Source code for torch_geometric.distributed.dist_neighbor_loader

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

from torch_geometric.distributed import (
from torch_geometric.loader import NodeLoader
from torch_geometric.sampler.base import SubgraphType
from torch_geometric.typing import EdgeType, InputNodes, OptTensor

[docs]class DistNeighborLoader(NodeLoader, DistLoader): r"""A distributed loader that performs sampling from nodes. Args: data (tuple): A (:class:``, :class:``) data object. num_neighbors (List[int] or Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], List[int]]): The number of neighbors to sample for each node in each iteration. If an entry is set to :obj:`-1`, all neighbors will be included. In heterogeneous graphs, may also take in a dictionary denoting the amount of neighbors to sample for each individual edge type. master_addr (str): RPC address for distributed loader communication, *i.e.* the IP address of the master node. master_port (Union[int, str]): Open port for RPC communication with the master node. current_ctx (DistContext): Distributed context information of the current process. concurrency (int, optional): RPC concurrency used for defining the maximum size of the asynchronous processing queue. (default: :obj:`1`) All other arguments follow the interface of :class:`torch_geometric.loader.NeighborLoader`. """ def __init__( self, data: Tuple[LocalFeatureStore, LocalGraphStore], num_neighbors: Union[List[int], Dict[EdgeType, List[int]]], master_addr: str, master_port: Union[int, str], current_ctx: DistContext, input_nodes: InputNodes = None, input_time: OptTensor = None, dist_sampler: Optional[DistNeighborSampler] = None, replace: bool = False, subgraph_type: Union[SubgraphType, str] = "directional", disjoint: bool = False, temporal_strategy: str = "uniform", time_attr: Optional[str] = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, concurrency: int = 1, num_rpc_threads: int = 16, filter_per_worker: Optional[bool] = False, async_sampling: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, **kwargs, ): assert isinstance(data[0], LocalFeatureStore) assert isinstance(data[1], LocalGraphStore) assert concurrency >= 1, "RPC concurrency must be greater than 1" if input_time is not None and time_attr is None: raise ValueError("Received conflicting 'input_time' and " "'time_attr' arguments: 'input_time' is set " "while 'time_attr' is not set.") channel = torch.multiprocessing.Queue() if async_sampling else None if dist_sampler is None: dist_sampler = DistNeighborSampler( data=data, current_ctx=current_ctx, num_neighbors=num_neighbors, replace=replace, subgraph_type=subgraph_type, disjoint=disjoint, temporal_strategy=temporal_strategy, time_attr=time_attr, device=device, channel=channel, concurrency=concurrency, ) DistLoader.__init__( self, channel=channel, master_addr=master_addr, master_port=master_port, current_ctx=current_ctx, dist_sampler=dist_sampler, num_rpc_threads=num_rpc_threads, **kwargs, ) NodeLoader.__init__( self, data=data, node_sampler=dist_sampler, input_nodes=input_nodes, input_time=input_time, transform=transform, filter_per_worker=filter_per_worker, transform_sampler_output=self.channel_get if channel else None, worker_init_fn=self.worker_init_fn, **kwargs, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return DistLoader.__repr__(self)