Source code for torch_geometric.explain.config

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Union

from torch_geometric.utils.mixin import CastMixin

class ExplanationType(Enum):
    """Enum class for the explanation type."""
    model = 'model'
    phenomenon = 'phenomenon'

class MaskType(Enum):
    """Enum class for the mask type."""
    object = 'object'
    common_attributes = 'common_attributes'
    attributes = 'attributes'

class ModelMode(Enum):
    """Enum class for the model return type."""
    binary_classification = 'binary_classification'
    multiclass_classification = 'multiclass_classification'
    regression = 'regression'

class ModelTaskLevel(Enum):
    """Enum class for the model task level."""
    node = 'node'
    edge = 'edge'
    graph = 'graph'

class ModelReturnType(Enum):
    """Enum class for the model return type."""
    raw = 'raw'
    probs = 'probs'
    log_probs = 'log_probs'

class ThresholdType(Enum):
    """Enum class for the threshold type."""
    hard = 'hard'
    topk = 'topk'
    topk_hard = 'topk_hard'
    # connected = 'connected'  # TODO

[docs]@dataclass class ExplainerConfig(CastMixin): r"""Configuration class to store and validate high level explanation parameters. Args: explanation_type (ExplanationType or str): The type of explanation to compute. The possible values are: - :obj:`"model"`: Explains the model prediction. - :obj:`"phenomenon"`: Explains the phenomenon that the model is trying to predict. In practice, this means that the explanation algorithm will either compute their losses with respect to the model output (:obj:`"model"`) or the target output (:obj:`"phenomenon"`). node_mask_type (MaskType or str, optional): The type of mask to apply on nodes. The possible values are (default: :obj:`None`): - :obj:`None`: Will not apply any mask on nodes. - :obj:`"object"`: Will mask each node. - :obj:`"common_attributes"`: Will mask each feature. - :obj:`"attributes"`: Will mask each feature across all nodes. edge_mask_type (MaskType or str, optional): The type of mask to apply on edges. Has the sample possible values as :obj:`node_mask_type`. (default: :obj:`None`) """ explanation_type: ExplanationType node_mask_type: Optional[MaskType] edge_mask_type: Optional[MaskType] def __init__( self, explanation_type: Union[ExplanationType, str], node_mask_type: Optional[Union[MaskType, str]] = None, edge_mask_type: Optional[Union[MaskType, str]] = None, ): if node_mask_type is not None: node_mask_type = MaskType(node_mask_type) if edge_mask_type is not None: edge_mask_type = MaskType(edge_mask_type) if edge_mask_type is not None and edge_mask_type != MaskType.object: raise ValueError(f"'edge_mask_type' needs be None or of type " f"'object' (got '{edge_mask_type.value}')") if node_mask_type is None and edge_mask_type is None: raise ValueError("Either 'node_mask_type' or 'edge_mask_type' " "must be provided") self.explanation_type = ExplanationType(explanation_type) self.node_mask_type = node_mask_type self.edge_mask_type = edge_mask_type
[docs]@dataclass class ModelConfig(CastMixin): r"""Configuration class to store model parameters. Args: mode (ModelMode or str): The mode of the model. The possible values are: - :obj:`"binary_classification"`: A binary classification model. - :obj:`"multiclass_classification"`: A multiclass classification model. - :obj:`"regression"`: A regression model. task_level (ModelTaskLevel or str): The task-level of the model. The possible values are: - :obj:`"node"`: A node-level prediction model. - :obj:`"edge"`: An edge-level prediction model. - :obj:`"graph"`: A graph-level prediction model. return_type (ModelReturnType or str, optional): The return type of the model. The possible values are (default: :obj:`None`): - :obj:`"raw"`: The model returns raw values. - :obj:`"probs"`: The model returns probabilities. - :obj:`"log_probs"`: The model returns log-probabilities. """ mode: ModelMode task_level: ModelTaskLevel return_type: ModelReturnType def __init__( self, mode: Union[ModelMode, str], task_level: Union[ModelTaskLevel, str], return_type: Optional[Union[ModelReturnType, str]] = None, ): self.mode = ModelMode(mode) self.task_level = ModelTaskLevel(task_level) if return_type is None and self.mode == ModelMode.regression: return_type = ModelReturnType.raw self.return_type = ModelReturnType(return_type) if (self.mode == ModelMode.regression and self.return_type != ModelReturnType.raw): raise ValueError(f"A model for regression needs to return raw " f"outputs (got {self.return_type.value})") if (self.mode == ModelMode.binary_classification and self.return_type not in [ModelReturnType.raw, ModelReturnType.probs]): raise ValueError( f"A model for binary classification needs to return raw " f"outputs or probabilities (got {self.return_type.value})")
[docs]@dataclass class ThresholdConfig(CastMixin): r"""Configuration class to store and validate threshold parameters. Args: threshold_type (ThresholdType or str): The type of threshold to apply. The possible values are: - :obj:`None`: No threshold is applied. - :obj:`"hard"`: A hard threshold is applied to each mask. The elements of the mask with a value below the :obj:`value` are set to :obj:`0`, the others are set to :obj:`1`. - :obj:`"topk"`: A soft threshold is applied to each mask. The top obj:`value` elements of each mask are kept, the others are set to :obj:`0`. - :obj:`"topk_hard"`: Same as :obj:`"topk"` but values are set to :obj:`1` for all elements which are kept. value (int or float, optional): The value to use when thresholding. (default: :obj:`None`) """ type: ThresholdType value: Union[float, int] def __init__( self, threshold_type: Union[ThresholdType, str], value: Union[float, int], ): self.type = ThresholdType(threshold_type) self.value = value if not isinstance(self.value, (int, float)): raise ValueError(f"Threshold value must be a float or int " f"(got {type(self.value)}).") if (self.type == ThresholdType.hard and (self.value < 0 or self.value > 1)): raise ValueError(f"Threshold value must be between 0 and 1 " f"(got {self.value})") if self.type in [ThresholdType.topk, ThresholdType.topk_hard]: if not isinstance(self.value, int): raise ValueError(f"Threshold value needs to be an integer " f"(got {type(self.value)}).") if self.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Threshold value needs to be positive " f"(got {self.value}).")