from typing import List, Optional, Union
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch_geometric.nn.inits import ones, zeros
from torch_geometric.typing import OptTensor
from torch_geometric.utils import degree, scatter
[docs]class LayerNorm(torch.nn.Module):
r"""Applies layer normalization over each individual example in a batch
of features as described in the `"Layer Normalization"
<>`_ paper.
.. math::
\mathbf{x}^{\prime}_i = \frac{\mathbf{x} -
\textrm{E}[\mathbf{x}]}{\sqrt{\textrm{Var}[\mathbf{x}] + \epsilon}}
\odot \gamma + \beta
The mean and standard-deviation are calculated across all nodes and all
node channels separately for each object in a mini-batch.
in_channels (int): Size of each input sample.
eps (float, optional): A value added to the denominator for numerical
stability. (default: :obj:`1e-5`)
affine (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, this module has
learnable affine parameters :math:`\gamma` and :math:`\beta`.
(default: :obj:`True`)
mode (str, optinal): The normalization mode to use for layer
normalization (:obj:`"graph"` or :obj:`"node"`). If :obj:`"graph"`
is used, each graph will be considered as an element to be
normalized. If `"node"` is used, each node will be considered as
an element to be normalized. (default: :obj:`"graph"`)
def __init__(
in_channels: int,
eps: float = 1e-5,
affine: bool = True,
mode: str = 'graph',
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.eps = eps
self.affine = affine
self.mode = mode
if affine:
self.weight = Parameter(torch.empty(in_channels))
self.bias = Parameter(torch.empty(in_channels))
self.register_parameter('weight', None)
self.register_parameter('bias', None)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):
r"""Resets all learnable parameters of the module."""
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, batch: OptTensor = None,
batch_size: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
r"""Forward pass.
x (torch.Tensor): The source tensor.
batch (torch.Tensor, optional): The batch vector
:math:`\mathbf{b} \in {\{ 0, \ldots, B-1\}}^N`, which assigns
each element to a specific example. (default: :obj:`None`)
batch_size (int, optional): The number of examples :math:`B`.
Automatically calculated if not given. (default: :obj:`None`)
if self.mode == 'graph':
if batch is None:
x = x - x.mean()
out = x / (x.std(unbiased=False) + self.eps)
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = int(batch.max()) + 1
norm = degree(batch, batch_size, dtype=x.dtype).clamp_(min=1)
norm = norm.mul_(x.size(-1)).view(-1, 1)
mean = scatter(x, batch, dim=0, dim_size=batch_size,
reduce='sum').sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) / norm
x = x - mean.index_select(0, batch)
var = scatter(x * x, batch, dim=0, dim_size=batch_size,
reduce='sum').sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
var = var / norm
out = x / (var + self.eps).sqrt().index_select(0, batch)
if self.weight is not None and self.bias is not None:
out = out * self.weight + self.bias
return out
if self.mode == 'node':
return F.layer_norm(x, (self.in_channels, ), self.weight,
self.bias, self.eps)
raise ValueError(f"Unknow normalization mode: {self.mode}")
def __repr__(self):
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.in_channels}, '
f'affine={self.affine}, mode={self.mode})')
[docs]class HeteroLayerNorm(torch.nn.Module):
r"""Applies layer normalization over each individual example in a batch
of heterogeneous features as described in the `"Layer Normalization"
<>`_ paper.
Compared to :class:`LayerNorm`, :class:`HeteroLayerNorm` applies
normalization individually for each node or edge type.
in_channels (int): Size of each input sample.
num_types (int): The number of types.
eps (float, optional): A value added to the denominator for numerical
stability. (default: :obj:`1e-5`)
affine (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, this module has
learnable affine parameters :math:`\gamma` and :math:`\beta`.
(default: :obj:`True`)
mode (str, optinal): The normalization mode to use for layer
normalization (:obj:`"node"`). If `"node"` is used, each node will
be considered as an element to be normalized.
(default: :obj:`"node"`)
def __init__(
in_channels: int,
num_types: int,
eps: float = 1e-5,
affine: bool = True,
mode: str = 'node',
assert mode == 'node'
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.num_types = num_types
self.eps = eps
self.affine = affine
if affine:
self.weight = Parameter(torch.empty(num_types, in_channels))
self.bias = Parameter(torch.empty(num_types, in_channels))
self.register_parameter('weight', None)
self.register_parameter('bias', None)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):
r"""Resets all learnable parameters of the module."""
if self.affine:
[docs] def forward(
x: Tensor,
type_vec: OptTensor = None,
type_ptr: Optional[Union[Tensor, List[int]]] = None,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Forward pass.
.. note::
Either :obj:`type_vec` or :obj:`type_ptr` needs to be specified.
In general, relying on :obj:`type_ptr` is more efficient in case
the input tensor is sorted by types.
x (torch.Tensor): The input features.
type_vec (torch.Tensor, optional): A vector that maps each entry to
a type. (default: :obj:`None`)
type_ptr (torch.Tensor or List[int]): A vector denoting the
boundaries of types. (default: :obj:`None`)
if type_vec is None and type_ptr is None:
raise ValueError("Either 'type_vec' or 'type_ptr' must be given")
out = F.layer_norm(x, (self.in_channels, ), None, None, self.eps)
if self.affine:
# TODO Revisit this logic completely as it performs worse than just
# operating on a dictionary of tensors
# (especially the `type_vec` code path)
if type_ptr is not None:
h = torch.empty_like(out)
for i, (s, e) in enumerate(zip(type_ptr[:-1], type_ptr[1:])):
h[s:e] = out[s:e] * self.weight[i] + self.bias[i]
out = h
out = out * self.weight[type_vec] + self.bias[type_vec]
return out
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.in_channels}, '