class SQLiteDatabase(path: str, name: str, schema: ~typing.Union[~typing.Any, ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any], ~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any], ~typing.List[~typing.Any]] = <class 'object'>)[source]

Bases: Database

An index-based key/value database based on sqlite3.


This database implementation requires the sqlite3 package.

  • path (str) – The path to where the database should be saved.

  • name (str) – The name of the table to save the data to.

  • schema (Any or Tuple[Any] or Dict[str, Any], optional) – The schema of the input data. Can take int, float, str, object, or a dictionary with dtype and size keys (for specifying tensor data) as input, and can be nested as a tuple or dictionary. Specifying the schema will improve efficiency, since by default the database will use python pickling for serializing and deserializing. (default: object)

connect() None[source]

Connects to the database. Databases will automatically connect on instantiation.

close() None[source]

Closes the connection to the database.

insert(index: int, data: Any) None[source]

Inserts data at the specified index.

  • index (int) – The index at which to insert.

  • data (Any) – The object to insert.

get(index: int) Any[source]

Gets data from the specified index.


index (int) – The index to query.

multi_get(indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], batch_size: Optional[int] = None) List[Any][source]

Gets a chunk of data from the specified indices.

  • indices (List[int] or torch.Tensor or range) – The indices to query.

  • batch_size (int, optional) – If specified, will request the data from the database in batches of size batch_size. (default: None)

multi_insert(indices: Union[Sequence[int], Tensor, slice, range], data_list: Sequence[Any], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, log: bool = False) None

Inserts a chunk of data at the specified indices.

  • indices (List[int] or torch.Tensor or range) – The indices at which to insert.

  • data_list (List[Any]) – The objects to insert.

  • batch_size (int, optional) – If specified, will insert the data to the database in batches of size batch_size. (default: None)

  • log (bool, optional) – If set to True, will log progress to the console. (default: False)