Source code for torch_geometric.nn.models.captum

from inspect import signature
from math import sqrt
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import Data
from torch_geometric.deprecation import deprecated
from torch_geometric.explain.algorithm.utils import (
from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing
from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, Metadata, NodeType
from torch_geometric.utils import get_num_hops, k_hop_subgraph, to_networkx

class CaptumModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, mask_type: str = "edge",
                 output_idx: Optional[int] = None):
        assert mask_type in ['edge', 'node', 'node_and_edge']

        self.mask_type = mask_type
        self.model = model
        self.output_idx = output_idx

    def forward(self, mask, *args):
        # The mask tensor, which comes from Captum's attribution methods,
        # contains the number of samples in dimension 0. Since we are
        # working with only one sample, we squeeze the tensors below.
        assert mask.shape[0] == 1, "Dimension 0 of input should be 1"
        if self.mask_type == "edge":
            assert len(args) >= 2, "Expects at least x and edge_index as args."
        if self.mask_type == "node":
            assert len(args) >= 1, "Expects at least edge_index as args."
        if self.mask_type == "node_and_edge":
            assert args[0].shape[0] == 1, "Dimension 0 of input should be 1"
            assert len(args[1:]) >= 1, "Expects at least edge_index as args."

        # Set edge mask:
        if self.mask_type == 'edge':
            set_masks(self.model, mask.squeeze(0), args[1],
        elif self.mask_type == 'node_and_edge':
            set_masks(self.model, args[0].squeeze(0), args[1],
            args = args[1:]

        if self.mask_type == 'edge':
            x = self.model(*args)

        elif self.mask_type == 'node':
            x = self.model(mask.squeeze(0), *args)

            x = self.model(mask[0], *args)

        # Clear mask:
        if self.mask_type in ['edge', 'node_and_edge']:

        if self.output_idx is not None:
            x = x[self.output_idx].unsqueeze(0)

        return x

# TODO(jinu) Is there any point of inheriting from `CaptumModel`
class CaptumHeteroModel(CaptumModel):
    def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, mask_type: str, output_id: int,
                 metadata: Metadata):
        super().__init__(model, mask_type, output_id)
        self.node_types = metadata[0]
        self.edge_types = metadata[1]
        self.num_node_types = len(self.node_types)
        self.num_edge_types = len(self.edge_types)

    def _captum_data_to_hetero_data(
        self, *args
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[NodeType, Tensor], Dict[EdgeType, Tensor], Optional[Dict[
            EdgeType, Tensor]]]:
        """Converts tuple of tensors to `x_dict`, `edge_index_dict` and

        if self.mask_type == 'node':
            node_tensors = args[:self.num_node_types]
            node_tensors = [mask.squeeze(0) for mask in node_tensors]
            x_dict = dict(zip(self.node_types, node_tensors))
            edge_index_dict = args[self.num_node_types]
        elif self.mask_type == 'edge':
            edge_mask_tensors = args[:self.num_edge_types]
            x_dict = args[self.num_edge_types]
            edge_index_dict = args[self.num_edge_types + 1]
            node_tensors = args[:self.num_node_types]
            node_tensors = [mask.squeeze(0) for mask in node_tensors]
            x_dict = dict(zip(self.node_types, node_tensors))
            edge_mask_tensors = args[self.num_node_types:self.num_node_types +
            edge_index_dict = args[self.num_node_types + self.num_edge_types]

        if 'edge' in self.mask_type:
            edge_mask_tensors = [mask.squeeze(0) for mask in edge_mask_tensors]
            edge_mask_dict = dict(zip(self.edge_types, edge_mask_tensors))
            edge_mask_dict = None
        return x_dict, edge_index_dict, edge_mask_dict

    def forward(self, *args):
        # Validate args:
        if self.mask_type == "node":
            assert len(args) >= self.num_node_types + 1
            len_remaining_args = len(args) - (self.num_node_types + 1)
        elif self.mask_type == "edge":
            assert len(args) >= self.num_edge_types + 2
            len_remaining_args = len(args) - (self.num_edge_types + 2)
            assert len(args) >= self.num_node_types + self.num_edge_types + 1
            len_remaining_args = len(args) - (self.num_node_types +
                                              self.num_edge_types + 1)

        # Get main args:
        (x_dict, edge_index_dict,
         edge_mask_dict) = self._captum_data_to_hetero_data(*args)

        if 'edge' in self.mask_type:
            set_hetero_masks(self.model, edge_mask_dict, edge_index_dict)

        if len_remaining_args > 0:
            # If there are args other than `x_dict` and `edge_index_dict`
            x = self.model(x_dict, edge_index_dict,
            x = self.model(x_dict, edge_index_dict)

        if 'edge' in self.mask_type:

        if self.output_idx is not None:
            x = x[self.output_idx].unsqueeze(0)
        return x

def _to_edge_mask(edge_index: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    num_edges = edge_index.shape[1]
    return torch.ones(num_edges, requires_grad=True, device=edge_index.device)

def _raise_on_invalid_mask_type(mask_type: str):
    if mask_type not in ['node', 'edge', 'node_and_edge']:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid mask type (got {mask_type})")

[docs]def to_captum_input(x: Union[Tensor, Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]], edge_index: Union[Tensor, Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]], mask_type: str, *args) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor]]: r"""Given :obj:`x`, :obj:`edge_index` and :obj:`mask_type`, converts it to a format to use in ` <>`_ attribution methods. Returns :obj:`inputs` and :obj:`additional_forward_args` required for `Captum`'s :obj:`attribute` functions. See :obj:`torch_geometric.nn.to_captum_model` for example usage. Args: x (Tensor or Dict[NodeType, Tensor]): The node features. For heterogenous graphs this is a dictionary holding node featues for each node type. edge_index(Tensor or Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]): The edge indicies. For heterogenous graphs this is a dictionary holding edge index for each edge type. mask_type (str): Denotes the type of mask to be created with a Captum explainer. Valid inputs are :obj:`"edge"`, :obj:`"node"`, and :obj:`"node_and_edge"`: *args: Additional forward arguments of the model being explained which will be added to :obj:`additonal_forward_args`. For :class:`Data` this is arguments other than :obj:`x` and :obj:`edge_index`. For :class:`HeteroData` this is arguments other than :obj:`x_dict` and :obj:`edge_index_dict`. """ _raise_on_invalid_mask_type(mask_type) additional_forward_args = [] if isinstance(x, Tensor) and isinstance(edge_index, Tensor): if mask_type == "node": inputs = [x.unsqueeze(0)] elif mask_type == "edge": inputs = [_to_edge_mask(edge_index).unsqueeze(0)] additional_forward_args.append(x) else: inputs = [x.unsqueeze(0), _to_edge_mask(edge_index).unsqueeze(0)] additional_forward_args.append(edge_index) elif isinstance(x, Dict) and isinstance(edge_index, Dict): node_types = x.keys() edge_types = edge_index.keys() inputs = [] if mask_type == "node": for key in node_types: inputs.append(x[key].unsqueeze(0)) elif mask_type == "edge": for key in edge_types: inputs.append(_to_edge_mask(edge_index[key]).unsqueeze(0)) additional_forward_args.append(x) else: for key in node_types: inputs.append(x[key].unsqueeze(0)) for key in edge_types: inputs.append(_to_edge_mask(edge_index[key]).unsqueeze(0)) additional_forward_args.append(edge_index) else: raise ValueError( "'x' and 'edge_index' need to be either" f"'Dict' or 'Tensor' got({type(x)}, {type(edge_index)})") additional_forward_args.extend(args) return tuple(inputs), tuple(additional_forward_args)
[docs]def captum_output_to_dicts( captum_attrs: Tuple[Tensor], mask_type: str, metadata: Metadata ) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[NodeType, Tensor]], Optional[Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]]]: r"""Convert the output of ` <>`_ attribution methods which is a tuple of attributions to two dictonaries with node and edge attribution tensors. This function is used while explaining :obj:`HeteroData` objects. See :obj:`torch_geometric.nn.to_captum_model` for example usage. Args: captum_attrs (tuple[tensor]): The output of attribution methods. mask_type (str): Denotes the type of mask to be created with a Captum explainer. Valid inputs are :obj:`"edge"`, :obj:`"node"`, and :obj:`"node_and_edge"`: 1. :obj:`"edge"`: :obj:`captum_attrs` contains only edge attributions. The returned tuple has no node attributions and a edge attribution dictionary with key `EdgeType` and value edge mask tensor of shape :obj:`[num_edges]`. 2. :obj:`"node"`: :obj:`captum_attrs` contains only node attributions. The returned tuple has node attribution dictonary with key `NodeType` and value node mask tensor of shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_features]` and no edge attribution. 3. :obj:`"node_and_edge"`: :obj:`captum_attrs` contains only node attributions. The returned tuple contains node attribution dictionary followed by edge attribution dictionary. metadata (Metadata): The metadata of the heterogeneous graph. """ _raise_on_invalid_mask_type(mask_type) node_types = metadata[0] edge_types = metadata[1] x_attr_dict, edge_attr_dict = None, None captum_attrs = [captum_attr.squeeze(0) for captum_attr in captum_attrs] if mask_type == "node": assert len(node_types) == len(captum_attrs) x_attr_dict = dict(zip(node_types, captum_attrs)) elif mask_type == "edge": assert len(edge_types) == len(captum_attrs) edge_attr_dict = dict(zip(edge_types, captum_attrs)) elif mask_type == "node_and_edge": assert len(edge_types) + len(node_types) == len(captum_attrs) x_attr_dict = dict(zip(node_types, captum_attrs[:len(node_types)])) edge_attr_dict = dict(zip(edge_types, captum_attrs[len(node_types):])) return x_attr_dict, edge_attr_dict
[docs]@deprecated(details='Use `torch_geometric.nn.to_captum_model` instead') def to_captum( model: torch.nn.Module, mask_type: str = "edge", output_idx: Optional[int] = None, metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None ) -> Union[CaptumModel, CaptumHeteroModel]: r""" Alias for :obj:`to_captum_model`. .. warning:: :obj:`~torch_geometric.nn.to_captum` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use :obj:`torch_geometric.nn.to_captum_model` instead. """ return to_captum_model(model, mask_type, output_idx, metadata)
[docs]def to_captum_model( model: torch.nn.Module, mask_type: str = "edge", output_idx: Optional[int] = None, metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None ) -> Union[CaptumModel, CaptumHeteroModel]: r"""Converts a model to a model that can be used for ` <>`_ attribution methods. Sample code for homogenous graphs: .. code-block:: python from captum.attr import IntegratedGradients from import Data from torch_geometric.nn import GCN from torch_geometric.nn import to_captum_model, to_captum_input data = Data(x=(...), edge_index(...)) model = GCN(...) ... # Train the model. # Explain predictions for node `10`: mask_type="edge" output_idx = 10 captum_model = to_captum_model(model, mask_type, output_idx) inputs, additional_forward_args = to_captum_input(data.x, data.edge_index,mask_type) ig = IntegratedGradients(captum_model) ig_attr = ig.attribute(inputs = inputs, target=int(y[output_idx]), additional_forward_args=additional_forward_args, internal_batch_size=1) Sample code for heterogenous graphs: .. code-block:: python from captum.attr import IntegratedGradients from import HeteroData from torch_geometric.nn import HeteroConv from torch_geometric.nn import (captum_output_to_dicts, to_captum_model, to_captum_input) data = HeteroData(...) model = HeteroConv(...) ... # Train the model. # Explain predictions for node `10`: mask_type="edge" metadata = data.metadata output_idx = 10 captum_model = to_captum_model(model, mask_type, output_idx, metadata) inputs, additional_forward_args = to_captum_input(data.x_dict, data.edge_index_dict, mask_type) ig = IntegratedGradients(captum_model) ig_attr = ig.attribute(inputs=inputs, target=int(y[output_idx]), additional_forward_args=additional_forward_args, internal_batch_size=1) edge_attr_dict = captum_output_to_dicts(ig_attr, mask_type, metadata) .. note:: For an example of using a Captum attribution method within PyG, see `examples/ <>`_. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The model to be explained. mask_type (str, optional): Denotes the type of mask to be created with a Captum explainer. Valid inputs are :obj:`"edge"`, :obj:`"node"`, and :obj:`"node_and_edge"`. (default: :obj:`"edge"`) output_idx (int, optional): Index of the output element (node or link index) to be explained. With :obj:`output_idx` set, the forward function will return the output of the model for the element at the index specified. (default: :obj:`None`) metadata (Metadata, optional): The metadata of the heterogeneous graph. Only required if explaning over a `HeteroData` object. (default: :obj: `None`) """ if metadata is None: return CaptumModel(model, mask_type, output_idx) else: return CaptumHeteroModel(model, mask_type, output_idx, metadata)
class Explainer(torch.nn.Module): r"""An abstract class for integrating explainability into Graph Neural Networks. It also provides general visualization methods for graph attributions. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The GNN module to explain. epochs (int, optional): The number of epochs to train. (default: :obj:`None`) lr (float, optional): The learning rate to apply. (default: :obj:`None`) num_hops (int, optional): The number of hops the :obj:`model` is aggregating information from. If set to :obj:`None`, will automatically try to detect this information based on the number of :class:`~torch_geometric.nn.conv.message_passing.MessagePassing` layers inside :obj:`model`. (default: :obj:`None`) return_type (str, optional): Denotes the type of output from :obj:`model`. Valid inputs are :obj:`"log_prob"` (the model returns the logarithm of probabilities), :obj:`"prob"` (the model returns probabilities), :obj:`"raw"` (the model returns raw scores) and :obj:`"regression"` (the model returns scalars). (default: :obj:`"log_prob"`) log (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not log any learning progress. (default: :obj:`True`) """ def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, lr: Optional[float] = None, epochs: Optional[int] = None, num_hops: Optional[int] = None, return_type: str = 'log_prob', log: bool = False): super().__init__() assert return_type in ['log_prob', 'prob', 'raw', 'regression'] self.model = model = lr self.epochs = epochs self.num_hops = num_hops or get_num_hops(self.model) self.return_type = return_type self.log = log def _flow(self) -> str: for module in self.model.modules(): if isinstance(module, MessagePassing): return module.flow return 'source_to_target' def subgraph(self, node_idx: int, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, **kwargs): r"""Returns the subgraph of the given node. Args: node_idx (int): The node to explain. x (Tensor): The node feature matrix. edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments passed to the GNN module. :rtype: (Tensor, Tensor, LongTensor, LongTensor, LongTensor, dict) """ num_nodes, num_edges = x.size(0), edge_index.size(1) subset, edge_index, mapping, edge_mask = k_hop_subgraph( node_idx, self.num_hops, edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=num_nodes, flow=self._flow()) x = x[subset] kwargs_new = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(value) and value.size(0) == num_nodes: kwargs_new[key] = value[subset] elif torch.is_tensor(value) and value.size(0) == num_edges: kwargs_new[key] = value[edge_mask] else: kwargs_new[key] = value # TODO: this is not in PGExplainer return x, edge_index, mapping, edge_mask, subset, kwargs_new def _to_log_prob(self, x): x = x.log_softmax(dim=-1) if self.return_type == 'raw' else x x = x.log() if self.return_type == 'prob' else x return x @torch.no_grad() def get_initial_prediction(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, batch: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kwargs): if batch is not None: out = self.model(x, edge_index, batch=batch, **kwargs) else: out = self.model(x, edge_index, **kwargs) if self.return_type == 'regression': prediction = out else: log_logits = self._to_log_prob(out) prediction = log_logits.argmax(dim=-1) return prediction def get_loss(self, out: Tensor, prediction: Tensor, node_idx: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): if self.return_type == 'regression': loss = self._loss(out, prediction, node_idx, **kwargs) else: log_logits = self._to_log_prob(out) loss = self._loss(log_logits, prediction, node_idx, **kwargs) return loss def visualize_subgraph(self, node_idx: Optional[int], edge_index: Tensor, edge_mask: Tensor, y: Optional[Tensor] = None, threshold: Optional[int] = None, edge_y: Optional[Tensor] = None, node_alpha: Optional[Tensor] = None, seed: int = 10, **kwargs): r"""Visualizes the subgraph given an edge mask :attr:`edge_mask`. Args: node_idx (int): The node id to explain. Set to :obj:`None` to explain a graph. edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. edge_mask (Tensor): The edge mask. y (Tensor, optional): The ground-truth node-prediction labels used as node colorings. All nodes will have the same color if :attr:`node_idx` is :obj:`-1`.(default: :obj:`None`). threshold (float, optional): Sets a threshold for visualizing important edges. If set to :obj:`None`, will visualize all edges with transparancy indicating the importance of edges. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_y (Tensor, optional): The edge labels used as edge colorings. node_alpha (Tensor, optional): Tensor of floats (0 - 1) indicating transparency of each node. seed (int, optional): Random seed of the :obj:`networkx` node placement algorithm. (default: :obj:`10`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments passed to :func:`nx.draw`. :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, :class:`networkx.DiGraph` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx assert edge_mask.size(0) == edge_index.size(1) if node_idx is None or node_idx < 0: hard_edge_mask = torch.BoolTensor([True] * edge_index.size(1), device=edge_mask.device) subset = torch.arange(edge_index.max().item() + 1, device=edge_index.device) y = None else: # Only operate on a k-hop subgraph around `node_idx`. subset, edge_index, _, hard_edge_mask = k_hop_subgraph( node_idx, self.num_hops, edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=None, flow=self._flow()) edge_mask = edge_mask[hard_edge_mask] if threshold is not None: edge_mask = (edge_mask >= threshold).to(torch.float) if y is None: y = torch.zeros(edge_index.max().item() + 1, device=edge_index.device) else: y = y[subset].to(torch.float) / y.max().item() if edge_y is None: edge_color = ['black'] * edge_index.size(1) else: colors = list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']) edge_color = [ colors[i % len(colors)]['color'] for i in edge_y[hard_edge_mask] ] data = Data(edge_index=edge_index, att=edge_mask, edge_color=edge_color, y=y, num_nodes=y.size(0)).to('cpu') G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['y'], edge_attrs=['att', 'edge_color']) mapping = {k: i for k, i in enumerate(subset.tolist())} G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping) node_args = set(signature(nx.draw_networkx_nodes).parameters.keys()) node_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in node_args} node_kwargs['node_size'] = kwargs.get('node_size') or 800 node_kwargs['cmap'] = kwargs.get('cmap') or 'cool' label_args = set(signature(nx.draw_networkx_labels).parameters.keys()) label_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in label_args} label_kwargs['font_size'] = kwargs.get('font_size') or 10 pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=seed) ax = plt.gca() for source, target, data in G.edges(data=True): ax.annotate( '', xy=pos[target], xycoords='data', xytext=pos[source], textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="->", alpha=max(data['att'], 0.1), color=data['edge_color'], shrinkA=sqrt(node_kwargs['node_size']) / 2.0, shrinkB=sqrt(node_kwargs['node_size']) / 2.0, connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.1", )) if node_alpha is None: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color=y.tolist(), **node_kwargs) else: node_alpha_subset = node_alpha[subset] assert ((node_alpha_subset >= 0) & (node_alpha_subset <= 1)).all() nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, alpha=node_alpha_subset.tolist(), node_color=y.tolist(), **node_kwargs) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, **label_kwargs) return ax, G