Source code for torch_geometric.sampler.base

import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from torch import Tensor

from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, NodeType, OptTensor
from torch_geometric.utils.mixin import CastMixin

# An input to a node-based sampler consists of two tensors:
#  * The example indices
#  * The node indices
#  * The timestamps of the given node indices (optional)
NodeSamplerInput = Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, OptTensor]

# An input to an edge-based sampler consists of four tensors:
#   * The example indices
#   * The row of the edge index in COO format
#   * The column of the edge index in COO format
#   * The labels of the edges (optional)
#   * The time attribute corresponding to the edge label (optional)
EdgeSamplerInput = Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, OptTensor, OptTensor]

# A sampler output contains the following information.
#   * node: a tensor of `n` output nodes resulting from sampling. In the
#       heterogeneous case, this is a dictionary mapping node types to the
#       associated output tensors, each with potentially varying length.
#   * row: a tensor of edge indices that correspond to the COO row values of
#       the edges in the sampled subgraph. Note that these indices must be
#       re-indexed from 0..n-1 corresponding to the nodes in the 'node' tensor.
#       In the heterogeneous case, this is a dictionary mapping edge types to
#       the associated COO row tensors.
#   * col: a tensor of edge indices that correspond to the COO column values of
#       the edges in the sampled subgraph. Note that these indices must be
#       re-indexed from 0..n-1 corresponding to the nodes in the 'node' tensor.
#       In the heterogeneous case, this is a dictionary mapping edge types to
#       the associated COO column tensors.
#   * edge: a tensor of the indices of the sampled edges in the original graph.
#       This tensor is used to obtain edge attributes from the original graph;
#       if no edge attributes are present, it may be omitted.
#   * batch: a tensor identifying the seed node for each sampled node.
#   * metadata: any additional metadata required by a loader using the sampler
#       output.
# There exist both homogeneous and heterogeneous versions.
class SamplerOutput:
    node: Tensor
    row: Tensor
    col: Tensor
    edge: Tensor
    batch: OptTensor = None
    # TODO(manan): refine this further; it does not currently define a proper
    # API for the expected output of a sampler.
    metadata: Optional[Any] = None

class HeteroSamplerOutput:
    node: Dict[NodeType, Tensor]
    row: Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]
    col: Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]
    edge: Dict[EdgeType, Tensor]
    batch: Optional[Dict[NodeType, Tensor]] = None
    # TODO(manan): refine this further; it does not currently define a proper
    # API for the expected output of a sampler.
    metadata: Optional[Any] = None

class NegativeSamplingStrategy(Enum):
    # 'binary': Randomly sample negative edges in the graph.
    binary = 'binary'
    # 'triplet': Randomly sample negative destination nodes for each positive
    # source node.
    triplet = 'triplet'

class NegativeSamplingConfig(CastMixin):
    strategy: NegativeSamplingStrategy
    amount: Union[int, float] = 1

    def __init__(
        strategy: Union[NegativeSamplingStrategy, str],
        amount: Union[int, float] = 1,
        self.strategy = NegativeSamplingStrategy(strategy)
        self.amount = amount

        if self.amount <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f"The attribute 'amount' needs to be positive "
                             f"for '{self.__class__.__name__}' "
                             f"(got {self.amount})")

        if self.is_triplet():
            if self.amount != math.ceil(self.amount):
                raise ValueError(f"The attribute 'amount' needs to be an "
                                 f"integer for '{self.__class__.__name__}' "
                                 f"with 'triplet' negative sampling "
                                 f"(got {self.amount}).")
            self.amount = math.ceil(self.amount)

    def is_binary(self) -> bool:
        return self.strategy == NegativeSamplingStrategy.binary

    def is_triplet(self) -> bool:
        return self.strategy == NegativeSamplingStrategy.triplet

[docs]class BaseSampler(ABC): r"""A base class that initializes a graph sampler and provides :meth:`sample_from_nodes` and :meth:`sample_from_edges` routines. .. note :: Any data stored in the sampler will be *replicated* across data loading workers that use the sampler since each data loading worker holds its own instance of a sampler. As such, it is recommended to limit the amount of information stored in the sampler. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample_from_nodes( self, index: NodeSamplerInput, **kwargs, ) -> Union[HeteroSamplerOutput, SamplerOutput]: r"""Performs sampling from the nodes specified in :obj:`index`, returning a sampled subgraph in the specified output format. Args: index (Tensor): The node indices to start sampling from. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample_from_edges( self, index: EdgeSamplerInput, **kwargs, ) -> Union[HeteroSamplerOutput, SamplerOutput]: r"""Performs sampling from the edges specified in :obj:`index`, returning a sampled subgraph in the specified output format. Args: index (Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]): The (1) source node indices, the (2) destination node indices, the (3) edge labels and the (4) optional timestamp of edges to start sampling from. """ pass
@property def edge_permutation(self) -> Union[OptTensor, Dict[EdgeType, OptTensor]]: r"""If the sampler performs any modification of edge ordering in the original graph, this function is expected to return the permutation tensor that defines the permutation from the edges in the original graph and the edges used in the sampler. If no such permutation was applied, :obj:`None` is returned. For heterogeneous graphs, the expected return type is a permutation tensor for each edge type.""" return None