Source code for torch_geometric.nn.models.rev_gnn

import copy
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor

import torch_geometric.typing
from torch_geometric.typing import Adj

class InvertibleFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    r"""An invertible autograd function. This allows for automatic
    backpropagation in a reversible fashion so that the memory of intermediate
    results can be freed during the forward pass and be constructed on-the-fly
    during the bachward pass.

        ctx (torch.autograd.function.InvertibleFunctionBackward):
            A context object that can be used to stash information for backward
        fn (torch.nn.Module): The forward function.
        fn_inverse (torch.nn.Module): The inverse function to recompute the
            freed input.
        num_bwd_passes (int): Number of backward passes to retain a link
            with the output. After the last backward pass the output is
            discarded and memory is freed.
        num_inputs (int): The number of inputs to the forward function.
        *args (tuple): Inputs and weights.
    def forward(ctx, fn: torch.nn.Module, fn_inverse: torch.nn.Module,
                num_bwd_passes: int, num_inputs: int, *args):
        ctx.fn = fn
        ctx.fn_inverse = fn_inverse
        ctx.weights = args[num_inputs:]
        ctx.num_bwd_passes = num_bwd_passes
        ctx.num_inputs = num_inputs
        inputs = args[:num_inputs]
        ctx.input_requires_grad = []

        with torch.no_grad():  # Make a detached copy which shares the storage:
            x = []
            for element in inputs:
                if isinstance(element, torch.Tensor):
            outputs = ctx.fn(*x)

        if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
            outputs = (outputs, )

        # Detaches outputs in-place, allows discarding the intermedate result:
        detached_outputs = tuple(element.detach_() for element in outputs)

        # Clear memory of node features:
        if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT20:
        else:  # pragma: no cover

        # Store these tensor nodes for backward passes:
        ctx.inputs = [inputs] * num_bwd_passes
        ctx.outputs = [detached_outputs] * num_bwd_passes

        return detached_outputs

    def backward(ctx, *grad_outputs):
        if len(ctx.outputs) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Trying to perform a backward pass on the "
                f"'InvertibleFunction' for more than '{ctx.num_bwd_passes}' "
                f"times. Try raising 'num_bwd_passes'.")

        inputs = ctx.inputs.pop()
        outputs = ctx.outputs.pop()

        # Recompute input by swapping out the first argument:
        with torch.no_grad():
            inputs_inverted = ctx.fn_inverse(*(outputs + inputs[1:]))
            if len(ctx.outputs) == 0:  # Clear memory from outputs:
                for element in outputs:
                    if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT20:
                    else:  # pragma: no cover

            if not isinstance(inputs_inverted, tuple):
                inputs_inverted = (inputs_inverted, )

            for elem_orig, elem_inv in zip(inputs, inputs_inverted):
                if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT20:
                        int( *
                else:  # pragma: no cover

        # Compute gradients with grad enabled:
        with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):
            detached_inputs = []
            for element in inputs:
                if isinstance(element, torch.Tensor):
            detached_inputs = tuple(detached_inputs)
            for x, req_grad in zip(detached_inputs, ctx.input_requires_grad):
                if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
                    x.requires_grad = req_grad
            tmp_output = ctx.fn(*detached_inputs)

        if not isinstance(tmp_output, tuple):
            tmp_output = (tmp_output, )

        filtered_detached_inputs = tuple(
                lambda x: x.requires_grad
                if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else False,
        gradients = torch.autograd.grad(
            inputs=filtered_detached_inputs + ctx.weights,

        input_gradients = []
        i = 0
        for rg in ctx.input_requires_grad:
            if rg:
                i += 1

        gradients = tuple(input_gradients) + gradients[-len(ctx.weights):]

        return (None, None, None, None) + gradients

class InvertibleModule(torch.nn.Module):
    r"""An abstract class for implementing invertible modules.

        disable (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will disable the usage
            of :class:`InvertibleFunction` and will execute the module without
            memory savings. (default: :obj:`False`)
        num_bwd_passes (int, optional): Number of backward passes to retain a
            link with the output. After the last backward pass the output is
            discarded and memory is freed. (default: :obj:`1`)
    def __init__(self, disable: bool = False, num_bwd_passes: int = 1):
        self.disable = disable
        self.num_bwd_passes = num_bwd_passes

    def forward(self, *args):
        """"""  # noqa: D419
        return self._fn_apply(args, self._forward, self._inverse)

    def inverse(self, *args):
        return self._fn_apply(args, self._inverse, self._forward)

    def _forward(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _inverse(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _fn_apply(self, args, fn, fn_inverse):
        if not self.disable:
            out = InvertibleFunction.apply(
                *tuple(p for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad),
            out = fn(*args)

        # If the layer only has one input, we unpack the tuple:
        if isinstance(out, tuple) and len(out) == 1:
            return out[0]

        return out

[docs]class GroupAddRev(InvertibleModule): r"""The Grouped Reversible GNN module from the `"Graph Neural Networks with 1000 Layers" <>`_ paper. This module enables training of arbitary deep GNNs with a memory complexity independent of the number of layers. It does so by partitioning input node features :math:`\mathbf{X}` into :math:`C` groups across the feature dimension. Then, a grouped reversible GNN block :math:`f_{\theta(i)}` operates on a group of inputs and produces a group of outputs: .. math:: \mathbf{X}^{\prime}_0 &= \sum_{i=2}^C \mathbf{X}_i \mathbf{X}^{\prime}_i &= f_{\theta(i)} ( \mathbf{X}^{\prime}_{i - 1}, \mathbf{A}) + \mathbf{X}_i for all :math:`i \in \{ 1, \ldots, C \}`. .. note:: For an example of using :class:`GroupAddRev`, see `examples/ <>`_. Args: conv (torch.nn.Module or torch.nn.ModuleList]): A seed GNN. The input and output feature dimensions need to match. split_dim (int, optional): The dimension across which to split groups. (default: :obj:`-1`) num_groups (int, optional): The number of groups :math:`C`. (default: :obj:`None`) disable (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will disable the usage of :class:`InvertibleFunction` and will execute the module without memory savings. (default: :obj:`False`) num_bwd_passes (int, optional): Number of backward passes to retain a link with the output. After the last backward pass the output is discarded and memory is freed. (default: :obj:`1`) """ def __init__( self, conv: Union[torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.ModuleList], split_dim: int = -1, num_groups: Optional[int] = None, disable: bool = False, num_bwd_passes: int = 1, ): super().__init__(disable, num_bwd_passes) self.split_dim = split_dim if isinstance(conv, torch.nn.ModuleList): self.convs = conv else: assert num_groups is not None, "Please specific 'num_groups'" self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList([conv]) for i in range(num_groups - 1): conv = copy.deepcopy(self.convs[0]) if hasattr(conv, 'reset_parameters'): conv.reset_parameters() self.convs.append(conv) if len(self.convs) < 2: raise ValueError(f"The number of groups should not be smaller " f"than '2' (got '{self.num_groups}'))") @property def num_groups(self) -> int: return len(self.convs)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): r"""Resets all learnable parameters of the module.""" for conv in self.convs: conv.reset_parameters()
def _forward(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, *args): channels = x.size(self.split_dim) xs = self._chunk(x, channels) args = list(zip(*[self._chunk(arg, channels) for arg in args])) args = [[]] * self.num_groups if len(args) == 0 else args ys = [] y_in = sum(xs[1:]) for i in range(self.num_groups): y_in = xs[i] + self.convs[i](y_in, edge_index, *args[i]) ys.append(y_in) return, dim=self.split_dim) def _inverse(self, y: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, *args): channels = y.size(self.split_dim) ys = self._chunk(y, channels) args = list(zip(*[self._chunk(arg, channels) for arg in args])) args = [[]] * self.num_groups if len(args) == 0 else args xs = [] for i in range(self.num_groups - 1, -1, -1): if i != 0: y_in = ys[i - 1] else: y_in = sum(xs) x = ys[i] - self.convs[i](y_in, edge_index, *args[i]) xs.append(x) return[::-1], dim=self.split_dim) def _chunk(self, x: Any, channels: int) -> List[Any]: if not isinstance(x, Tensor): return [x] * self.num_groups try: if x.size(self.split_dim) != channels: return [x] * self.num_groups except IndexError: return [x] * self.num_groups return torch.chunk(x, self.num_groups, dim=self.split_dim) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.convs[0]}, ' f'num_groups={self.num_groups})')