Explaining Graph Neural Networks

Interpreting GNN models is crucial for many use cases. (2.3 and beyond) provides the torch_geometric.explain package for first-class GNN explainability support that currently includes

  1. a flexible interface to generate a variety of explanations via the Explainer class,

  2. several underlying explanation algorithms including, e.g., GNNExplainer, PGExplainer and CaptumExplainer,

  3. support to visualize explanations via the Explanation or the HeteroExplanation class,

  4. and metrics to evaluate explanations via the metric package.


The explanation APIs discussed here may change in the future as we continuously work to improve their ease-of-use and generalizability.

Explainer Interface

The torch_geometric.explain.Explainer class is designed to handle all explainability parameters (see the ExplainerConfig class for more details):

  1. which algorithm from the torch_geometric.explain.algorithm module to use (e.g., GNNExplainer)

  2. the type of explanation to compute, i.e. explanation_type="phenomenon" to explain the underlying phenomenon of a dataset, and explanation_type="model" to explain the prediction of a GNN model (see the “GraphFramEx: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Explainability Methods for Graph Neural Networks” paper for more details).

  3. the different type of masks for node and edges (e.g., mask="object" or mask="attributes")

  4. any postprocessing of the masks (e.g., threshold_type="topk" or threshold_type="hard")

This class allows the user to easily compare different explainability methods and to easily switch between different types of masks, while making sure the high-level framework stays the same. The Explainer generates an Explanation or HeteroExplanation object which contains the final information about which nodes, edges and features are crucial to explain a GNN model.


You can read more about the torch_geometric.explain package in this blog post.


In what follows, we discuss a few use-cases with corresponding code examples.

Explaining node classification on a homogeneous graph

Assume we have a GNN model that does node classification on a homogeneous graph. We can use the torch_geometric.explain.algorithm.GNNExplainer algorithm to generate an Explanation. We configure the Explainer to use both a node_mask_type and an edge_mask_type such that the final Explanation object contains (1) a node_mask (indicating which nodes and features are crucial for prediction), and (2) an edge_mask (indicating which edges are crucial for prediction).

from torch_geometric.data import Data
from torch_geometric.explain import Explainer, GNNExplainer

data = Data(...)  # A homogeneous graph data object.

explainer = Explainer(
        return_type='log_probs',  # Model returns log probabilities.

# Generate explanation for the node at index `10`:
explanation = explainer(data.x, data.edge_index, index=10)

Finally, we can visualize both feature importance and the crucial subgraph of the explanation:



To evaluate the explanation from the GNNExplainer, we can utilize the torch_geometric.explain.metric module. For example, to compute the unfaithfulness() of an explanation, run:

from torch_geometric.explain import unfaithfulness

metric = unfaithfulness(explainer, explanation)

Explaining node classification on a heterogeneous graph

Assume we have a heterogeneous GNN model that does node classification on a heterogeneous graph. We can use the IntegratedGradient attribution method from Captum via the torch_geometric.explain.algorithm.CaptumExplainer algorithm to generate a HeteroExplanation.


CaptumExplainer is a wrapper around the Captum library with support for most of attribution methods to explain any homogeneous or heterogeneous model.

We configure the Explainer to use both a node_mask_type and an edge_mask_type such that the final HeteroExplanation object contains (1) a node_mask for each node type (indicating which nodes and features for each node type are crucial for prediction), and (2) an edge_mask for each edge type (indicating which edges for each edge type are crucial for prediction).

from torch_geometric.data import HeteroData
from torch_geometric.explain import Explainer, CaptumExplainer

hetero_data = HeteroData(...)  # A heterogeneous graph data object.

explainer = Explainer(
    model,  # It is assumed that model outputs a single tensor.
    model_config = dict(
        return_type='probs',  # Model returns probabilities.

# Generate batch-wise heterogeneous explanations for
# the nodes at index `1` and `3`:
hetero_explanation = explainer(
    index=torch.tensor([1, 3]),

Explaining graph regression on a homogeneous graph

Assume we have a GNN model that does graph regression on a homogeneous graph. We can use the torch_geometric.explain.algorithm.PGExplainer algorithm to generate an Explanation. We configure the Explainer to use an edge_mask_type such that the final Explanation object contains an edge_mask (indicating which edges are crucial for prediction). Importantly, passing a node_mask_type to the Explainer will throw an error since PGExplainer cannot explain the importance of nodes:

from torch_geometric.data import Data
from torch_geometric.explain import Explainer, PGExplainer

dataset = ...
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

explainer = Explainer(
    algorithm=PGExplainer(epochs=30, lr=0.003),
    # Include only the top 10 most important edges:
    threshold_config=dict(threshold_type='topk', value=10),

# PGExplainer needs to be trained separately since it is a parametric
# explainer i.e it uses a neural network to generate explanations:
for epoch in range(30):
    for batch in loader:
        loss = explainer.algorithm.train(
            epoch, model, batch.x, batch.edge_index, target=batch.target)

# Generate the explanation for a particular graph:
explanation = explainer(dataset[0].x, dataset[0].edge_index)

Since this feature is still undergoing heavy development, please feel free to reach out to the core team either on GitHub or Slack if you have any questions, comments or concerns.