from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import torch
from import InMemoryDataset
from torch_geometric.datasets.graph_generator import GraphGenerator
from torch_geometric.explain import Explanation
from torch_geometric.utils import k_hop_subgraph
[docs]class InfectionDataset(InMemoryDataset):
r"""Generates a synthetic infection dataset for evaluating explainabilty
algorithms, as described in the `"Explainability Techniques for Graph
Convolutional Networks" <>`__ paper.
The :class:`~torch_geometric.datasets.InfectionDataset` creates synthetic
graphs coming from a
:class:`~torch_geometric.datasets.graph_generator.GraphGenerator` with
:obj:`num_infected` randomly assigned infected nodes.
The dataset describes a node classification task of predicting the length
of the shortest path to infected nodes, with corresponding ground-truth
edge-level masks.
For example, to generate a random Erdos-Renyi (ER) infection graph
with :obj:`500` nodes and :obj:`0.004` edge probability, write:
.. code-block:: python
from torch_geometric.datasets import InfectionDataset
from torch_geometric.datasets.graph_generator import ERGraph
dataset = InfectionDataset(
graph_generator=ERGraph(num_nodes=500, edge_prob=0.004),
graph_generator (GraphGenerator or str): The graph generator to be
used, *e.g.*,
(or any string that automatically resolves to it).
num_infected_nodes (int or List[int]): The number of randomly
selected infected nodes in the graph.
If given as a list, will select a different number of infected
nodes for different graphs.
max_path_length (int, List[int]): The maximum shortest path length to
determine whether a node will be infected.
If given as a list, will apply different shortest path lengths for
different graphs. (default: :obj:`5`)
num_graphs (int, optional): The number of graphs to generate.
The number of graphs will be automatically determined by
:obj:`len(num_infected_nodes)` or :obj:`len(max_path_length)` in
case either of them is given as a list, and should only be set in
case one wants to create multiple graphs while
:obj:`num_infected_nodes` and :obj:`max_path_length` are given as
an integer. (default: :obj:`None`)
graph_generator_kwargs (Dict[str, Any], optional): Arguments passed to
the respective graph generator module in case it gets automatically
resolved. (default: :obj:`None`)
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an
:obj:`` object and returns a transformed
version. The data object will be transformed before every access.
(default: :obj:`None`)
def __init__(
graph_generator: Union[GraphGenerator, str],
num_infected_nodes: Union[int, List[int]],
max_path_length: Union[int, List[int]],
num_graphs: Optional[int] = None,
graph_generator_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
super().__init__(root=None, transform=transform)
assert isinstance(num_infected_nodes, (int, list))
assert isinstance(max_path_length, (int, list))
if (num_graphs is None and isinstance(num_infected_nodes, int)
and isinstance(max_path_length, int)):
num_graphs = 1
if num_graphs is None and isinstance(num_infected_nodes, list):
num_graphs = len(num_infected_nodes)
if num_graphs is None and isinstance(max_path_length, list):
num_graphs = len(max_path_length)
assert num_graphs is not None
self.graph_generator = GraphGenerator.resolve(
**(graph_generator_kwargs or {}),
self.num_infected_nodes = num_infected_nodes
self.max_path_length = max_path_length
self.num_graphs = num_graphs
if isinstance(num_infected_nodes, int):
num_infected_nodes = [num_infected_nodes] * num_graphs
if isinstance(max_path_length, int):
max_path_length = [max_path_length] * num_graphs
if len(num_infected_nodes) != num_graphs:
raise ValueError(f"The length of 'num_infected_nodes' "
f"(got {len(num_infected_nodes)} does not match "
f"with the number of graphs (got {num_graphs})")
if len(max_path_length) != num_graphs:
raise ValueError(f"The length of 'max_path_length' "
f"(got {len(max_path_length)} does not match "
f"with the number of graphs (got {num_graphs})")
if any(num_infected_nodes) <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"'num_infected_nodes' needs to be positive "
f"(got {min(num_infected_nodes)})")
if any(max_path_length) <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"'max_path_length' needs to be positive "
f"(got {min(max_path_length)})")
data_list: List[Explanation] = []
for N, L in zip(num_infected_nodes, max_path_length):
data_list.append(self.get_graph(N, L)), self.slices = self.collate(data_list)
def get_graph(self, num_infected_nodes: int,
max_path_length: int) -> Explanation:
data = self.graph_generator()
assert data.num_nodes is not None
perm = torch.randperm(data.num_nodes)
x = torch.zeros((data.num_nodes, 2))
x[perm[:num_infected_nodes], 1] = 1 # Infected
x[perm[num_infected_nodes:], 0] = 1 # Healthy
y = torch.empty(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long)
y.fill_(max_path_length + 1)
y[perm[:num_infected_nodes]] = 0 # Infected nodes have label `0`.
assert data.edge_index is not None
edge_mask = torch.zeros(data.num_edges, dtype=torch.bool)
for num_hops in range(1, max_path_length + 1):
sub_node_index, _, _, sub_edge_mask = k_hop_subgraph(
perm[:num_infected_nodes], num_hops, data.edge_index,
num_nodes=data.num_nodes, flow='target_to_source',
value = torch.full_like(sub_node_index, fill_value=num_hops)
y[sub_node_index] = torch.min(y[sub_node_index], value)
edge_mask |= sub_edge_mask
return Explanation(
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}({len(self)}, '
f'graph_generator={self.graph_generator}, '
f'num_infected_nodes={self.num_infected_nodes}, '