Source code for torch_geometric.nn.models.tgn

import copy
from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import GRUCell, Linear

from torch_geometric.nn.inits import zeros
from torch_geometric.utils import scatter
from torch_geometric.utils._scatter import scatter_argmax

TGNMessageStoreType = Dict[int, Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]]

[docs]class TGNMemory(torch.nn.Module): r"""The Temporal Graph Network (TGN) memory model from the `"Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs" <>`_ paper. .. note:: For an example of using TGN, see `examples/ <>`_. Args: num_nodes (int): The number of nodes to save memories for. raw_msg_dim (int): The raw message dimensionality. memory_dim (int): The hidden memory dimensionality. time_dim (int): The time encoding dimensionality. message_module (torch.nn.Module): The message function which combines source and destination node memory embeddings, the raw message and the time encoding. aggregator_module (torch.nn.Module): The message aggregator function which aggregates messages to the same destination into a single representation. """ def __init__(self, num_nodes: int, raw_msg_dim: int, memory_dim: int, time_dim: int, message_module: Callable, aggregator_module: Callable): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.raw_msg_dim = raw_msg_dim self.memory_dim = memory_dim self.time_dim = time_dim self.msg_s_module = message_module self.msg_d_module = copy.deepcopy(message_module) self.aggr_module = aggregator_module self.time_enc = TimeEncoder(time_dim) self.gru = GRUCell(message_module.out_channels, memory_dim) self.register_buffer('memory', torch.empty(num_nodes, memory_dim)) last_update = torch.empty(self.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) self.register_buffer('last_update', last_update) self.register_buffer('_assoc', torch.empty(num_nodes, dtype=torch.long)) self.msg_s_store = {} self.msg_d_store = {} self.reset_parameters() @property def device(self) -> torch.device: return self.time_enc.lin.weight.device
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): r"""Resets all learnable parameters of the module.""" if hasattr(self.msg_s_module, 'reset_parameters'): self.msg_s_module.reset_parameters() if hasattr(self.msg_d_module, 'reset_parameters'): self.msg_d_module.reset_parameters() if hasattr(self.aggr_module, 'reset_parameters'): self.aggr_module.reset_parameters() self.time_enc.reset_parameters() self.gru.reset_parameters() self.reset_state()
[docs] def reset_state(self): """Resets the memory to its initial state.""" zeros(self.memory) zeros(self.last_update) self._reset_message_store()
[docs] def detach(self): """Detaches the memory from gradient computation.""" self.memory.detach_()
[docs] def forward(self, n_id: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Returns, for all nodes :obj:`n_id`, their current memory and their last updated timestamp. """ if memory, last_update = self._get_updated_memory(n_id) else: memory, last_update = self.memory[n_id], self.last_update[n_id] return memory, last_update
[docs] def update_state(self, src: Tensor, dst: Tensor, t: Tensor, raw_msg: Tensor): """Updates the memory with newly encountered interactions :obj:`(src, dst, t, raw_msg)`. """ n_id =[src, dst]).unique() if self._update_memory(n_id) self._update_msg_store(src, dst, t, raw_msg, self.msg_s_store) self._update_msg_store(dst, src, t, raw_msg, self.msg_d_store) else: self._update_msg_store(src, dst, t, raw_msg, self.msg_s_store) self._update_msg_store(dst, src, t, raw_msg, self.msg_d_store) self._update_memory(n_id)
def _reset_message_store(self): i = self.memory.new_empty((0, ), device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) msg = self.memory.new_empty((0, self.raw_msg_dim), device=self.device) # Message store format: (src, dst, t, msg) self.msg_s_store = {j: (i, i, i, msg) for j in range(self.num_nodes)} self.msg_d_store = {j: (i, i, i, msg) for j in range(self.num_nodes)} def _update_memory(self, n_id: Tensor): memory, last_update = self._get_updated_memory(n_id) self.memory[n_id] = memory self.last_update[n_id] = last_update def _get_updated_memory(self, n_id: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: self._assoc[n_id] = torch.arange(n_id.size(0), device=n_id.device) # Compute messages (src -> dst). msg_s, t_s, src_s, dst_s = self._compute_msg(n_id, self.msg_s_store, self.msg_s_module) # Compute messages (dst -> src). msg_d, t_d, src_d, dst_d = self._compute_msg(n_id, self.msg_d_store, self.msg_d_module) # Aggregate messages. idx =[src_s, src_d], dim=0) msg =[msg_s, msg_d], dim=0) t =[t_s, t_d], dim=0) aggr = self.aggr_module(msg, self._assoc[idx], t, n_id.size(0)) # Get local copy of updated memory. memory = self.gru(aggr, self.memory[n_id]) # Get local copy of updated `last_update`. dim_size = self.last_update.size(0) last_update = scatter(t, idx, 0, dim_size, reduce='max')[n_id] return memory, last_update def _update_msg_store(self, src: Tensor, dst: Tensor, t: Tensor, raw_msg: Tensor, msg_store: TGNMessageStoreType): n_id, perm = src.sort() n_id, count = n_id.unique_consecutive(return_counts=True) for i, idx in zip(n_id.tolist(), perm.split(count.tolist())): msg_store[i] = (src[idx], dst[idx], t[idx], raw_msg[idx]) def _compute_msg(self, n_id: Tensor, msg_store: TGNMessageStoreType, msg_module: Callable): data = [msg_store[i] for i in n_id.tolist()] src, dst, t, raw_msg = list(zip(*data)) src =, dim=0).to(self.device) dst =, dim=0).to(self.device) t =, dim=0).to(self.device) # Filter out empty tensors to avoid `invalid configuration argument`. # TODO Investigate why this is needed. raw_msg = [m for i, m in enumerate(raw_msg) if m.numel() > 0 or i == 0] raw_msg =, dim=0).to(self.device) t_rel = t - self.last_update[src] t_enc = self.time_enc( msg = msg_module(self.memory[src], self.memory[dst], raw_msg, t_enc) return msg, t, src, dst
[docs] def train(self, mode: bool = True): """Sets the module in training mode.""" if and not mode: # Flush message store to memory in case we just entered eval mode. self._update_memory( torch.arange(self.num_nodes, device=self.memory.device)) self._reset_message_store() super().train(mode)
class IdentityMessage(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, raw_msg_dim: int, memory_dim: int, time_dim: int): super().__init__() self.out_channels = raw_msg_dim + 2 * memory_dim + time_dim def forward(self, z_src: Tensor, z_dst: Tensor, raw_msg: Tensor, t_enc: Tensor): return[z_src, z_dst, raw_msg, t_enc], dim=-1) class LastAggregator(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, msg: Tensor, index: Tensor, t: Tensor, dim_size: int): argmax = scatter_argmax(t, index, dim=0, dim_size=dim_size) out = msg.new_zeros((dim_size, msg.size(-1))) mask = argmax < msg.size(0) # Filter items with at least one entry. out[mask] = msg[argmax[mask]] return out class MeanAggregator(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, msg: Tensor, index: Tensor, t: Tensor, dim_size: int): return scatter(msg, index, dim=0, dim_size=dim_size, reduce='mean') class TimeEncoder(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, out_channels: int): super().__init__() self.out_channels = out_channels self.lin = Linear(1, out_channels) def reset_parameters(self): self.lin.reset_parameters() def forward(self, t: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.lin(t.view(-1, 1)).cos() class LastNeighborLoader: def __init__(self, num_nodes: int, size: int, device=None): self.size = size self.neighbors = torch.empty((num_nodes, size), dtype=torch.long, device=device) self.e_id = torch.empty((num_nodes, size), dtype=torch.long, device=device) self._assoc = torch.empty(num_nodes, dtype=torch.long, device=device) self.reset_state() def __call__(self, n_id: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: neighbors = self.neighbors[n_id] nodes = n_id.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, self.size) e_id = self.e_id[n_id] # Filter invalid neighbors (identified by `e_id < 0`). mask = e_id >= 0 neighbors, nodes, e_id = neighbors[mask], nodes[mask], e_id[mask] # Relabel node indices. n_id =[n_id, neighbors]).unique() self._assoc[n_id] = torch.arange(n_id.size(0), device=n_id.device) neighbors, nodes = self._assoc[neighbors], self._assoc[nodes] return n_id, torch.stack([neighbors, nodes]), e_id def insert(self, src: Tensor, dst: Tensor): # Inserts newly encountered interactions into an ever-growing # (undirected) temporal graph. # Collect central nodes, their neighbors and the current event ids. neighbors =[src, dst], dim=0) nodes =[dst, src], dim=0) e_id = torch.arange(self.cur_e_id, self.cur_e_id + src.size(0), device=src.device).repeat(2) self.cur_e_id += src.numel() # Convert newly encountered interaction ids so that they point to # locations of a "dense" format of shape [num_nodes, size]. nodes, perm = nodes.sort() neighbors, e_id = neighbors[perm], e_id[perm] n_id = nodes.unique() self._assoc[n_id] = torch.arange(n_id.numel(), device=n_id.device) dense_id = torch.arange(nodes.size(0), device=nodes.device) % self.size dense_id += self._assoc[nodes].mul_(self.size) dense_e_id = e_id.new_full((n_id.numel() * self.size, ), -1) dense_e_id[dense_id] = e_id dense_e_id = dense_e_id.view(-1, self.size) dense_neighbors = e_id.new_empty(n_id.numel() * self.size) dense_neighbors[dense_id] = neighbors dense_neighbors = dense_neighbors.view(-1, self.size) # Collect new and old interactions... e_id =[self.e_id[n_id, :self.size], dense_e_id], dim=-1) neighbors = [self.neighbors[n_id, :self.size], dense_neighbors], dim=-1) # And sort them based on `e_id`. e_id, perm = e_id.topk(self.size, dim=-1) self.e_id[n_id] = e_id self.neighbors[n_id] = torch.gather(neighbors, 1, perm) def reset_state(self): self.cur_e_id = 0 self.e_id.fill_(-1)