Source code for torch_geometric.explain.explanation

import copy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import Data, warn_or_raise
from import HeteroData
from torch_geometric.explain.config import ThresholdConfig, ThresholdType
from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, NodeType
from torch_geometric.visualization import visualize_graph

class ExplanationMixin:
    def available_explanations(self) -> List[str]:
        """Returns the available explanation masks."""
        return [key for key in self.keys() if key.endswith('_mask')]

    def validate_masks(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool:
        r"""Validates the correctness of the :class:`Explanation` masks."""
        status = True

        for store in self.node_stores:
            if 'node_mask' not in store:

            if store.node_mask.dim() != 2:
                status = False
                    f"Expected a 'node_mask' with two dimensions (got "
                    f"{store.node_mask.dim()} dimensions)", raise_on_error)

            if store.node_mask.size(0) not in {1, store.num_nodes}:
                status = False
                    f"Expected a 'node_mask' with {store.num_nodes} nodes "
                    f"(got {store.node_mask.size(0)} nodes)", raise_on_error)

            if 'x' in store:
                num_features = store.x.size(-1)
                num_features = store.node_mask.size(-1)

            if store.node_mask.size(1) not in {1, num_features}:
                status = False
                    f"Expected a 'node_mask' with {num_features} features ("
                    f"got {store.node_mask.size(1)} features)", raise_on_error)

        for store in self.edge_stores:
            if 'edge_mask' not in store:

            if store.edge_mask.dim() != 1:
                status = False
                    f"Expected an 'edge_mask' with one dimension (got "
                    f"{store.edge_mask.dim()} dimensions)", raise_on_error)

            if store.edge_mask.size(0) != store.num_edges:
                status = False
                    f"Expected an 'edge_mask' with {store.num_edges} edges "
                    f"(got {store.edge_mask.size(0)} edges)", raise_on_error)

        return status

    def _threshold_mask(
        mask: Optional[Tensor],
        threshold_config: ThresholdConfig,
    ) -> Optional[Tensor]:

        if mask is None:
            return None

        if threshold_config.type == ThresholdType.hard:
            return (mask > threshold_config.value).float()

        if threshold_config.type in [
            if threshold_config.value >= mask.numel():
                if threshold_config.type == ThresholdType.topk:
                    return mask
                    return torch.ones_like(mask)

            value, index = torch.topk(

            out = torch.zeros_like(mask.flatten())
            if threshold_config.type == ThresholdType.topk:
                out[index] = value
                out[index] = 1.0
            return out.view(mask.size())

        assert False

    def threshold(
    ) -> Union['Explanation', 'HeteroExplanation']:
        """Thresholds the explanation masks according to the thresholding

            *args: Arguments passed to :class:`ThresholdConfig`.
            **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`ThresholdConfig`.
        threshold_config = ThresholdConfig.cast(*args, **kwargs)

        if threshold_config is None:
            return self

        # Avoid modification of the original explanation:
        out = copy.copy(self)

        for store in out.node_stores:
            store.node_mask = self._threshold_mask(store.get('node_mask'),

        for store in out.edge_stores:
            store.edge_mask = self._threshold_mask(store.get('edge_mask'),

        return out

[docs]class Explanation(Data, ExplanationMixin): r"""Holds all the obtained explanations of a homogeneous graph. The explanation object is a :obj:`` object and can hold node attributions and edge attributions. It can also hold the original graph if needed. Args: node_mask (Tensor, optional): Node-level mask with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, 1]`, :obj:`[1, num_features]` or :obj:`[num_nodes, num_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_mask (Tensor, optional): Edge-level mask with shape :obj:`[num_edges]`. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): Additional attributes. """
[docs] def validate(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool: r"""Validates the correctness of the :class:`Explanation` object.""" status = super().validate(raise_on_error) status &= self.validate_masks(raise_on_error) return status
[docs] def get_explanation_subgraph(self) -> 'Explanation': r"""Returns the induced subgraph, in which all nodes and edges with zero attribution are masked out. """ node_mask = self.get('node_mask') if node_mask is not None: node_mask = node_mask.sum(dim=-1) > 0 edge_mask = self.get('edge_mask') if edge_mask is not None: edge_mask = edge_mask > 0 return self._apply_masks(node_mask, edge_mask)
[docs] def get_complement_subgraph(self) -> 'Explanation': r"""Returns the induced subgraph, in which all nodes and edges with any attribution are masked out. """ node_mask = self.get('node_mask') if node_mask is not None: node_mask = node_mask.sum(dim=-1) == 0 edge_mask = self.get('edge_mask') if edge_mask is not None: edge_mask = edge_mask == 0 return self._apply_masks(node_mask, edge_mask)
def _apply_masks( self, node_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, edge_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> 'Explanation': out = copy.copy(self) if edge_mask is not None: for key, value in self.items(): if key == 'edge_index': out.edge_index = value[:, edge_mask] elif self.is_edge_attr(key): out[key] = value[edge_mask] if node_mask is not None: out = out.subgraph(node_mask) return out
[docs] def visualize_feature_importance( self, path: Optional[str] = None, feat_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, top_k: Optional[int] = None, ): r"""Creates a bar plot of the node feature importances by summing up the node mask across all nodes. Args: path (str, optional): The path to where the plot is saved. If set to :obj:`None`, will visualize the plot on-the-fly. (default: :obj:`None`) feat_labels (List[str], optional): The labels of features. (default :obj:`None`) top_k (int, optional): Top k features to plot. If :obj:`None` plots all features. (default: :obj:`None`) """ node_mask = self.get('node_mask') if node_mask is None: raise ValueError(f"The attribute 'node_mask' is not available " f"in '{self.__class__.__name__}' " f"(got {self.available_explanations})") if node_mask.dim() != 2 or node_mask.size(1) <= 1: raise ValueError(f"Cannot compute feature importance for " f"object-level 'node_mask' " f"(got shape {node_mask.size()})") if feat_labels is None: feat_labels = range(node_mask.size(1)) score = node_mask.sum(dim=0) return _visualize_score(score, feat_labels, path, top_k)
[docs] def visualize_graph( self, path: Optional[str] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None, node_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: r"""Visualizes the explanation graph with edge opacity corresponding to edge importance. Args: path (str, optional): The path to where the plot is saved. If set to :obj:`None`, will visualize the plot on-the-fly. (default: :obj:`None`) backend (str, optional): The graph drawing backend to use for visualization (:obj:`"graphviz"`, :obj:`"networkx"`). If set to :obj:`None`, will use the most appropriate visualization backend based on available system packages. (default: :obj:`None`) node_labels (list[str], optional): The labels/IDs of nodes. (default: :obj:`None`) """ edge_mask = self.get('edge_mask') if edge_mask is None: raise ValueError(f"The attribute 'edge_mask' is not available " f"in '{self.__class__.__name__}' " f"(got {self.available_explanations})") visualize_graph(self.edge_index, edge_mask, path, backend, node_labels)
[docs]class HeteroExplanation(HeteroData, ExplanationMixin): r"""Holds all the obtained explanations of a heterogeneous graph. The explanation object is a :obj:`` object and can hold node attributions and edge attributions. It can also hold the original graph if needed. """
[docs] def validate(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool: r"""Validates the correctness of the :class:`Explanation` object.""" status = super().validate(raise_on_error) status &= self.validate_masks(raise_on_error) return status
[docs] def get_explanation_subgraph(self) -> 'HeteroExplanation': r"""Returns the induced subgraph, in which all nodes and edges with zero attribution are masked out. """ return self._apply_masks( node_mask_dict={ key: mask.sum(dim=-1) > 0 for key, mask in self.collect('node_mask', True).items() }, edge_mask_dict={ key: mask > 0 for key, mask in self.collect('edge_mask', True).items() }, )
[docs] def get_complement_subgraph(self) -> 'HeteroExplanation': r"""Returns the induced subgraph, in which all nodes and edges with any attribution are masked out. """ return self._apply_masks( node_mask_dict={ key: mask.sum(dim=-1) == 0 for key, mask in self.collect('node_mask', True).items() }, edge_mask_dict={ key: mask == 0 for key, mask in self.collect('edge_mask', True).items() }, )
def _apply_masks( self, node_mask_dict: Dict[NodeType, Tensor], edge_mask_dict: Dict[EdgeType, Tensor], ) -> 'HeteroExplanation': out = copy.copy(self) for edge_type, edge_mask in edge_mask_dict.items(): for key, value in self[edge_type].items(): if key == 'edge_index': out[edge_type].edge_index = value[:, edge_mask] elif self[edge_type].is_edge_attr(key): out[edge_type][key] = value[edge_mask] return out.subgraph(node_mask_dict)
[docs] def visualize_feature_importance( self, path: Optional[str] = None, feat_labels: Optional[Dict[NodeType, List[str]]] = None, top_k: Optional[int] = None, ): r"""Creates a bar plot of the node feature importances by summing up node masks across all nodes for each node type. Args: path (str, optional): The path to where the plot is saved. If set to :obj:`None`, will visualize the plot on-the-fly. (default: :obj:`None`) feat_labels (Dict[NodeType, List[str]], optional): The labels of features for each node type. (default :obj:`None`) top_k (int, optional): Top k features to plot. If :obj:`None` plots all features. (default: :obj:`None`) """ node_mask_dict = self.node_mask_dict for node_mask in node_mask_dict.values(): if node_mask.dim() != 2: raise ValueError(f"Cannot compute feature importance for " f"object-level 'node_mask' " f"(got shape {node_mask.size()})") if feat_labels is None: feat_labels = {} for node_type, node_mask in node_mask_dict.items(): feat_labels[node_type] = range(node_mask.size(1)) score = [node_mask.sum(dim=0) for node_mask in node_mask_dict.values()], dim=0) all_feat_labels = [] for node_type in node_mask_dict.keys(): all_feat_labels += [ f'{node_type}#{label}' for label in feat_labels[node_type] ] return _visualize_score(score, all_feat_labels, path, top_k)
def _visualize_score( score: torch.Tensor, labels: List[str], path: Optional[str] = None, top_k: Optional[int] = None, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd if len(labels) != score.numel(): raise ValueError(f"The number of labels (got {len(labels)}) must " f"match the number of scores (got {score.numel()})") score = score.cpu().numpy() df = pd.DataFrame({'score': score}, index=labels) df = df.sort_values('score', ascending=False) df = df.round(decimals=3) if top_k is not None: df = df.head(top_k) title = f"Feature importance for top {len(df)} features" else: title = f"Feature importance for {len(df)} features" ax = df.plot( kind='barh', figsize=(10, 7), title=title, ylabel='Feature label', xlim=[0, float(df['score'].max()) + 0.3], legend=False, ) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax.bar_label(container=ax.containers[0], label_type='edge') if path is not None: plt.savefig(path) else: plt.close()