Source code for torch_geometric.nn.models.correct_and_smooth

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from torch_geometric.nn.models import LabelPropagation
from torch_geometric.typing import Adj, OptTensor
from torch_geometric.utils import one_hot

[docs]class CorrectAndSmooth(torch.nn.Module): r"""The correct and smooth (C&S) post-processing model from the `"Combining Label Propagation And Simple Models Out-performs Graph Neural Networks" <>`_ paper, where soft predictions :math:`\mathbf{Z}` (obtained from a simple base predictor) are first corrected based on ground-truth training label information :math:`\mathbf{Y}` and residual propagation. .. math:: \mathbf{e}^{(0)}_i &= \begin{cases} \mathbf{y}_i - \mathbf{z}_i, & \text{if }i \text{ is training node,}\\ \mathbf{0}, & \text{else} \end{cases} .. math:: \mathbf{E}^{(\ell)} &= \alpha_1 \mathbf{D}^{-1/2}\mathbf{A} \mathbf{D}^{-1/2} \mathbf{E}^{(\ell - 1)} + (1 - \alpha_1) \mathbf{E}^{(\ell - 1)} \mathbf{\hat{Z}} &= \mathbf{Z} + \gamma \cdot \mathbf{E}^{(L_1)}, where :math:`\gamma` denotes the scaling factor (either fixed or automatically determined), and then smoothed over the graph via label propagation .. math:: \mathbf{\hat{z}}^{(0)}_i &= \begin{cases} \mathbf{y}_i, & \text{if }i\text{ is training node,}\\ \mathbf{\hat{z}}_i, & \text{else} \end{cases} .. math:: \mathbf{\hat{Z}}^{(\ell)} = \alpha_2 \mathbf{D}^{-1/2}\mathbf{A} \mathbf{D}^{-1/2} \mathbf{\hat{Z}}^{(\ell - 1)} + (1 - \alpha_2) \mathbf{\hat{Z}}^{(\ell - 1)} to obtain the final prediction :math:`\mathbf{\hat{Z}}^{(L_2)}`. .. note:: For an example of using the C&S model, see `examples/ <>`_. Args: num_correction_layers (int): The number of propagations :math:`L_1`. correction_alpha (float): The :math:`\alpha_1` coefficient. num_smoothing_layers (int): The number of propagations :math:`L_2`. smoothing_alpha (float): The :math:`\alpha_2` coefficient. autoscale (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will automatically determine the scaling factor :math:`\gamma`. (default: :obj:`True`) scale (float, optional): The scaling factor :math:`\gamma`, in case :obj:`autoscale = False`. (default: :obj:`1.0`) """ def __init__(self, num_correction_layers: int, correction_alpha: float, num_smoothing_layers: int, smoothing_alpha: float, autoscale: bool = True, scale: float = 1.0): super().__init__() self.autoscale = autoscale self.scale = scale self.prop1 = LabelPropagation(num_correction_layers, correction_alpha) self.prop2 = LabelPropagation(num_smoothing_layers, smoothing_alpha)
[docs] def forward(self, y_soft: Tensor, *args) -> Tensor: # pragma: no cover r"""Applies both :meth:`correct` and :meth:`smooth`.""" y_soft = self.correct(y_soft, *args) return self.smooth(y_soft, *args)
[docs] def correct(self, y_soft: Tensor, y_true: Tensor, mask: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, edge_weight: OptTensor = None) -> Tensor: r"""Forward pass. Args: y_soft (torch.Tensor): The soft predictions :math:`\mathbf{Z}` obtained from a simple base predictor. y_true (torch.Tensor): The ground-truth label information :math:`\mathbf{Y}` of training nodes. mask (torch.Tensor): A mask or index tensor denoting which nodes were used for training. edge_index (torch.Tensor or SparseTensor): The edge connectivity. edge_weight (torch.Tensor, optional): The edge weights. (default: :obj:`None`) """ numel = int(mask.sum()) if mask.dtype == torch.bool else mask.size(0) assert y_true.size(0) == numel if y_true.dtype == torch.long and y_true.size(0) == y_true.numel(): y_true = one_hot(y_true.view(-1), num_classes=y_soft.size(-1), dtype=y_soft.dtype) error = torch.zeros_like(y_soft) error[mask] = y_true - y_soft[mask] if self.autoscale: smoothed_error = self.prop1(error, edge_index, edge_weight=edge_weight, post_step=lambda x: x.clamp_(-1., 1.)) sigma = error[mask].abs().sum() / numel scale = sigma / smoothed_error.abs().sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) scale[scale.isinf() | (scale > 1000)] = 1.0 return y_soft + scale * smoothed_error else: def fix_input(x): x[mask] = error[mask] return x smoothed_error = self.prop1(error, edge_index, edge_weight=edge_weight, post_step=fix_input) return y_soft + self.scale * smoothed_error
[docs] def smooth(self, y_soft: Tensor, y_true: Tensor, mask: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, edge_weight: OptTensor = None) -> Tensor: r"""Forward pass. Args: y_soft (torch.Tensor): The corrected predictions :math:`\mathbf{Z}` obtained from :meth:`correct`. y_true (torch.Tensor): The ground-truth label information :math:`\mathbf{Y}` of training nodes. mask (torch.Tensor): A mask or index tensor denoting which nodes were used for training. edge_index (torch.Tensor or SparseTensor): The edge connectivity. edge_weight (torch.Tensor, optional): The edge weights. (default: :obj:`None`) """ numel = int(mask.sum()) if mask.dtype == torch.bool else mask.size(0) assert y_true.size(0) == numel if y_true.dtype == torch.long and y_true.size(0) == y_true.numel(): y_true = one_hot(y_true.view(-1), num_classes=y_soft.size(-1), dtype=y_soft.dtype) y_soft = y_soft.clone() y_soft[mask] = y_true return self.prop2(y_soft, edge_index, edge_weight=edge_weight)
def __repr__(self): L1, alpha1 = self.prop1.num_layers, self.prop1.alpha L2, alpha2 = self.prop2.num_layers, self.prop2.alpha return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(\n' f' correct: num_layers={L1}, alpha={alpha1}\n' f' smooth: num_layers={L2}, alpha={alpha2}\n' f' autoscale={self.autoscale}, scale={self.scale}\n' ')')