from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch_geometric.explain import Explainer, Explanation
from torch_geometric.explain.config import ExplanationType, ModelMode
[docs]def fidelity(
explainer: Explainer,
explanation: Explanation,
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
r"""Evaluates the fidelity of an
:class:`~torch_geometric.explain.Explainer` given an
:class:`~torch_geometric.explain.Explanation`, as described in the
`"GraphFramEx: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Explainability Methods for
Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ paper.
Fidelity evaluates the contribution of the produced explanatory subgraph
to the initial prediction, either by giving only the subgraph to the model
(fidelity-) or by removing it from the entire graph (fidelity+).
The fidelity scores capture how good an explainable model reproduces the
natural phenomenon or the GNN model logic.
For **phenomenon** explanations, the fidelity scores are given by:
.. math::
\textrm{fid}_{+} &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N
\| \mathbb{1}(\hat{y}_i = y_i) -
\mathbb{1}( \hat{y}_i^{G_{C \setminus S}} = y_i) \|
\textrm{fid}_{-} &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N
\| \mathbb{1}(\hat{y}_i = y_i) -
\mathbb{1}( \hat{y}_i^{G_S} = y_i) \|
For **model** explanations, the fidelity scores are given by:
.. math::
\textrm{fid}_{+} &= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N
\mathbb{1}( \hat{y}_i^{G_{C \setminus S}} = \hat{y}_i)
\textrm{fid}_{-} &= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N
\mathbb{1}( \hat{y}_i^{G_S} = \hat{y}_i)
explainer (Explainer): The explainer to evaluate.
explanation (Explanation): The explanation to evaluate.
if explainer.model_config.mode == ModelMode.regression:
raise ValueError("Fidelity not defined for 'regression' models")
node_mask = explanation.get('node_mask')
edge_mask = explanation.get('edge_mask')
kwargs = {key: explanation[key] for key in explanation._model_args}
y =
if explainer.explanation_type == ExplanationType.phenomenon:
y_hat = explainer.get_prediction(
y_hat = explainer.get_target(y_hat)
explain_y_hat = explainer.get_masked_prediction(
explain_y_hat = explainer.get_target(explain_y_hat)
complement_y_hat = explainer.get_masked_prediction(
1. - node_mask if node_mask is not None else None,
1. - edge_mask if edge_mask is not None else None,
complement_y_hat = explainer.get_target(complement_y_hat)
if explanation.get('index') is not None:
y = y[explanation.index]
if explainer.explanation_type == ExplanationType.phenomenon:
y_hat = y_hat[explanation.index]
explain_y_hat = explain_y_hat[explanation.index]
complement_y_hat = complement_y_hat[explanation.index]
if explainer.explanation_type == ExplanationType.model:
pos_fidelity = 1. - (complement_y_hat == y).float().mean()
neg_fidelity = 1. - (explain_y_hat == y).float().mean()
pos_fidelity = ((y_hat == y).float() -
(complement_y_hat == y).float()).abs().mean()
neg_fidelity = ((y_hat == y).float() -
(explain_y_hat == y).float()).abs().mean()
return float(pos_fidelity), float(neg_fidelity)
[docs]def characterization_score(
pos_fidelity: Tensor,
neg_fidelity: Tensor,
pos_weight: float = 0.5,
neg_weight: float = 0.5,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Returns the componentwise characterization score as described in the
`"GraphFramEx: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Explainability Methods for
Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ paper.
.. math::
\textrm{charact} = \frac{w_{+} + w_{-}}{\frac{w_{+}}{\textrm{fid}_{+}} +
\frac{w_{-}}{1 - \textrm{fid}_{-}}}
pos_fidelity (torch.Tensor): The positive fidelity
neg_fidelity (torch.Tensor): The negative fidelity
pos_weight (float, optional): The weight :math:`w_{+}` for
:math:`\textrm{fid}_{+}`. (default: :obj:`0.5`)
neg_weight (float, optional): The weight :math:`w_{-}` for
:math:`\textrm{fid}_{-}`. (default: :obj:`0.5`)
if (pos_weight + neg_weight) != 1.0:
raise ValueError(f"The weights need to sum up to 1 "
f"(got {pos_weight} and {neg_weight})")
denom = (pos_weight / pos_fidelity) + (neg_weight / (1. - neg_fidelity))
return 1. / denom
[docs]def fidelity_curve_auc(
pos_fidelity: Tensor,
neg_fidelity: Tensor,
x: Tensor,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Returns the AUC for the fidelity curve as described in the
`"GraphFramEx: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Explainability Methods for
Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ paper.
More precisely, returns the AUC of
.. math::
f(x) = \frac{\textrm{fid}_{+}}{1 - \textrm{fid}_{-}}
pos_fidelity (torch.Tensor): The positive fidelity
neg_fidelity (torch.Tensor): The negative fidelity
x (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing the points on the :math:`x`-axis.
Needs to be sorted in ascending order.
if torch.any(neg_fidelity == 1):
raise ValueError("There exists negative fidelity values containing 1, "
"leading to a division by zero")
y = pos_fidelity / (1. - neg_fidelity)
return auc(x, y)
def auc(x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor:
if torch.any(x.diff() < 0):
raise ValueError("'x' must be given in ascending order")
return torch.trapezoid(y, x)