""The number of examples in the dataset."""
return len(self.indices())
def __getitem__(
idx: Union[int, np.integer, IndexType],
) -> Union['Dataset', BaseData]:
r"""In case :obj:`idx` is of type integer, will return the data object
at index :obj:`idx` (and transforms it in case :obj:`transform` is
In case :obj:`idx` is a slicing object, *e.g.*, :obj:`[2:5]`, a list, a
tuple, or a :obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`np.ndarray` of type long or
bool, will return a subset of the dataset at the specified indices.
if (isinstance(idx, (int, np.integer))
or (isinstance(idx, Tensor) and idx.dim() == 0)
or (isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and np.isscalar(idx))):
data = self.get(self.indices()[idx])
data = data if self.transform is None else self.transform(data)
return data
return self.index_select(idx)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[BaseData]:
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
[docs] def index_select(self, idx: IndexType) -> 'Dataset':
r"""Creates a subset of the dataset from specified indices :obj:`idx`.
Indices :obj:`idx` can be a slicing object, *e.g.*, :obj:`[2:5]`, a
list, a tuple, or a :obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`np.ndarray` of type
long or bool.
indices = self.indices()
if isinstance(idx, slice):
start, stop, step = idx.start, idx.stop, idx.step
# Allow floating-point slicing, e.g., dataset[:0.9]
if isinstance(start, float):
start = round(start * len(self))
if isinstance(stop, float):
stop = round(stop * len(self))
idx = slice(start, stop, step)
indices = indices[idx]
elif isinstance(idx, Tensor) and idx.dtype == torch.long:
return self.index_select(idx.flatten().tolist())
elif isinstance(idx, Tensor) and idx.dtype == torch.bool:
idx = idx.flatten().nonzero(as_tuple=False)
return self.index_select(idx.flatten().tolist())
elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and idx.dtype == np.int64:
return self.index_select(idx.flatten().tolist())
elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and idx.dtype == bool:
idx = idx.flatten().nonzero()[0]
return self.index_select(idx.flatten().tolist())
elif isinstance(idx, Sequence) and not isinstance(idx, str):
indices = [indices[i] for i in idx]
raise IndexError(
f"Only slices (':'), list, tuples, torch.tensor and "
f"np.ndarray of dtype long or bool are valid indices (got "
dataset = copy.copy(self)
dataset._indices = indices
return dataset
[docs] def shuffle(
return_perm: bool = False,
) -> Union['Dataset', Tuple['Dataset', Tensor]]:
r"""Randomly shuffles the examples in the dataset.
return_perm (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will also
return the random permutation used to shuffle the dataset.
(default: :obj:`False`)
perm = torch.randperm(len(self))
dataset = self.index_select(perm)
return (dataset, perm) if return_perm is True else dataset
def __repr__(self) -> str:
arg_repr = str(len(self)) if len(self) > 1 else ''
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({arg_repr})'
[docs] def get_summary(self) -> Any:
r"""Collects summary statistics for the dataset."""
from import Summary
return Summary.from_dataset(self)
[docs] def print_summary(self, fmt: str = "psql") -> None:
r"""Prints summary statistics of the dataset to the console.
fmt (str, optional): Summary tables format. Available table formats
can be found `here <
tab=readme-ov-file#table-format>`__. (default: :obj:`"psql"`)
[docs] def to_datapipe(self) -> Any:
r"""Converts the dataset into a :class:``.
The returned instance can then be used with :pyg:`PyG's` built-in
:class:`DataPipes` for baching graphs as follows:
.. code-block:: python
from torch_geometric.datasets import QM9
dp = QM9(root='./data/QM9/').to_datapipe()
dp = dp.batch_graphs(batch_size=2, drop_last=True)
for batch in dp:
See the `PyTorch tutorial
<>`_ for further background
on DataPipes.
from import DatasetAdapter
return DatasetAdapter(self)
def overrides_method(cls, method_name: str) -> bool:
from import InMemoryDataset
if method_name in cls.__dict__:
return True
out = False
for base in cls.__bases__:
if base != Dataset and base != InMemoryDataset:
out |= overrides_method(base, method_name)
return out
def to_list(value: Any) -> Sequence:
if isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance(value, str):
return value
return [value]
def files_exist(files: List[str]) -> bool:
# NOTE: We return `False` in case `files` is empty, leading to a
# re-processing of files on every instantiation.
return len(files) != 0 and all([fs.exists(f) for f in files])
def _repr(obj: Any) -> str:
if obj is None:
return 'None'
return re.sub('(<.*?)\\s.*(>)', r'\1\2', str(obj))
def _get_flattened_data_list(data_list: Iterable[Any]) -> List[BaseData]:
outs: List[BaseData] = []
for data in data_list:
if isinstance(data, BaseData):
elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
elif isinstance(data, dict):
return outs