Transforms are a general way to modify and customize Data
or HeteroData
objects, either by implicitly passing them as an argument to a Dataset
, or by applying them explicitly to individual Data
or HeteroData
import torch_geometric.transforms as T
from torch_geometric.datasets import TUDataset
transform = T.Compose([T.ToUndirected(), T.AddSelfLoops()])
dataset = TUDataset(path, name='MUTAG', transform=transform)
data = dataset[0] # Implicitly transform data on every access.
data = TUDataset(path, name='MUTAG')[0]
data = transform(data) # Explicitly transform data.
General Transforms
An abstract base class for writing transforms. |
Composes several transforms together. |
Composes several filters together. |
Performs tensor device conversion, either for all attributes of the |
Converts the |
Appends a constant value to each node feature |
Row-normalizes the attributes given in |
Dimensionality reduction of node features via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) (functional name: |
Removes classes from the node-level training set as given by |
Performs a node-level random split by adding |
Performs an edge-level random split into training, validation and test sets of a |
Creates a node-level split with distributional shift based on a given node property, as proposed in the "Evaluating Robustness and Uncertainty of Graph Models Under Structural Distributional Shifts" paper (functional name: |
Converts indices to a mask representation (functional name: |
Converts a mask to an index representation (functional name: |
Applies padding to enforce consistent tensor shapes (functional name: |
Graph Transforms
Converts a homogeneous or heterogeneous graph to an undirected graph such that \((j,i) \in \mathcal{E}\) for every edge \((i,j) \in \mathcal{E}\) (functional name: |
Adds the node degree as one hot encodings to the node features (functional name: |
Saves the globally normalized degree of target nodes (functional name: |
Appends the Local Degree Profile (LDP) from the "A Simple yet Effective Baseline for Non-attribute Graph Classification" paper (functional name: |
Adds self-loops to the given homogeneous or heterogeneous graph (functional name: |
Adds remaining self-loops to the given homogeneous or heterogeneous graph (functional name: |
Removes all self-loops in the given homogeneous or heterogeneous graph (functional name: |
Removes isolated nodes from the graph (functional name: |
Removes duplicated edges from a given homogeneous or heterogeneous graph. |
Creates a k-NN graph based on node positions |
Creates edges based on node positions |
Converts a sparse adjacency matrix to a dense adjacency matrix with shape |
Adds the two hop edges to the edge indices (functional name: |
Converts a graph to its corresponding line-graph (functional name: |
Computes the highest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian given by |
Processes the graph via Graph Diffusion Convolution (GDC) from the "Diffusion Improves Graph Learning" paper (functional name: |
The Scalable Inception Graph Neural Network module (SIGN) from the "SIGN: Scalable Inception Graph Neural Networks" paper (functional name: |
Applies the GCN normalization from the "Semi-supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks" paper (functional name: |
Adds additional edge types to a |
Adds additional edge types similar to |
Collects rooted \(k\)-hop EgoNets for each node in the graph, as described in the "From Stars to Subgraphs: Uplifting Any GNN with Local Structure Awareness" paper. |
Collects rooted random-walk based subgraphs for each node in the graph, as described in the "From Stars to Subgraphs: Uplifting Any GNN with Local Structure Awareness" paper. |
Selects the subgraph that corresponds to the largest connected components in the graph (functional name: |
Appends a virtual node to the given homogeneous graph that is connected to all other nodes, as described in the "Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry" paper (functional name: |
Adds the Laplacian eigenvector positional encoding from the "Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks" paper to the given graph (functional name: |
Adds the random walk positional encoding from the "Graph Neural Networks with Learnable Structural and Positional Representations" paper to the given graph (functional name: |
The feature propagation operator from the "On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Feature propagation in Learning on Graphs with Missing Node Features" paper (functional name: |
The graph upsampling augmentation from the "Half-Hop: A Graph Upsampling Approach for Slowing Down Message Passing" paper. |
Vision Transforms
Saves the Euclidean distance of linked nodes in its edge attributes (functional name: |
Saves the relative Cartesian coordinates of linked nodes in its edge attributes (functional name: |
Saves the relative Cartesian coordinates of linked nodes in its edge attributes (functional name: |
Saves the polar coordinates of linked nodes in its edge attributes (functional name: |
Saves the spherical coordinates of linked nodes in its edge attributes (functional name: |
Computes the rotation-invariant Point Pair Features (functional name: |
Centers node positions |
Rotates all points according to the eigenvectors of the point cloud (functional name: |
Centers and normalizes node positions to the interval \((-1, 1)\) (functional name: |
Translates node positions by randomly sampled translation values within a given interval (functional name: |
Flips node positions along a given axis randomly with a given probability (functional name: |
Transforms node positions |
Scales node positions by a randomly sampled factor \(s\) within a given interval, e.g., resulting in the transformation matrix (functional name: |
Rotates node positions around a specific axis by a randomly sampled factor within a given interval (functional name: |
Shears node positions by randomly sampled factors \(s\) within a given interval, e.g., resulting in the transformation matrix (functional name: |
Converts mesh faces of shape |
Uniformly samples a fixed number of points on the mesh faces according to their face area (functional name: |
Samples a fixed number of points and features from a point cloud (functional name: |
Generate normal vectors for each mesh node based on neighboring faces (functional name: |
Computes the delaunay triangulation of a set of points (functional name: |
Converts an image to a superpixel representation using the |
Clusters points into fixed-sized voxels (functional name: |