Source code for torch_geometric.profile.profile

import os
import pathlib
import time
from contextlib import ContextDecorator, contextmanager
from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple, Tuple

import torch
from torch.profiler import ProfilerActivity, profile

from torch_geometric.profile.utils import (

class Stats(NamedTuple):
    time: float
    max_allocated_cuda: float
    max_reserved_cuda: float
    max_active_cuda: float
    nvidia_smi_free_cuda: float
    nvidia_smi_used_cuda: float

class StatsSummary(NamedTuple):
    time_mean: float
    time_std: float
    max_allocated_cuda: float
    max_reserved_cuda: float
    max_active_cuda: float
    min_nvidia_smi_free_cuda: float
    max_nvidia_smi_used_cuda: float

[docs]def profileit(): r"""A decorator to facilitate profiling a function, *e.g.*, obtaining training runtime and memory statistics of a specific model on a specific dataset. Returns a :obj:`Stats` object with the attributes :obj:`time`, :obj:`max_active_cuda`, :obj:`max_reserved_cuda`, :obj:`max_active_cuda`, :obj:`nvidia_smi_free_cuda`, :obj:`nvidia_smi_used_cuda`. .. code-block:: python @profileit() def train(model, optimizer, x, edge_index, y): optimizer.zero_grad() out = model(x, edge_index) loss = criterion(out, y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() return float(loss) loss, stats = train(model, x, edge_index, y) """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, Stats]: from pytorch_memlab import LineProfiler model = args[0] if not isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): raise AttributeError( 'First argument for profiling needs to be torch.nn.Module') # Init `pytorch_memlab` for analyzing the model forward pass: line_profiler = LineProfiler() line_profiler.enable() line_profiler.add_function(args[0].forward) start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) start.record() out = func(*args, **kwargs) end.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() time = start.elapsed_time(end) / 1000 # Get the global memory statistics collected by `pytorch_memlab`: memlab = read_from_memlab(line_profiler) max_allocated_cuda, max_reserved_cuda, max_active_cuda = memlab line_profiler.disable() # Get additional information from `nvidia-smi`: free_cuda, used_cuda = get_gpu_memory_from_nvidia_smi() stats = Stats(time, max_allocated_cuda, max_reserved_cuda, max_active_cuda, free_cuda, used_cuda) return out, stats return wrapper return decorator
[docs]class timeit(ContextDecorator): r"""A context decorator to facilitate timing a function, *e.g.*, obtaining the runtime of a specific model on a specific dataset. .. code-block:: python @torch.no_grad() def test(model, x, edge_index): return model(x, edge_index) with timeit() as t: z = test(model, x, edge_index) time = t.duration """ def __init__(self, log: bool = True, avg_time_divisor: int = 0): self.log = log self.avg_time_divisor = avg_time_divisor def __enter__(self): if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() self.t_start = time.time() return self def __exit__(self, *args): if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() self.t_end = time.time() self.duration = self.t_end - self.t_start if self.avg_time_divisor > 1: self.duration = self.duration / self.avg_time_divisor if self.log: print(f'Time: {self.duration:.8f}s', flush=True)
[docs] def reset(self): r"""Prints the duration and resets current timer.""" if self.t_start is None: raise Exception("Timer wasn't started.") else: self.__exit__() self.__enter__()
[docs]def get_stats_summary(stats_list: List[Stats]): r"""Creates a summary of collected runtime and memory statistics. Returns a :obj:`StatsSummary` object with the attributes :obj:`time_mean`, :obj:`time_std`, :obj:`max_active_cuda`, :obj:`max_reserved_cuda`, :obj:`max_active_cuda`, :obj:`min_nvidia_smi_free_cuda`, :obj:`max_nvidia_smi_used_cuda`. Args: stats_list (List[Stats]): A list of :obj:`Stats` objects, as returned by :meth:`~torch_geometric.profile.profileit`. """ return StatsSummary( time_mean=mean([stats.time for stats in stats_list]), time_std=std([stats.time for stats in stats_list]), max_allocated_cuda=max([s.max_allocated_cuda for s in stats_list]), max_reserved_cuda=max([s.max_reserved_cuda for s in stats_list]), max_active_cuda=max([s.max_active_cuda for s in stats_list]), min_nvidia_smi_free_cuda=min( [s.nvidia_smi_free_cuda for s in stats_list]), max_nvidia_smi_used_cuda=max( [s.nvidia_smi_used_cuda for s in stats_list]), )
############################################################################### def read_from_memlab(line_profiler: Any) -> List[float]: from pytorch_memlab.line_profiler.line_records import LineRecords # See: track_stats = [ # Different statistic can be collected as needed. 'allocated_bytes.all.peak', 'reserved_bytes.all.peak', 'active_bytes.all.peak', ] records = LineRecords(line_profiler._raw_line_records, line_profiler._code_infos) stats = records.display(None, track_stats)._line_records return [byte_to_megabyte(x) for x in stats.values.max(axis=0).tolist()] def std(values: List[float]): return float(torch.tensor(values).std()) def mean(values: List[float]): return float(torch.tensor(values).mean())
[docs]def trace_handler(p): if torch.cuda.is_available(): profile_sort = 'self_cuda_time_total' else: profile_sort = 'self_cpu_time_total' output = p.key_averages().table(sort_by=profile_sort) print(output) profile_dir = str(pathlib.Path.cwd()) + '/' timeline_file = profile_dir + 'timeline' + '.json' p.export_chrome_trace(timeline_file)
[docs]def rename_profile_file(*args): profile_dir = str(pathlib.Path.cwd()) + '/' timeline_file = profile_dir + 'profile' for arg in args: timeline_file += '-' + arg timeline_file += '.json' os.rename('timeline.json', timeline_file)
[docs]@contextmanager def torch_profile(): with profile(activities=[ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], on_trace_ready=trace_handler) as p: yield p.step()