Source code for torch_geometric.graphgym.utils.comp_budget

import math

from torch_geometric.graphgym.config import cfg, set_cfg
from torch_geometric.graphgym.model_builder import create_model

[docs]def params_count(model): """Computes the number of parameters. Args: model (nn.Module): PyTorch model """ return sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters()])
def get_stats(): model = create_model(to_device=False, dim_in=1, dim_out=1) return params_count(model) def match_computation(stats_baseline, key=['gnn', 'dim_inner'], mode='sqrt'): """Match computation budget by modifying :obj:`cfg.gnn.dim_inner`.""" stats = get_stats() if stats != stats_baseline: # Phase 1: fast approximation while True: if mode == 'sqrt': scale = math.sqrt(stats_baseline / stats) elif mode == 'linear': scale = stats_baseline / stats step = int(round(cfg[key[0]][key[1]] * scale)) \ - cfg[key[0]][key[1]] cfg[key[0]][key[1]] += step stats = get_stats() if abs(step) <= 1: break # Phase 2: fine tune flag_init = 1 if stats < stats_baseline else -1 step = 1 while True: cfg[key[0]][key[1]] += flag_init * step stats = get_stats() flag = 1 if stats < stats_baseline else -1 if stats == stats_baseline: return stats if flag != flag_init: if not cfg.model.match_upper: # stats is SMALLER if flag < 0: cfg[key[0]][key[1]] -= flag_init * step return get_stats() else: if flag > 0: cfg[key[0]][key[1]] -= flag_init * step return get_stats() return stats def dict_to_stats(cfg_dict): from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN set_cfg(cfg) cfg_new = CN(cfg_dict) cfg.merge_from_other_cfg(cfg_new) stats = get_stats() set_cfg(cfg) return stats
[docs]def match_baseline_cfg(cfg_dict, cfg_dict_baseline, verbose=True): """Match the computational budget of a given baseline model. The current configuration dictionary will be modifed and returned. Args: cfg_dict (dict): Current experiment's configuration cfg_dict_baseline (dict): Baseline configuration verbose (str, optional): If printing matched paramter conunts """ from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN stats_baseline = dict_to_stats(cfg_dict_baseline) set_cfg(cfg) cfg_new = CN(cfg_dict) cfg.merge_from_other_cfg(cfg_new) stats = match_computation(stats_baseline, key=['gnn', 'dim_inner']) if 'gnn' in cfg_dict: cfg_dict['gnn']['dim_inner'] = cfg.gnn.dim_inner else: cfg_dict['gnn'] = {'dim_inner', cfg.gnn.dim_inner} set_cfg(cfg) if verbose: print(f"Computational budget has matched - Baseline params: " f"{stats_baseline}, Current params: {stats}") return cfg_dict