External Resources
Matthias Fey and Jan E. Lenssen: Fast Graph Representation Learning with PyTorch Geometric [Paper, Slides (3.3MB), Poster (2.3MB), Notebook]
Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs: Graph Machine Learning lectures [ Youtube]
Stanford University: A collection of graph machine learning tutorial blog posts, fully realized with PyG [Website]
Soumith Chintala: Automatic Differentiation, PyTorch and Graph Neural Networks [Talk (starting from 26:15)]
Stanford University: Graph Neural Networks using PyTorch Geometric [ YouTube (starting from 33:33)]
Antonio Longa, Gabriele Santin and Giovanni Pellegrini: PyTorch Geometric Tutorial [Website, GitHub]
DAIR.AI | elvis: Introduction to GNNs with PyTorch Geometric [Website, Colab]
Nicolas Chaulet et al.: PyTorch Points 3D - A framework for running common deep learning models for point cloud analysis tasks that heavily relies on Pytorch Geometric [ GitHub, Documentation]
Weihua Hu et al.: Open Graph Benchmark - A collection of large-scale benchmark datasets, data loaders, and evaluators for graph machine learning, including PyG support and examples [Website, GitHub]
DeepSNAP - A PyTorch library that bridges between graph libraries such as NetworkX and PyG [ GitHub, Documentation]
Quiver - A distributed graph learning library for PyG [ GitHub]
Benedek Rozemberczki: PyTorch Geometric Temporal - A temporal GNN library built upon PyG [ GitHub, Documentation]
Yixuan He: PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed - A signed and directed GNN library built upon PyG [ GitHub, Documentation]
Steeve Huang: Hands-on Graph Neural Networks with PyTorch & PyTorch Geometric [Tutorial, Code]
Francesco Landolfi: PyTorch Geometric Tutorial [PDF (0.4MB)]
Sachin Sharma: How to Deploy (almost) any PyTorch Geometric Model on Nvidia’s Triton Inference Server with an Application to Amazon Product Recommendation and ArangoDB [Blog]
Amitoz Azad: torch_pdegraph - Solving PDEs on Graphs with PyG [Devpost, GitHub]
Amitoz Azad: Primal-Dual Algorithm for Total Variation Processing on Graphs [Jupyter]
Manan Goel: Recommending Amazon Products using Graph Neural Networks in PyTorch Geometric [ W&B Report]
Kùzu: Remote Backend for PyTorch Geometric [ Colab]
Aniket Saxena: Graph Neural Networks-based Explanation App using PyTorch Geometric [Website, GitHub]
Mashaan Alshammari: Graph Attention in PyTorch Geometric [ Youtube, GitHub]
Mashaan Alshammari: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) in PyTorch [ Youtube, GitHub]
Mashaan Alshammari: GCN and SGC in PyTorch [ Youtube, GitHub],
Mashaan Alshammari: GCN Variants SGC and ASGC in PyTorch [ Youtube, GitHub]