Source code for

r"""This class defines the abstraction for a backend-agnostic feature store.
The goal of the feature store is to abstract away all node and edge feature
memory management so that varying implementations can allow for independent

This particular feature store abstraction makes a few key assumptions:
* The features we care about storing are node and edge features of a graph.
  To this end, the attributes that the feature store supports include a
  `group_name` (e.g. a heterogeneous node name or a heterogeneous edge type),
  an `attr_name` (e.g. `x` or `edge_attr`), and an index.
* A feature can be uniquely identified from any associated attributes specified
  in `TensorAttr`.

It is the job of a feature store implementor class to handle these assumptions
properly. For example, a simple in-memory feature store implementation may
concatenate all metadata values with a feature index and use this as a unique
index in a KV store. More complicated implementations may choose to partition
features in interesting manners based on the provided metadata.

Major TODOs for future implementation:
* Async `put` and `get` functionality
import copy
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from torch_geometric.typing import FeatureTensorType, NodeType
from torch_geometric.utils.mixin import CastMixin

# We allow indexing with a tensor, numpy array, Python slicing, or a single
# integer index.
IndexType = Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, slice, int]

class _FieldStatus(Enum):
    UNSET = None

[docs]@dataclass class TensorAttr(CastMixin): r"""Defines the attributes of a :class:`FeatureStore` tensor. It holds all the parameters necessary to uniquely identify a tensor from the :class:`FeatureStore`. Note that the order of the attributes is important; this is the order in which attributes must be provided for indexing calls. :class:`FeatureStore` implementations can define a different ordering by overriding :meth:`TensorAttr.__init__`. """ # The group name that the tensor corresponds to. Defaults to UNSET. group_name: Optional[NodeType] = _FieldStatus.UNSET # The name of the tensor within its group. Defaults to UNSET. attr_name: Optional[str] = _FieldStatus.UNSET # The node indices the rows of the tensor correspond to. Defaults to UNSET. index: Optional[IndexType] = _FieldStatus.UNSET # Convenience methods #####################################################
[docs] def is_set(self, key: str) -> bool: r"""Whether an attribute is set in :obj:`TensorAttr`.""" assert key in self.__dataclass_fields__ return getattr(self, key) != _FieldStatus.UNSET
[docs] def is_fully_specified(self) -> bool: r"""Whether the :obj:`TensorAttr` has no unset fields.""" return all([self.is_set(key) for key in self.__dataclass_fields__])
[docs] def fully_specify(self) -> 'TensorAttr': r"""Sets all :obj:`UNSET` fields to :obj:`None`.""" for key in self.__dataclass_fields__: if not self.is_set(key): setattr(self, key, None) return self
[docs] def update(self, attr: 'TensorAttr') -> 'TensorAttr': r"""Updates an :class:`TensorAttr` with set attributes from another :class:`TensorAttr`. """ for key in self.__dataclass_fields__: if attr.is_set(key): setattr(self, key, getattr(attr, key)) return self
class AttrView(CastMixin): r"""Defines a view of a :class:`FeatureStore` that is obtained from a specification of attributes on the feature store. The view stores a reference to the backing feature store as well as a :class:`TensorAttr` object that represents the view's state. Users can create views either using the :class:`AttrView` constructor, :meth:`FeatureStore.view`, or by incompletely indexing a feature store. For example, the following calls all create views: .. code-block:: python store[group_name] store[group_name].feat store[group_name, feat] While the following calls all materialize those views and produce tensors by either calling the view or fully-specifying the view: .. code-block:: python store[group_name]() store[group_name].feat[index] store[group_name, feat][index] """ def __init__(self, store: 'FeatureStore', attr: TensorAttr): self.__dict__['_store'] = store self.__dict__['_attr'] = attr # Advanced indexing ####################################################### def __getattr__(self, key: Any) -> Union['AttrView', FeatureTensorType]: r"""Sets the first unset field of the backing :class:`TensorAttr` object to the attribute. This allows for :class:`AttrView` to be indexed by different values of attributes, in order. In particular, for a feature store that we want to index by :obj:`group_name` and :obj:`attr_name`, the following code will do so: .. code-block:: python store[group, attr] store[group].attr """ out = copy.copy(self) # Find the first attribute name that is UNSET: attr_name: Optional[str] = None for field in out._attr.__dataclass_fields__: if getattr(out._attr, field) == _FieldStatus.UNSET: attr_name = field break if attr_name is None: raise AttributeError(f"Cannot access attribute '{key}' on view " f"'{out}' as all attributes have already " f"been set in this view") setattr(out._attr, attr_name, key) if out._attr.is_fully_specified(): return out._store.get_tensor(out._attr) return out def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Union['AttrView', FeatureTensorType]: r"""Sets the first unset field of the backing :class:`TensorAttr` object to the attribute via indexing. This allows for :class:`AttrView` to be indexed by different values of attributes, in order. In particular, for a feature store that we want to index by :obj:`group_name` and :obj:`attr_name`, the following code will do so: .. code-block:: python store[group, attr] store[group][attr] """ return self.__getattr__(key) # Setting attributes ###################################################### def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): r"""Supports attribute assignment to the backing :class:`TensorAttr` of an :class:`AttrView`. This allows for :class:`AttrView` objects to set their backing attribute values. In particular, the following operation sets the :obj:`index` of an :class:`AttrView`: .. code-block:: python view = store.view(group_name) view.index = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) """ if key not in self._attr.__dataclass_fields__: raise ValueError(f"Attempted to set nonexistent attribute '{key}' " f"(acceptable attributes are " f"{self._attr.__dataclass_fields__})") setattr(self._attr, key, value) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): r"""Supports attribute assignment to the backing :class:`TensorAttr` of an :class:`AttrView` via indexing. This allows for :class:`AttrView` objects to set their backing attribute values. In particular, the following operation sets the `index` of an :class:`AttrView`: .. code-block:: python view = store.view(TensorAttr(group_name)) view['index'] = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) """ self.__setattr__(key, value) # Miscellaneous built-ins ################################################# def __call__(self) -> FeatureTensorType: r"""Supports :class:`AttrView` as a callable to force retrieval from the currently specified attributes. In particular, this passes the current :class:`TensorAttr` object to a GET call, regardless of whether all attributes have been specified. It returns the result of this call. In particular, the following operation returns a tensor by performing a GET operation on the backing feature store: .. code-block:: python store[group_name, attr_name]() """ # Set all UNSET values to None: out = copy.copy(self) out._attr.fully_specify() return out._store.get_tensor(out._attr) def __copy__(self) -> 'AttrView': out = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): out.__dict__[key] = value out.__dict__['_attr'] = copy.copy(out.__dict__['_attr']) return out def __eq__(self, obj: Any) -> bool: r"""Compares two :class:`AttrView` objects by checking equality of their :class:`FeatureStore` references and :class:`TensorAttr` attributes. """ if not isinstance(obj, AttrView): return False return self._store == obj._store and self._attr == obj._attr def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(store={self._store}, ' f'attr={self._attr})') # TODO (manan, matthias) Ideally, we want to let `FeatureStore` inherit from # `MutableMapping` to clearly indicate its behavior and usage to the user. # However, having `MutableMapping` as a base class leads to strange behavior # in combination with PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning, in particular since these # libraries use customized logic during mini-batch for `Mapping` base classes.
[docs]class FeatureStore: r"""An abstract base class to access features from a remote feature store. Args: tensor_attr_cls (TensorAttr, optional): A user-defined :class:`TensorAttr` class to customize the required attributes and their ordering to unique identify tensor values. (default: :obj:`None`) """ _tensor_attr_cls: TensorAttr def __init__(self, tensor_attr_cls: Optional[Any] = None): super().__init__() self.__dict__['_tensor_attr_cls'] = tensor_attr_cls or TensorAttr # Core (CRUD) ############################################################# @abstractmethod def _put_tensor(self, tensor: FeatureTensorType, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: r"""To be implemented by :class:`FeatureStore` subclasses.""" pass
[docs] def put_tensor(self, tensor: FeatureTensorType, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: r"""Synchronously adds a :obj:`tensor` to the :class:`FeatureStore`. Returns whether insertion was successful. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor or np.ndarray): The feature tensor to be added. *args: Arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. Raises: ValueError: If the input :class:`TensorAttr` is not fully specified. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) if not attr.is_fully_specified(): raise ValueError(f"The input TensorAttr '{attr}' is not fully " f"specified. Please fully-specify the input by " f"specifying all 'UNSET' fields") return self._put_tensor(tensor, attr)
@abstractmethod def _get_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Optional[FeatureTensorType]: r"""To be implemented by :class:`FeatureStore` subclasses.""" pass
[docs] def get_tensor( self, *args, convert_type: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> FeatureTensorType: r"""Synchronously obtains a :class:`tensor` from the :class:`FeatureStore`. Args: *args: Arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. convert_type (bool, optional): Whether to convert the type of the output tensor to the type of the attribute index. (default: :obj:`False`) **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. Raises: ValueError: If the input :class:`TensorAttr` is not fully specified. KeyError: If the tensor corresponding to the input :class:`TensorAttr` was not found. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) if not attr.is_fully_specified(): raise ValueError(f"The input TensorAttr '{attr}' is not fully " f"specified. Please fully-specify the input by " f"specifying all 'UNSET' fields.") tensor = self._get_tensor(attr) if tensor is None: raise KeyError(f"A tensor corresponding to '{attr}' was not found") return self._to_type(attr, tensor) if convert_type else tensor
def _multi_get_tensor( self, attrs: List[TensorAttr], ) -> List[Optional[FeatureTensorType]]: r"""To be implemented by :class:`FeatureStore` subclasses.""" return [self._get_tensor(attr) for attr in attrs]
[docs] def multi_get_tensor( self, attrs: List[TensorAttr], convert_type: bool = False, ) -> List[FeatureTensorType]: r"""Synchronously obtains a list of tensors from the :class:`FeatureStore` for each tensor associated with the attributes in :obj:`attrs`. .. note:: The default implementation simply iterates over all calls to :meth:`get_tensor`. Implementor classes that can provide additional, more performant functionality are recommended to to override this method. Args: attrs (List[TensorAttr]): A list of input :class:`TensorAttr` objects that identify the tensors to obtain. convert_type (bool, optional): Whether to convert the type of the output tensor to the type of the attribute index. (default: :obj:`False`) Raises: ValueError: If any input :class:`TensorAttr` is not fully specified. KeyError: If any of the tensors corresponding to the input :class:`TensorAttr` was not found. """ attrs = [self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(attr) for attr in attrs] bad_attrs = [attr for attr in attrs if not attr.is_fully_specified()] if len(bad_attrs) > 0: raise ValueError( f"The input TensorAttr(s) '{bad_attrs}' are not fully " f"specified. Please fully-specify them by specifying all " f"'UNSET' fields") tensors = self._multi_get_tensor(attrs) if any(v is None for v in tensors): bad_attrs = [attrs[i] for i, v in enumerate(tensors) if v is None] raise KeyError(f"Tensors corresponding to attributes " f"'{bad_attrs}' were not found") return [ self._to_type(attr, tensor) if convert_type else tensor for attr, tensor in zip(attrs, tensors) ]
@abstractmethod def _remove_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: r"""To be implemented by :obj:`FeatureStore` subclasses.""" pass
[docs] def remove_tensor(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: r"""Removes a tensor from the :class:`FeatureStore`. Returns whether deletion was successful. Args: *args: Arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. Raises: ValueError: If the input :class:`TensorAttr` is not fully specified. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) if not attr.is_fully_specified(): raise ValueError(f"The input TensorAttr '{attr}' is not fully " f"specified. Please fully-specify the input by " f"specifying all 'UNSET' fields.") return self._remove_tensor(attr)
[docs] def update_tensor(self, tensor: FeatureTensorType, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: r"""Updates a :obj:`tensor` in the :class:`FeatureStore` with a new value. Returns whether the update was succesful. .. note:: Implementor classes can choose to define more efficient update methods; the default performs a removal and insertion. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor or np.ndarray): The feature tensor to be updated. *args: Arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`TensorAttr`. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) self.remove_tensor(attr) return self.put_tensor(tensor, attr)
# Additional methods ###################################################### @abstractmethod def _get_tensor_size(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: pass
[docs] def get_tensor_size(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: r"""Obtains the size of a tensor given its :class:`TensorAttr`, or :obj:`None` if the tensor does not exist. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) if not attr.is_set('index'): attr.index = None return self._get_tensor_size(attr)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_all_tensor_attrs(self) -> List[TensorAttr]: r"""Returns all registered tensor attributes.""" pass
# `AttrView` methods ######################################################
[docs] def view(self, *args, **kwargs) -> AttrView: r"""Returns a view of the :class:`FeatureStore` given a not yet fully-specified :class:`TensorAttr`. """ attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) return AttrView(self, attr)
# Helper functions ######################################################## @staticmethod def _to_type( attr: TensorAttr, tensor: FeatureTensorType, ) -> FeatureTensorType: if (isinstance(attr.index, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray)): return torch.from_numpy(tensor) if (isinstance(attr.index, np.ndarray) and isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor)): return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() return tensor # Python built-ins ######################################################## def __setitem__(self, key: TensorAttr, value: FeatureTensorType): r"""Supports :obj:`store[tensor_attr] = tensor`.""" # CastMixin will handle the case of key being a tuple or TensorAttr # object: key = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(key) # We need to fully-specify the key for __setitem__ as it does not make # sense to work with a view here: key.fully_specify() self.put_tensor(value, key) def __getitem__(self, key: TensorAttr) -> Any: r"""Supports pythonic indexing into the :class:`FeatureStore`. In particular, the following rules are followed for indexing: * A fully-specified :obj:`key` will produce a tensor output. * A partially-specified :obj:`key` will produce an :class:`AttrView` output, which is a view on the :class:`FeatureStore`. If a view is called, it will produce a tensor output from the corresponding (partially specified) attributes. """ # CastMixin will handle the case of key being a tuple or TensorAttr: attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(key) if attr.is_fully_specified(): return self.get_tensor(attr) # If the view is not fully-specified, return a :class:`AttrView`: return self.view(attr) def __delitem__(self, key: TensorAttr): r"""Supports :obj:`del store[tensor_attr]`.""" # CastMixin will handle the case of key being a tuple or TensorAttr # object: key = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(key) key.fully_specify() self.remove_tensor(key) def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, obj: object) -> bool: return id(self) == id(obj) @abstractmethod def __len__(self): pass def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()'