Source code for torch_geometric.utils.sparse

import typing
import warnings
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

import torch_geometric.typing
from torch_geometric.index import index2ptr, ptr2index
from torch_geometric.typing import SparseTensor
from torch_geometric.utils import coalesce, cumsum

[docs]def dense_to_sparse( adj: Tensor, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Converts a dense adjacency matrix to a sparse adjacency matrix defined by edge indices and edge attributes. Args: adj (torch.Tensor): The dense adjacency matrix of shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_nodes]` or :obj:`[batch_size, num_nodes, num_nodes]`. mask (torch.Tensor, optional): A boolean tensor of shape :obj:`[batch_size, num_nodes]` holding information about which nodes are in each example are valid. (default: :obj:`None`) :rtype: (:class:`LongTensor`, :class:`Tensor`) Examples: >>> # For a single adjacency matrix: >>> adj = torch.tensor([[3, 1], ... [2, 0]]) >>> dense_to_sparse(adj) (tensor([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]), tensor([3, 1, 2])) >>> # For two adjacency matrixes: >>> adj = torch.tensor([[[3, 1], ... [2, 0]], ... [[0, 1], ... [0, 2]]]) >>> dense_to_sparse(adj) (tensor([[0, 0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 0, 3, 3]]), tensor([3, 1, 2, 1, 2])) >>> # First graph with two nodes, second with three: >>> adj = torch.tensor([[ ... [3, 1, 0], ... [2, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0] ... ], [ ... [0, 1, 0], ... [0, 2, 3], ... [0, 5, 0] ... ]]) >>> mask = torch.tensor([ ... [True, True, False], ... [True, True, True] ... ]) >>> dense_to_sparse(adj, mask) (tensor([[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4], [0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 4, 3]]), tensor([3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5])) """ if adj.dim() < 2 or adj.dim() > 3: raise ValueError(f"Dense adjacency matrix 'adj' must be two- or " f"three-dimensional (got {adj.dim()} dimensions)") if mask is not None and adj.dim() == 2: warnings.warn("Mask should not be provided in case the dense " "adjacency matrix is two-dimensional") mask = None if mask is not None and mask.dim() != 2: raise ValueError(f"Mask must be two-dimensional " f"(got {mask.dim()} dimensions)") if mask is not None and adj.size(-2) != adj.size(-1): raise ValueError(f"Mask is only supported on quadratic adjacency " f"matrices (got [*, {adj.size(-2)}, {adj.size(-1)}])") if adj.dim() == 2: edge_index = adj.nonzero().t() edge_attr = adj[edge_index[0], edge_index[1]] return edge_index, edge_attr else: flatten_adj = adj.view(-1, adj.size(-1)) if mask is not None: flatten_adj = flatten_adj[mask.view(-1)] edge_index = flatten_adj.nonzero().t() edge_attr = flatten_adj[edge_index[0], edge_index[1]] if mask is None: offset = torch.arange( start=0, end=adj.size(0) * adj.size(2), step=adj.size(2), device=adj.device, ) offset = offset.repeat_interleave(adj.size(1)) else: count = mask.sum(dim=-1) offset = cumsum(count)[:-1] offset = offset.repeat_interleave(count) edge_index[1] += offset[edge_index[0]] return edge_index, edge_attr
[docs]def is_torch_sparse_tensor(src: Any) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the input :obj:`src` is a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` (in any sparse layout). Args: src (Any): The input object to be checked. """ if isinstance(src, Tensor): if src.layout == torch.sparse_coo: return True if src.layout == torch.sparse_csr: return True if (torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT112 and src.layout == torch.sparse_csc): return True return False
[docs]def is_sparse(src: Any) -> bool: r"""Returns :obj:`True` if the input :obj:`src` is of type :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` (in any sparse layout) or of type :class:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`. Args: src (Any): The input object to be checked. """ return is_torch_sparse_tensor(src) or isinstance(src, SparseTensor)
[docs]def to_torch_coo_tensor( edge_index: Tensor, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]] = None, is_coalesced: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: r"""Converts a sparse adjacency matrix defined by edge indices and edge attributes to a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` with layout `torch.sparse_coo`. See :meth:`~torch_geometric.utils.to_edge_index` for the reverse operation. Args: edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. edge_attr (Tensor, optional): The edge attributes. (default: :obj:`None`) size (int or (int, int), optional): The size of the sparse matrix. If given as an integer, will create a quadratic sparse matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, will infer a quadratic sparse matrix based on :obj:`edge_index.max() + 1`. (default: :obj:`None`) is_coalesced (bool): If set to :obj:`True`, will assume that :obj:`edge_index` is already coalesced and thus avoids expensive computation. (default: :obj:`False`) :rtype: :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` Example: >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], ... [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) >>> to_torch_coo_tensor(edge_index) tensor(indices=tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]), values=tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), size=(4, 4), nnz=6, layout=torch.sparse_coo) """ if size is None: size = int(edge_index.max()) + 1 if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes = size if num_src_nodes is None: num_src_nodes = int(edge_index[0].max()) + 1 if num_dst_nodes is None: num_dst_nodes = int(edge_index[1].max()) + 1 size = (num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes) else: size = (size, size) if not is_coalesced: edge_index, edge_attr = coalesce(edge_index, edge_attr, max(size)) if edge_attr is None: # Expanded tensors are not yet supported in all PyTorch code paths :( # edge_attr = torch.ones(1, device=edge_index.device) # edge_attr = edge_attr.expand(edge_index.size(1)) edge_attr = torch.ones(edge_index.size(1), device=edge_index.device) if not torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT21: adj = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices=edge_index, values=edge_attr, size=tuple(size) + edge_attr.size()[1:], device=edge_index.device, ) adj = adj._coalesced_(True) return adj return torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices=edge_index, values=edge_attr, size=tuple(size) + edge_attr.size()[1:], device=edge_index.device, is_coalesced=True, )
[docs]def to_torch_csr_tensor( edge_index: Tensor, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]] = None, is_coalesced: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: r"""Converts a sparse adjacency matrix defined by edge indices and edge attributes to a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` with layout `torch.sparse_csr`. See :meth:`~torch_geometric.utils.to_edge_index` for the reverse operation. Args: edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. edge_attr (Tensor, optional): The edge attributes. (default: :obj:`None`) size (int or (int, int), optional): The size of the sparse matrix. If given as an integer, will create a quadratic sparse matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, will infer a quadratic sparse matrix based on :obj:`edge_index.max() + 1`. (default: :obj:`None`) is_coalesced (bool): If set to :obj:`True`, will assume that :obj:`edge_index` is already coalesced and thus avoids expensive computation. (default: :obj:`False`) :rtype: :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` Example: >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], ... [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) >>> to_torch_csr_tensor(edge_index) tensor(crow_indices=tensor([0, 1, 3, 5, 6]), col_indices=tensor([1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]), values=tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), size=(4, 4), nnz=6, layout=torch.sparse_csr) """ if size is None: size = int(edge_index.max()) + 1 if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes = size if num_src_nodes is None: num_src_nodes = int(edge_index[0].max()) + 1 if num_dst_nodes is None: num_dst_nodes = int(edge_index[1].max()) + 1 size = (num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes) else: size = (size, size) if not is_coalesced: edge_index, edge_attr = coalesce(edge_index, edge_attr, max(size)) if edge_attr is None: # Expanded tensors are not yet supported in all PyTorch code paths :( # edge_attr = torch.ones(1, device=edge_index.device) # edge_attr = edge_attr.expand(edge_index.size(1)) edge_attr = torch.ones(edge_index.size(1), device=edge_index.device) adj = torch.sparse_csr_tensor( crow_indices=index2ptr(edge_index[0], size[0]), col_indices=edge_index[1], values=edge_attr, size=tuple(size) + edge_attr.size()[1:], device=edge_index.device, ) return adj
[docs]def to_torch_csc_tensor( edge_index: Tensor, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]] = None, is_coalesced: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: r"""Converts a sparse adjacency matrix defined by edge indices and edge attributes to a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` with layout `torch.sparse_csc`. See :meth:`~torch_geometric.utils.to_edge_index` for the reverse operation. Args: edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. edge_attr (Tensor, optional): The edge attributes. (default: :obj:`None`) size (int or (int, int), optional): The size of the sparse matrix. If given as an integer, will create a quadratic sparse matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, will infer a quadratic sparse matrix based on :obj:`edge_index.max() + 1`. (default: :obj:`None`) is_coalesced (bool): If set to :obj:`True`, will assume that :obj:`edge_index` is already coalesced and thus avoids expensive computation. (default: :obj:`False`) :rtype: :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` Example: >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], ... [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) >>> to_torch_csc_tensor(edge_index) tensor(ccol_indices=tensor([0, 1, 3, 5, 6]), row_indices=tensor([1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]), values=tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), size=(4, 4), nnz=6, layout=torch.sparse_csc) """ if not torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT112: if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: raise NotImplementedError return torch_geometric.typing.MockTorchCSCTensor( edge_index, edge_attr, size) if size is None: size = int(edge_index.max()) + 1 if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes = size if num_src_nodes is None: num_src_nodes = int(edge_index[0].max()) + 1 if num_dst_nodes is None: num_dst_nodes = int(edge_index[1].max()) + 1 size = (num_src_nodes, num_dst_nodes) else: size = (size, size) if not is_coalesced: edge_index, edge_attr = coalesce(edge_index, edge_attr, max(size), sort_by_row=False) if edge_attr is None: # Expanded tensors are not yet supported in all PyTorch code paths :( # edge_attr = torch.ones(1, device=edge_index.device) # edge_attr = edge_attr.expand(edge_index.size(1)) edge_attr = torch.ones(edge_index.size(1), device=edge_index.device) adj = torch.sparse_csc_tensor( ccol_indices=index2ptr(edge_index[1], size[1]), row_indices=edge_index[0], values=edge_attr, size=tuple(size) + edge_attr.size()[1:], device=edge_index.device, ) return adj
[docs]def to_torch_sparse_tensor( edge_index: Tensor, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]] = None, is_coalesced: bool = False, layout: torch.layout = torch.sparse_coo, ) -> Tensor: r"""Converts a sparse adjacency matrix defined by edge indices and edge attributes to a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` with custom :obj:`layout`. See :meth:`~torch_geometric.utils.to_edge_index` for the reverse operation. Args: edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices. edge_attr (Tensor, optional): The edge attributes. (default: :obj:`None`) size (int or (int, int), optional): The size of the sparse matrix. If given as an integer, will create a quadratic sparse matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, will infer a quadratic sparse matrix based on :obj:`edge_index.max() + 1`. (default: :obj:`None`) is_coalesced (bool): If set to :obj:`True`, will assume that :obj:`edge_index` is already coalesced and thus avoids expensive computation. (default: :obj:`False`) layout (torch.layout, optional): The layout of the output sparse tensor (:obj:`torch.sparse_coo`, :obj:`torch.sparse_csr`, :obj:`torch.sparse_csc`). (default: :obj:`torch.sparse_coo`) :rtype: :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` """ if layout == torch.sparse_coo: return to_torch_coo_tensor(edge_index, edge_attr, size, is_coalesced) if layout == torch.sparse_csr: return to_torch_csr_tensor(edge_index, edge_attr, size, is_coalesced) if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT112 and layout == torch.sparse_csc: return to_torch_csc_tensor(edge_index, edge_attr, size, is_coalesced) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected sparse tensor layout (got '{layout}')")
[docs]def to_edge_index(adj: Union[Tensor, SparseTensor]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Converts a :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` or a :class:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` to edge indices and edge attributes. Args: adj (torch.sparse.Tensor or SparseTensor): The adjacency matrix. :rtype: (:class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`torch.Tensor`) Example: >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], ... [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) >>> adj = to_torch_coo_tensor(edge_index) >>> to_edge_index(adj) (tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]), tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])) """ if isinstance(adj, SparseTensor): row, col, value = adj.coo() if value is None: value = torch.ones(row.size(0), device=row.device) return torch.stack([row, col], dim=0).long(), value if adj.layout == torch.sparse_coo: adj = adj._coalesced_(True) return adj.indices().detach().long(), adj.values() if adj.layout == torch.sparse_csr: row = ptr2index(adj.crow_indices().detach()) col = adj.col_indices().detach() return torch.stack([row, col], dim=0).long(), adj.values() if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT112 and adj.layout == torch.sparse_csc: col = ptr2index(adj.ccol_indices().detach()) row = adj.row_indices().detach() return torch.stack([row, col], dim=0).long(), adj.values() raise ValueError(f"Unexpected sparse tensor layout (got '{adj.layout}')")
# Helper functions ############################################################ def get_sparse_diag( size: int, fill_value: float = 1.0, layout: Optional[int] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> Tensor: return torch.sparse.spdiags( torch.full((1, size), fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device), offsets=torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long, device=device), shape=(size, size), layout=layout, ) def set_sparse_value(adj: Tensor, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: if value.dim() > 1: size = adj.size() + value.size()[1:] else: size = adj.size() if adj.layout == torch.sparse_coo: return torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices=adj.indices(), values=value, size=size, device=value.device, ).coalesce() if adj.layout == torch.sparse_csr: return torch.sparse_csr_tensor( crow_indices=adj.crow_indices(), col_indices=adj.col_indices(), values=value, size=size, device=value.device, ) if torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT112 and adj.layout == torch.sparse_csc: return torch.sparse_csc_tensor( ccol_indices=adj.ccol_indices(), row_indices=adj.row_indices(), values=value, size=size, device=value.device, ) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected sparse tensor layout (got '{adj.layout}')") def cat_coo(tensors: List[Tensor], dim: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tensor: assert dim in {0, 1, (0, 1)} assert tensors[0].layout == torch.sparse_coo indices, values = [], [] num_rows = num_cols = 0 is_coalesced = True if dim == 0: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: indices.append(tensor._indices()) else: offset = torch.tensor([[num_rows], [0]], device=tensor.device) indices.append(tensor._indices() + offset) values.append(tensor._values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols = max(num_cols, tensor.size(1)) if not tensor.is_coalesced(): is_coalesced = False elif dim == 1: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: indices.append(tensor._indices()) else: offset = torch.tensor([[0], [num_cols]], device=tensor.device) indices.append(tensor.indices() + offset) values.append(tensor._values()) num_rows = max(num_rows, tensor.size(0)) num_cols += tensor.size(1) is_coalesced = False else: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: indices.append(tensor._indices()) else: offset = torch.tensor([[num_rows], [num_cols]], device=tensor.device) indices.append(tensor._indices() + offset) values.append(tensor._values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols += tensor.size(1) if not tensor.is_coalesced(): is_coalesced = False if not torch_geometric.typing.WITH_PT21: out = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(, dim=-1),, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) if is_coalesced: out = out._coalesced_(True) return out return torch.sparse_coo_tensor(, dim=-1),, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, is_coalesced=True if is_coalesced else None, ) def cat_csr(tensors: List[Tensor], dim: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tensor: assert dim in {0, 1, (0, 1)} assert tensors[0].layout == torch.sparse_csr rows, cols, values = [], [], [] num_rows = num_cols = nnz = 0 if dim == 0: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: rows.append(tensor.crow_indices()) else: rows.append(tensor.crow_indices()[1:] + nnz) cols.append(tensor.col_indices()) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols = max(num_cols, tensor.size(1)) nnz += cols[-1].numel() return torch.sparse_csr_tensor(,,, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) elif dim == 1: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): rows.append(ptr2index(tensor.crow_indices())) if i == 0: cols.append(tensor.col_indices()) else: cols.append(tensor.col_indices() + num_cols) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows = max(num_rows, tensor.size(0)) num_cols += tensor.size(1) return torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices=torch.stack((,, 0),, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) else: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: rows.append(tensor.crow_indices()) cols.append(tensor.col_indices()) else: rows.append(tensor.crow_indices()[1:] + nnz) cols.append(tensor.col_indices() + num_cols) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols += tensor.size(1) nnz += cols[-1].numel() return torch.sparse_csr_tensor(,,, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) def cat_csc(tensors: List[Tensor], dim: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tensor: assert dim in {0, 1, (0, 1)} assert tensors[0].layout == torch.sparse_csc rows, cols, values = [], [], [] num_rows = num_cols = nnz = 0 if dim == 0: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): cols.append(ptr2index(tensor.ccol_indices())) if i == 0: rows.append(tensor.row_indices()) else: rows.append(tensor.row_indices() + num_rows) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols = max(num_cols, tensor.size(1)) return torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices=torch.stack((,, 0),, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) elif dim == 1: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: cols.append(tensor.ccol_indices()) else: cols.append(tensor.ccol_indices()[1:] + nnz) rows.append(tensor.row_indices()) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows = max(num_rows, tensor.size(0)) num_cols += tensor.size(1) nnz += rows[-1].numel() return torch.sparse_csc_tensor(,,, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) else: for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if i == 0: rows.append(tensor.row_indices()) cols.append(tensor.ccol_indices()) else: rows.append(tensor.row_indices() + num_rows) cols.append(tensor.ccol_indices()[1:] + nnz) values.append(tensor.values()) num_rows += tensor.size(0) num_cols += tensor.size(1) nnz += rows[-1].numel() return torch.sparse_csc_tensor(,,, size=(num_rows, num_cols) + values[-1].size()[1:], device=tensor.device, ) def cat(tensors: List[Tensor], dim: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tensor: assert is_torch_sparse_tensor(tensors[0]) if tensors[0].layout == torch.sparse_coo: return cat_coo(tensors, dim) elif tensors[0].layout == torch.sparse_csr: return cat_csr(tensors, dim) else: return cat_csc(tensors, dim)