from typing import Optional
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.explain import Explainer, Explanation
from torch_geometric.explain.config import MaskType, ModelMode, ModelReturnType
[docs]def unfaithfulness(
explainer: Explainer,
explanation: Explanation,
top_k: Optional[int] = None,
) -> float:
r"""Evaluates how faithful an :class:`~torch_geometric.explain.Explanation`
is to an underyling GNN predictor, as described in the
`"Evaluating Explainability for Graph Neural Networks"
<>`_ paper.
In particular, the graph explanation unfaithfulness metric is defined as
.. math::
\textrm{GEF}(y, \hat{y}) = 1 - \exp(- \textrm{KL}(y || \hat{y}))
where :math:`y` refers to the prediction probability vector obtained from
the original graph, and :math:`\hat{y}` refers to the prediction
probability vector obtained from the masked subgraph.
Finally, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence score quantifies the distance
between the two probability distributions.
explainer (Explainer): The explainer to evaluate.
explanation (Explanation): The explanation to evaluate.
top_k (int, optional): If set, will only keep the original values of
the top-:math:`k` node features identified by an explanation.
If set to :obj:`None`, will use :obj:`explanation.node_mask` as it
is for masking node features. (default: :obj:`None`)
if explainer.model_config.mode == ModelMode.regression:
raise ValueError("Fidelity not defined for 'regression' models")
if top_k is not None and explainer.node_mask_type == MaskType.object:
raise ValueError("Cannot apply top-k feature selection based on a "
"node mask of type 'object'")
node_mask = explanation.get('node_mask')
edge_mask = explanation.get('edge_mask')
x, edge_index = explanation.x, explanation.edge_index
kwargs = {key: explanation[key] for key in explanation._model_args}
y = explanation.get('prediction')
if y is None: # == ExplanationType.phenomenon
y = explainer.get_prediction(x, edge_index, **kwargs)
if node_mask is not None and top_k is not None:
feat_importance = node_mask.sum(dim=0)
_, top_k_index = feat_importance.topk(top_k)
node_mask = torch.zeros_like(node_mask)
node_mask[:, top_k_index] = 1.0
y_hat = explainer.get_masked_prediction(x, edge_index, node_mask,
edge_mask, **kwargs)
if explanation.get('index') is not None:
y, y_hat = y[explanation.index], y_hat[explanation.index]
if explainer.model_config.return_type == ModelReturnType.raw:
y, y_hat = y.softmax(dim=-1), y_hat.softmax(dim=-1)
elif explainer.model_config.return_type == ModelReturnType.log_probs:
y, y_hat = y.exp(), y_hat.exp()
kl_div = F.kl_div(y.log(), y_hat, reduction='batchmean')
return 1 - float(torch.exp(-kl_div))