Source code for torch_geometric.distributed.local_feature_store

import copy
import os.path as osp
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import FeatureStore, TensorAttr
from import _FieldStatus
from torch_geometric.distributed.partition import load_partition_info
from torch_geometric.distributed.rpc import (
from import fs
from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, NodeOrEdgeType, NodeType

class RPCCallFeatureLookup(RPCCallBase):
    r"""A wrapper for RPC calls to the feature store."""
    def __init__(self, dist_feature: FeatureStore):
        self.dist_feature = dist_feature

    def rpc_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.dist_feature._rpc_local_feature_get(*args, **kwargs)

    def rpc_sync(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

class LocalTensorAttr(TensorAttr):
    r"""Tensor attribute for storing features without :obj:`index`."""
    def __init__(
        group_name: Optional[Union[NodeType, EdgeType]] = _FieldStatus.UNSET,
        attr_name: Optional[str] = _FieldStatus.UNSET,
        super().__init__(group_name, attr_name, index)

[docs]class LocalFeatureStore(FeatureStore): r"""Implements the :class:`` interface to act as a local feature store for distributed training. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(tensor_attr_cls=LocalTensorAttr) self._feat: Dict[Tuple[Union[NodeType, EdgeType], str], Tensor] = {} # Save the global node/edge IDs: self._global_id: Dict[Union[NodeType, EdgeType], Tensor] = {} # Save the mapping from global node/edge IDs to indices in `_feat`: self._global_id_to_index: Dict[Union[NodeType, EdgeType], Tensor] = {} # For partition/RPC info related to distributed features: self.num_partitions: int = 1 self.partition_idx: int = 0 # Mapping between node ID and partition ID: self.node_feat_pb: Union[Tensor, Dict[NodeType, Tensor]] # Mapping between edge ID and partition ID: self.edge_feat_pb: Union[Tensor, Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]] # Node labels: self.labels: Optional[Tensor] = None self.local_only: bool = False self.rpc_router: Optional[RPCRouter] = None self.meta: Optional[Dict] = None self.rpc_call_id: Optional[int] = None @staticmethod def key(attr: TensorAttr) -> Tuple[str, str]: return (attr.group_name, attr.attr_name) def put_global_id( self, global_id: Tensor, group_name: Union[NodeType, EdgeType], ) -> bool: self._global_id[group_name] = global_id self._set_global_id_to_index(group_name) return True def get_global_id( self, group_name: Union[NodeType, EdgeType], ) -> Optional[Tensor]: return self._global_id.get(group_name) def remove_global_id(self, group_name: Union[NodeType, EdgeType]) -> bool: return self._global_id.pop(group_name) is not None def _set_global_id_to_index(self, group_name: Union[NodeType, EdgeType]): global_id = self.get_global_id(group_name) if global_id is None: return # TODO Compute this mapping without materializing a full-sized tensor: global_id_to_index = global_id.new_full((int(global_id.max()) + 1, ), fill_value=-1) global_id_to_index[global_id] = torch.arange(global_id.numel()) self._global_id_to_index[group_name] = global_id_to_index def _put_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: assert attr.index is None self._feat[self.key(attr)] = tensor return True def _get_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Optional[Tensor]: tensor = self._feat.get(self.key(attr)) if tensor is None: return None if attr.index is None: # Empty indices return the full tensor: return tensor return tensor[attr.index] def _remove_tensor(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> bool: assert attr.index is None return self._feat.pop(self.key(attr), None) is not None def get_tensor_from_global_id(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[Tensor]: attr = self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*args, **kwargs) assert attr.index is not None attr = copy.copy(attr) attr.index = self._global_id_to_index[attr.group_name][attr.index] return self.get_tensor(attr) def _get_tensor_size(self, attr: TensorAttr) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return self._get_tensor(attr).size()
[docs] def get_all_tensor_attrs(self) -> List[LocalTensorAttr]: return [self._tensor_attr_cls.cast(*key) for key in self._feat.keys()]
def set_rpc_router(self, rpc_router: RPCRouter): self.rpc_router = rpc_router if not self.local_only: if self.rpc_router is None: raise ValueError("An RPC router must be provided") rpc_call = RPCCallFeatureLookup(self) self.rpc_call_id = rpc_register(rpc_call) else: self.rpc_call_id = None def has_edge_attr(self) -> bool: has_edge_attr = False for k in [key for key in self._feat.keys() if 'edge_attr' in key]: try: self.get_tensor(k[0], 'edge_attr') has_edge_attr = True except KeyError: pass return has_edge_attr
[docs] def lookup_features( self, index: Tensor, is_node_feat: bool = True, input_type: Optional[NodeOrEdgeType] = None, ) -> torch.futures.Future: r"""Lookup of local/remote features.""" remote_fut = self._remote_lookup_features(index, is_node_feat, input_type) local_feature = self._local_lookup_features(index, is_node_feat, input_type) res_fut = torch.futures.Future() def when_finish(*_): try: remote_feature_list = remote_fut.wait() # combine the feature from remote and local result = torch.zeros( index.size(0), local_feature[0].size(1), dtype=local_feature[0].dtype, ) result[local_feature[1]] = local_feature[0] for remote in remote_feature_list: result[remote[1]] = remote[0] except Exception as e: res_fut.set_exception(e) else: res_fut.set_result(result) remote_fut.add_done_callback(when_finish) return res_fut
def _local_lookup_features( self, index: Tensor, is_node_feat: bool = True, input_type: Optional[Union[NodeType, EdgeType]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Lookup the features in local nodes based on node/edge IDs.""" pb = self.node_feat_pb if is_node_feat else self.edge_feat_pb input_order = torch.arange(index.size(0), dtype=torch.long) if self.meta['is_hetero']: partition_ids = pb[input_type][index] else: partition_ids = pb[index] local_mask = partition_ids == self.partition_idx local_ids = torch.masked_select(index, local_mask) local_index = torch.masked_select(input_order, local_mask) if self.meta['is_hetero']: if is_node_feat: kwargs = dict(group_name=input_type, attr_name='x') ret_feat = self.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=local_ids, **kwargs) else: kwargs = dict(group_name=input_type, attr_name='edge_attr') ret_feat = self.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=local_ids, **kwargs) else: if is_node_feat: kwargs = dict(group_name=None, attr_name='x') ret_feat = self.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=local_ids, **kwargs) else: kwargs = dict(group_name=(None, None), attr_name='edge_attr') ret_feat = self.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=local_ids, **kwargs) return ret_feat, local_index def _remote_lookup_features( self, index: Tensor, is_node_feat: bool = True, input_type: Optional[Union[NodeType, EdgeType]] = None, ) -> torch.futures.Future: r"""Fetch the remote features with the remote node/edge IDs.""" pb = self.node_feat_pb if is_node_feat else self.edge_feat_pb input_order = torch.arange(index.size(0), dtype=torch.long) if self.meta['is_hetero']: partition_ids = pb[input_type][index] else: partition_ids = pb[index] futs, indexes = [], [] for pidx in range(0, self.num_partitions): if pidx == self.partition_idx: continue remote_mask = partition_ids == pidx remote_ids = index[remote_mask] if remote_ids.shape[0] > 0: to_worker = self.rpc_router.get_to_worker(pidx) futs.append( rpc_async( to_worker, self.rpc_call_id, args=(remote_ids.cpu(), is_node_feat, input_type), )) indexes.append(torch.masked_select(input_order, remote_mask)) collect_fut = torch.futures.collect_all(futs) res_fut = torch.futures.Future() def when_finish(*_): try: fut_list = collect_fut.wait() result = [] for i, fut in enumerate(fut_list): result.append((fut.wait(), indexes[i])) except Exception as e: res_fut.set_exception(e) else: res_fut.set_result(result) collect_fut.add_done_callback(when_finish) return res_fut def _rpc_local_feature_get( self, index: Tensor, is_node_feat: bool = True, input_type: Optional[Union[NodeType, EdgeType]] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Lookup of features in remote nodes.""" if self.meta['is_hetero']: feat = self if is_node_feat: kwargs = dict(group_name=input_type, attr_name='x') ret_feat = feat.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=index, **kwargs) else: kwargs = dict(group_name=input_type, attr_name='edge_attr') ret_feat = feat.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=index, **kwargs) else: feat = self if is_node_feat: kwargs = dict(group_name=None, attr_name='x') ret_feat = feat.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=index, **kwargs) else: kwargs = dict(group_name=(None, None), attr_name='edge_attr') ret_feat = feat.get_tensor_from_global_id( index=index, **kwargs) return ret_feat # Initialization ##########################################################
[docs] @classmethod def from_data( cls, node_id: Tensor, x: Optional[Tensor] = None, y: Optional[Tensor] = None, edge_id: Optional[Tensor] = None, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> 'LocalFeatureStore': r"""Creates a local feature store from homogeneous :pyg:`PyG` tensors. Args: node_id (torch.Tensor): The global identifier for every local node. x (torch.Tensor, optional): The node features. (default: :obj:`None`) y (torch.Tensor, optional): The node labels. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_id (torch.Tensor, optional): The global identifier for every local edge. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attr (torch.Tensor, optional): The edge features. (default: :obj:`None`) """ feat_store = cls() feat_store.put_global_id(node_id, group_name=None) if x is not None: feat_store.put_tensor(x, group_name=None, attr_name='x') if y is not None: feat_store.put_tensor(y, group_name=None, attr_name='y') if edge_id is not None: feat_store.put_global_id(edge_id, group_name=(None, None)) if edge_attr is not None: if edge_id is None: raise ValueError("'edge_id' needs to be present in case " "'edge_attr' is passed") feat_store.put_tensor(edge_attr, group_name=(None, None), attr_name='edge_attr') return feat_store
[docs] @classmethod def from_hetero_data( cls, node_id_dict: Dict[NodeType, Tensor], x_dict: Optional[Dict[NodeType, Tensor]] = None, y_dict: Optional[Dict[NodeType, Tensor]] = None, edge_id_dict: Optional[Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]] = None, edge_attr_dict: Optional[Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]] = None, ) -> 'LocalFeatureStore': r"""Creates a local graph store from heterogeneous :pyg:`PyG` tensors. Args: node_id_dict (Dict[NodeType, torch.Tensor]): The global identifier for every local node of every node type. x_dict (Dict[NodeType, torch.Tensor], optional): The node features of every node type. (default: :obj:`None`) y_dict (Dict[NodeType, torch.Tensor], optional): The node labels of every node type. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_id_dict (Dict[EdgeType, torch.Tensor], optional): The global identifier for every local edge of every edge types. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attr_dict (Dict[EdgeType, torch.Tensor], optional): The edge features of every edge type. (default: :obj:`None`) """ feat_store = cls() for node_type, node_id in node_id_dict.items(): feat_store.put_global_id(node_id, group_name=node_type) if x_dict is not None: for node_type, x in x_dict.items(): feat_store.put_tensor(x, group_name=node_type, attr_name='x') if y_dict is not None: for node_type, y in y_dict.items(): feat_store.put_tensor(y, group_name=node_type, attr_name='y') if edge_id_dict is not None: for edge_type, edge_id in edge_id_dict.items(): feat_store.put_global_id(edge_id, group_name=edge_type) if edge_attr_dict is not None: for edge_type, edge_attr in edge_attr_dict.items(): if edge_id_dict is None or edge_type not in edge_id_dict: raise ValueError("'edge_id' needs to be present in case " "'edge_attr' is passed") feat_store.put_tensor(edge_attr, group_name=edge_type, attr_name='edge_attr') return feat_store
@classmethod def from_partition(cls, root: str, pid: int) -> 'LocalFeatureStore': part_dir = osp.join(root, f'part_{pid}') assert osp.exists(part_dir) feat_store = cls() ( meta, num_partitions, partition_idx, node_pb, edge_pb, ) = load_partition_info(root, pid) feat_store.num_partitions = num_partitions feat_store.partition_idx = partition_idx feat_store.node_feat_pb = node_pb feat_store.edge_feat_pb = edge_pb feat_store.meta = meta node_feats: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None if osp.exists(osp.join(part_dir, '')): node_feats = fs.torch_load(osp.join(part_dir, '')) edge_feats: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None if osp.exists(osp.join(part_dir, '')): edge_feats = fs.torch_load(osp.join(part_dir, '')) if not meta['is_hetero'] and node_feats is not None: feat_store.put_global_id(node_feats['global_id'], group_name=None) for key, value in node_feats['feats'].items(): feat_store.put_tensor(value, group_name=None, attr_name=key) if 'time' in node_feats: feat_store.put_tensor(node_feats['time'], group_name=None, attr_name='time') if not meta['is_hetero'] and edge_feats is not None: if 'global_id' in edge_feats: feat_store.put_global_id(edge_feats['global_id'], group_name=(None, None)) if 'feats' in edge_feats: for key, value in edge_feats['feats'].items(): feat_store.put_tensor(value, group_name=(None, None), attr_name=key) if 'edge_time' in edge_feats: feat_store.put_tensor(edge_feats['edge_time'], group_name=(None, None), attr_name='edge_time') if meta['is_hetero'] and node_feats is not None: for node_type, node_feat in node_feats.items(): feat_store.put_global_id(node_feat['global_id'], group_name=node_type) for key, value in node_feat['feats'].items(): feat_store.put_tensor(value, group_name=node_type, attr_name=key) if 'time' in node_feat: feat_store.put_tensor(node_feat['time'], group_name=node_type, attr_name='time') if meta['is_hetero'] and edge_feats is not None: for edge_type, edge_feat in edge_feats.items(): if 'global_id' in edge_feat: feat_store.put_global_id(edge_feat['global_id'], group_name=edge_type) if 'feats' in edge_feat: for key, value in edge_feat['feats'].items(): feat_store.put_tensor(value, group_name=edge_type, attr_name=key) if 'edge_time' in edge_feat: feat_store.put_tensor(edge_feat['edge_time'], group_name=edge_type, attr_name='edge_time') return feat_store