
torch_geometric.contrib is a staging area for early stage experimental code. Modules might be moved to the main library in the future.


This module contains experimental code, which is not guaranteed to be stable.

Convolutional Layers



The Projected Randomized Block Coordinate Descent (PRBCD) adversarial attack from the Robustness of Graph Neural Networks at Scale paper.


The Greedy Randomized Block Coordinate Descent (GRBCD) adversarial attack from the Robustness of Graph Neural Networks at Scale paper.

class PRBCDAttack(model: Module, block_size: int, epochs: int = 125, epochs_resampling: int = 100, loss: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]]] = 'prob_margin', metric: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]]] = None, lr: float = 1000, is_undirected: bool = True, log: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

The Projected Randomized Block Coordinate Descent (PRBCD) adversarial attack from the Robustness of Graph Neural Networks at Scale paper.

This attack uses an efficient gradient based approach that (during the attack) relaxes the discrete entries in the adjacency matrix \(\{0, 1\}\) to \([0, 1]\) and solely perturbs the adjacency matrix (no feature perturbations). Thus, this attack supports all models that can handle weighted graphs that are differentiable w.r.t. these edge weights, e.g., GCNConv or GraphConv. For non-differentiable models you might need modifications, e.g., see example for GATConv.

The memory overhead is driven by the additional edges (at most block_size). For scalability reasons, the block is drawn with replacement and then the index is made unique. Thus, the actual block size is typically slightly smaller than specified.

This attack can be used for both global and local attacks as well as test-time attacks (evasion) and training-time attacks (poisoning). Please see the provided examples.

This attack is designed with a focus on node- or graph-classification, however, to adapt to other tasks you most likely only need to provide an appropriate loss and model. However, we currently do not support batching out of the box (sampling needs to be adapted).


For examples of using the PRBCD Attack, see examples/contrib/ for a test time attack (evasion) or examples/contrib/ for a training time (poisoning) attack.

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – The GNN module to assess.

  • block_size (int) – Number of randomly selected elements in the adjacency matrix to consider.

  • epochs (int, optional) – Number of epochs (aborts early if mode='greedy' and budget is satisfied) (default: 125)

  • epochs_resampling (int, optional) – Number of epochs to resample the random block. (default: obj:100)

  • loss (str or callable, optional) – A loss to quantify the “strength” of an attack. Note that this function must match the output format of model. By default, it is assumed that the task is classification and that the model returns raw predictions (i.e., no output activation) or uses logsoftmax. Moreover, and the number of predictions should match the number of labels passed to attack. Either pass a callable or one of: 'masked', 'margin', 'prob_margin', 'tanh_margin'. (default: 'prob_margin')

  • metric (callable, optional) – Second (potentially non-differentiable) loss for monitoring or early stopping (if mode='greedy'). (default: same as loss)

  • lr (float, optional) – Learning rate for updating edge weights. Additionally, it is heuristically corrected for block_size, budget (see attack) and graph size. (default: 1_000)

  • is_undirected (bool, optional) – If True the graph is assumed to be undirected. (default: True)

  • log (bool, optional) – If set to False, will not log any learning progress. (default: True)

coeffs = {'eps': 1e-07, 'max_final_samples': 20, 'max_trials_sampling': 20, 'with_early_stopping': True}
attack(x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, labels: Tensor, budget: int, idx_attack: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kwargs) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Attack the predictions for the provided model and graph.

A subset of predictions may be specified with idx_attack. The attack is allowed to flip (i.e. add or delete) budget edges and will return the strongest perturbation it can find. It returns both the resulting perturbed edge_index as well as the perturbations.

  • x (torch.Tensor) – The node feature matrix.

  • edge_index (torch.Tensor) – The edge indices.

  • labels (torch.Tensor) – The labels.

  • budget (int) – The number of allowed perturbations (i.e. number of edges that are flipped at most).

  • idx_attack (torch.Tensor, optional) – Filter for predictions/labels. Shape and type must match that it can index labels and the model’s predictions.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments passed to the GNN module.

Return type:

(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor)

class GRBCDAttack(model: Module, block_size: int, epochs: int = 125, loss: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]]] = 'masked', is_undirected: bool = True, log: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

The Greedy Randomized Block Coordinate Descent (GRBCD) adversarial attack from the Robustness of Graph Neural Networks at Scale paper.

GRBCD shares most of the properties and requirements with PRBCDAttack. It also uses an efficient gradient based approach. However, it greedily flips edges based on the gradient towards the adjacency matrix.


For examples of using the GRBCD Attack, see examples/contrib/ for a test time attack (evasion).

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – The GNN module to assess.

  • block_size (int) – Number of randomly selected elements in the adjacency matrix to consider.

  • epochs (int, optional) – Number of epochs (aborts early if mode='greedy' and budget is satisfied) (default: 125)

  • loss (str or callable, optional) – A loss to quantify the “strength” of an attack. Note that this function must match the output format of model. By default, it is assumed that the task is classification and that the model returns raw predictions (i.e., no output activation) or uses logsoftmax. Moreover, and the number of predictions should match the number of labels passed to attack. Either pass Callable or one of: 'masked', 'margin', 'prob_margin', 'tanh_margin'. (default: 'masked')

  • is_undirected (bool, optional) – If True the graph is assumed to be undirected. (default: True)

  • log (bool, optional) – If set to False, will not log any learning progress. (default: True)

coeffs = {'eps': 1e-07, 'max_trials_sampling': 20}





The PGMExplainer model from the "PGMExplainer: Probabilistic Graphical Model Explanations for Graph Neural Networks" paper.

class PGMExplainer(feature_index: Optional[List] = None, perturbation_mode: str = 'randint', perturbations_is_positive_only: bool = False, is_perturbation_scaled: bool = False, num_samples: int = 100, max_subgraph_size: Optional[int] = None, significance_threshold: float = 0.05, pred_threshold: float = 0.1)[source]

The PGMExplainer model from the “PGMExplainer: Probabilistic Graphical Model Explanations for Graph Neural Networks” paper.

The generated Explanation provides a node_mask and a pgm_stats tensor, which stores the \(p\)-values of each node as calculated by the Chi-squared test.

  • feature_index (List) – The indices of the perturbed features. If set to None, all features are perturbed. (default: None)

  • perturb_mode (str, optional) – The method to generate the variations in features. One of "randint", "mean", "zero", "max" or "uniform". (default: "randint")

  • perturbations_is_positive_only (bool, optional) – If set to True, restrict perturbed values to be positive. (default: False)

  • is_perturbation_scaled (bool, optional) – If set to True, will normalize the range of the perturbed features. (default: False)

  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples of perturbations used to test the significance of nodes to the prediction. (default: 100)

  • max_subgraph_size (int, optional) – The maximum number of neighbors to consider for the explanation. (default: None)

  • significance_threshold (float, optional) – The statistical threshold (\(p\)-value) for which a node is considered to have an effect on the prediction. (default: 0.05)

  • pred_threshold (float, optional) – The buffer value (in range [0, 1]) to consider the output from a perturbed data to be different from the original. (default: 0.1)

forward(model: Module, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, *, target: Tensor, index: Optional[Union[int, Tensor]] = None, **kwargs) Explanation[source]

Computes the explanation.

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – The model to explain.

  • x (Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[NodeType, torch.Tensor]]) – The input node features of a homogeneous or heterogeneous graph.

  • edge_index (Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[NodeType, torch.Tensor]]) – The input edge indices of a homogeneous or heterogeneous graph.

  • target (torch.Tensor) – The target of the model.

  • index (Union[int, Tensor], optional) – The index of the model output to explain. Can be a single index or a tensor of indices. (default: None)

  • **kwargs (optional) – Additional keyword arguments passed to model.

supports() bool[source]

Checks if the explainer supports the user-defined settings provided in self.explainer_config, self.model_config.