Source code for torch_geometric.utils._assortativity

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from torch_geometric.typing import Adj, SparseTensor
from torch_geometric.utils import coalesce, degree
from torch_geometric.utils._to_dense_adj import to_dense_adj

[docs]def assortativity(edge_index: Adj) -> float: r"""The degree assortativity coefficient from the `"Mixing patterns in networks" <>`_ paper. Assortativity in a network refers to the tendency of nodes to connect with other similar nodes over dissimilar nodes. It is computed from Pearson correlation coefficient of the node degrees. Args: edge_index (Tensor or SparseTensor): The graph connectivity. Returns: The value of the degree assortativity coefficient for the input graph :math:`\in [-1, 1]` Example: >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 2], ... [1, 2, 0, 1, 3]]) >>> assortativity(edge_index) -0.666667640209198 """ if isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor): adj: SparseTensor = edge_index row, col, _ = adj.coo() else: assert isinstance(edge_index, Tensor) row, col = edge_index device = row.device out_deg = degree(row, dtype=torch.long) in_deg = degree(col, dtype=torch.long) degrees = torch.unique([out_deg, in_deg])) mapping = row.new_zeros(degrees.max().item() + 1) mapping[degrees] = torch.arange(degrees.size(0), device=device) # Compute degree mixing matrix (joint probability distribution) `M` num_degrees = degrees.size(0) src_deg = mapping[out_deg[row]] dst_deg = mapping[in_deg[col]] pairs = torch.stack([src_deg, dst_deg], dim=0) occurrence = torch.ones(pairs.size(1), device=device) pairs, occurrence = coalesce(pairs, occurrence) M = to_dense_adj(pairs, edge_attr=occurrence, max_num_nodes=num_degrees)[0] # normalization M /= M.sum() # numeric assortativity coefficient, computed by # Pearson correlation coefficient of the node degrees x = y = degrees.float() a, b = M.sum(0), M.sum(1) vara = (a * x**2).sum() - ((a * x).sum())**2 varb = (b * x**2).sum() - ((b * x).sum())**2 xy = torch.outer(x, y) ab = torch.outer(a, b) out = (xy * (M - ab)).sum() / (vara * varb).sqrt() return out.item()