Source code for torch_geometric.transforms.knn_graph

import torch_geometric
from import Data
from import functional_transform
from torch_geometric.transforms import BaseTransform
from torch_geometric.utils import to_undirected

[docs]@functional_transform('knn_graph') class KNNGraph(BaseTransform): r"""Creates a k-NN graph based on node positions :obj:`pos` (functional name: :obj:`knn_graph`). Args: k (int, optional): The number of neighbors. (default: :obj:`6`) loop (bool, optional): If :obj:`True`, the graph will contain self-loops. (default: :obj:`False`) force_undirected (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, new edges will be undirected. (default: :obj:`False`) flow (string, optional): The flow direction when used in combination with message passing (:obj:`"source_to_target"` or :obj:`"target_to_source"`). If set to :obj:`"source_to_target"`, every target node will have exactly :math:`k` source nodes pointing to it. (default: :obj:`"source_to_target"`) cosine (boolean, optional): If :obj:`True`, will use the cosine distance instead of euclidean distance to find nearest neighbors. (default: :obj:`False`) num_workers (int): Number of workers to use for computation. Has no effect in case :obj:`batch` is not :obj:`None`, or the input lies on the GPU. (default: :obj:`1`) """ def __init__( self, k: int = 6, loop: bool = False, force_undirected: bool = False, flow: str = 'source_to_target', cosine: bool = False, num_workers: int = 1, ): self.k = k self.loop = loop self.force_undirected = force_undirected self.flow = flow self.cosine = cosine self.num_workers = num_workers def __call__(self, data: Data) -> Data: data.edge_attr = None batch = data.batch if 'batch' in data else None edge_index = torch_geometric.nn.knn_graph( data.pos, self.k, batch, loop=self.loop, flow=self.flow, cosine=self.cosine, num_workers=self.num_workers, ) if self.force_undirected: edge_index = to_undirected(edge_index, num_nodes=data.num_nodes) data.edge_index = edge_index return data def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(k={self.k})'